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David Isaac

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About David Isaac

  • Birthday 01/10/1953

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Truly a very sad outcome for the Driver and his pilot. Should never have happened. No doubt his inability to defend himself will undoubtedly mean he is blamed as the cause. That is the worst section of track on that route. Shirley and I were on the XPT on November 6 last year on that same route. I remember that section of track well, I remarked to Shirley how bad that section of was. Disgracefull really, it was a rough ride at the time; it should never be that way. I wonder what excuses they will come up with for the condition of the track.
  2. Social media of all types is what you make of it. If you can master the skill to use it for your convenience as Octave and Dutchy have stated, you win. That is what I do with remote family as well. You don't have to be a social media victim. I use FB for remote family contact and special interest groups and LinkedIn for professional contact special interest groups. I don't accept all invites on either media. To me they have both personal and professional benefits and I use them for that purpose. Don't forget YOU have control; you don't have to let it control you.
  3. My son Brad works with the Arabunna people who are indigenous to the Lake Eyre region in South Australia. He loves them and they love him. They call him "White Arabunna", he has become a part of their community. It is quite hilarious really because Brad has long skinny legs just as if he was aboriginal and they laugh about that (he got those legs from me ... they used to call me 'Lucky legs' as a kid ... lucky they don't snap off ...LOL). Brad admires the Arabunna people because they all hold high work ethics and manage their aboriginal estates very well. He employs quite a few of their young men on his projects and I think that has give him great favour. He is a hard taskmaster but fair and the Aboriginal community Elders like that. I am very proud of Brad's achievements working with these people. I intend to go out there soon to meet these people and see the projects Brad is building for them.
  4. Bloody hell Franco, that is a disgraceful story on that link. We were almost as bad as the Southern USA slave market by the sound of it ... very sad.
  5. Yenn, The problem is a lot more complex than simply locking them up ....
  6. The white supreme race in action; how shameful that some were so embarrassed by their heritage, they thought it necessary to hide the family matriarch. Hopefully we have come a long way from those shameful days ... but have we really ....? It seems a great tragedy and weakness of too many of the white skinned race is to marginalise those who are different be it race, colour, religion, sex, or sexual orientation; it is as if by judgement they think they raise their self worth ... an absolute tragedy.
  7. If life ever degraded to that level of desperation, I would obtain the food by whatever means, but I would not take another life in the process.
  8. Great news Ian, go with it until something you like better comes along; it might turn out to be an extended contract and for the better.
  9. And if you stop paying long enough you will get free 4 star accommodation.
  10. Just what I like Tubz ... a non conventional thinker. I hate what religion has done to the concept of God.
  11. Please explain .... LOL Looks like the whole 19% swing against the liberals went to her. She still pulls some love ... never underestimate a little red head. LOL Whether you support her policies or not, what the Libs did to her was criminal. They may live to regret it.
  12. Ouch buddy ... I hope you were insured.
  13. Ha ha, Worcester, that's where my Grandaddy was born.
  14. Them theeerrs red neck Christians Donny ... LOL
  15. Well done David Mason. Of course he is 100% right aint he Phil Perry ol' son. LOL.
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