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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. Thar same , Isuzu motor is flying in a scaled spitfire. spacesailor
  2. The " Jackaroo club Australia " . Lots of " Holden Jack's " in Australia. Never sold mine , gave it to a grandson, who ( many years later ) retired it to an ' olive farm ' , were it got it's first dinge . But still runs effortlessly . I have it's brand new front bumper hanging in my garage. As I had a ' roobar fitted. spacesailor
  3. " highcourt judges " , Already catered for . A ( drought stricken ) SouthAustralian cattle/sheep station , has reimaged itself as a up market ' conference facility ' . With it's ' high-end ' accommodation & " chef " cooked meals . It has it's own landing field. Has an ' overland 4X4 trail ' , to Pichi Richi railway station, tourist attraction. Quorn SA . Two private helicopters, came in while our 80 vehicle " group camped " there . spacesailor
  4. They will need ' someone ' to run a " pub " on Mars soon . spacesailor
  5. My/our " skin specialists " has stopped ' cash ' patients. So now have to find a " bulk billing " skin doctor who takes cash .. Why are people so worried of the inevitable. I survived my first death. Didn't make double figures. Just don't want to be the last person to die ! , As there's no-one to bury you , or say - goodbye. spacesailor
  6. pubs . The government is killing them , Sydney $ 20 a schooner. Drunks can't afford that " must drink " Super cheap plonk . spacesailor
  7. BMW .iQ Xdrive ! For Sydny auction. Just a tip to previous " grumpy " post . spacesailor
  8. Does A I have a use in smart bombs . The old way , humans had to calculate the trajectory of the ' release to the impact . Now they are released and the bomb adjusts it's trajectory to find that target by GPS. The new A I smart bomb , uses internet image recognition, to find the victim. spacesailor
  9. 2052 . That should get me the " oldest person " record . French lady was 120ish . But disputed by Russia . I like to think she should be left with her record . spacesailor
  10. But ! . Up there was " cold , damp and the music awful ". I just wanted to be with my relies down there , hot , great music , & parties for Eternity . Now I'm here , old & missing those parties . spacesailor. 🤪
  11. That is the best time to get weighed. Then you you weigh again , to see if you have enough clothes on . spacesailor
  12. It should change colour with a layer of dust on it . spacesailor
  13. I wouldn't even try, I let the " bag people " raid my recycling bin . But if they make a mess , tipping the contents out, onto the road ! . I give them a mouthful . Crazy me , I sweep my gutters ( kerbside ) . spacesailor
  14. That's , ' a sick joke ' . spacesailor
  15. That " under age " pub patron. Applies to my grandson . no going to the pub as they don't Believe he's old enough to drink . Refusal at the publican's discretion. He' only 30 in August . Today is his cousins 30th birthday party l . at the club .& I guess , one cousins will be missing . Again . spacesailor
  16. " they are the freeloaders " . You mean all those giant corporations and the ' filthy ' rich, that pay less than a labourer pays in tax . ( the Paris Hilton's & Donald Trumps ) . spacesailor
  17. When ( jackboot ) John Howard brought in the " photo l" licence. He stated " it would not be a ' identity card ' . Never trust a politician. spacesailor
  18. I have had people refusing my ID card ! , wanting me to go & get a passport or other form of identity. Funny how they change their tune , when I ask for the manager, or threatening to get the police involved . spacesailor
  19. I know a few , who lost their licenses. & two who never had one . Told them all to get a " photo identification card " from service nsw . I have now , both ' Licence & Identity card ' . But no online anything not even ' facebook ' Just this one . Recreational Flying Forum . spacesailor PS. : no ' credit card ' , so no online shopping.
  20. Did anyone find a use for " logarithms " ? I use " pi " a lot. Never a log or a cosine or tangent . Is that a wasted education. Never taught, plumbing, decorating or something useful. ( electricity ) . spacesailor
  21. Are you buying!. Any one . I need to fund a " BEV " so I don't have to spend an hour or more queuing for petrol . spacesailor
  22. How are they necessary !. The Victorian BUILDINGS WILL BE COMPLETED QUICKER . With-out the those expensive permits, & duplicates. Ad- nousium . Look at Sydney's expensive " taxi " licences. $ 10s of thousands. To be called " A Taxi " . This list of heartache for the population is endless . including Raa's " wing loading " . ( CLAUSE ) . spacesailor
  23. Then let those " oldies " who have any 'problem' voting. be exempt. An age limit to the ' compulsory ' bit should help some . Then again there's the social gathering . That gets some. out of the house . Happy spacesailor PS. : borrowed the neighbours children to enlighten our day.
  24. Not just " miners " but most ' labour hire ' companies . Worker ( years ago ) were paid $ 3.00 ph , were the company was getting $ 17.75 Ph. Three year Max for casual worker didn't count , as the 'labour hire ' firm . Was a contract. Plus those workers were not insured. spacesailor
  25. IF. Those Bureaucrats weren't happy then I 'would' be 🤩 Happy as Larry ! . Happy spacesailor
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