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Doug Evans

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Everything posted by Doug Evans

  1. Bring back Joe .........
  2. There only out there too line there own pockets. Not one of them are any good ,
  3. [ATTACH]47635._xfImport[/ATTACH] me at Weipa early 1990
  4. Around town I don't think it makes much of a difference but on the hwy 98 is the way to go but the farther u go the better it gets I have a ford ute & a turbo territory & a Jeep Wrangler not much hope for the jeep firsthy bugger she is 17 lt per km As for the turbo she gets around 9 /10 km per lt on the open road as long as Use The cruise control ,and keep the size nine off the loud pedal The old ba ute give me around 10/12 Km per lt on 98 with Cruze control . My little two stroke give about 18.5 on 98 with a low egt even better with avgas . And I try not to use 91 but on the odd time she runs a tittle hotter and burns about 20 /21 lph Doug
  5. Frank My guess is in a place like that it wont belong and they will be back in the streets again or on the next Plane / boat to Australian streets Sad but true !
  6. No I don't support it but it not in my hands too change the way they think as I said it there way Not mine So I don't travel too any country that think that way but as i said if I was too then I would be subject to there laws same as we do in Australia Laws And I don't agree with our Government law but I can't change it either ...........
  7. No its not right but if that's there laws then so be it . again don't put yourself into these positions in these country, How do you stop these things from happening in a country that believes they are right ? I, you where there at that time and tried too stop it you be in the same position beside her . There are strange laws in many country's that don't seem too be right to us but there laws have been that way for many a life span There people in these country have too change there system it not up too outsides to change the way they govern we have enoth problems in our neck of the woods without judging others
  8. You go too a country with these rules with any intentions of breaching there rule u pay ..... If you go to a country with these rules and you breach there rules you pay bye there rules ....... If your not happy too abide bye there rule don't go !
  9. Sorry about that big clumsy fingers and a touchy iPad
  10. Andy Other animal only kill for food or suvival they don't destroy each other for gain in profit like human do too each other. Doug
  11. No but it one less we don't have too pay through the prison system ... That money could then go to the medical system too help people in need .
  12. no,, but it will send a massage that if ya court u may pay with our life'
  13. Think I stay in the air no cyclists there
  14. Glad ya didn't get any damage all good frank ..hey u coming too Woodstock on the week end ?
  15. Your better off going 4 g as when ya out off service it will use 3 g any way so u get the benefit of the speed of 4 g whenever ya In range and 3 g coverage as well although 3 g speeds are fine My two bob worth
  16. Yes they do have a SIM card and yes u can use like a phone via app such as Skype FaceTime and other app s but will work better via wifi set up .....
  17. Be a bugger to tie down in a stiff breeze too
  18. Man got too eat ,,, no I use 3G with my iPad & 4 g iPhone have 8 gig plan $39 month on iPad & 1.5 on iPhone. But only use iPad in plane as iPhone too small too read. ! Have no problem I use ozrunway & to talk to too the missis on face time with iPhone works great for me , was thinking more in the line of doing ya down load there wail ya eat won't burn up your data that way ! Doug
  19. Go to Mcdonald use there wifi for free or any free wifi in your area bunnings ,McDonald's , hungry jacks , and others .. :-)
  20. Ya need a set of these for the weather your having [ATTACH]47434._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. U better put float on her frank or head south for the winter
  22. Hope u northern flyers are all button down for this little breeze coming your way
  23. Wet & windy here at midge point having trouble keeping the lawn mowed to wet when I do get a go I turn around and it grow 3 " before I finished
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