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Everything posted by bull

  1. Thanks all we are already here ,just made it by one day before the border closed. We are staying with rello,s and are looking for something out of Hobart as rentals are over the top $500 a week for a simple duplex, but regional rentals seem to be ok. And good luck Peter and i hope all goes well cheers...
  2. Hi everybody I,m just putting it out there for any of our flying friends in Tasmania might know of a house for rent . I,ve moved to Tasmania for my partners family is all in Tassie and they need to be close at this point in time ,so here i am ,,hmmmmm bloody cold lol................
  3. What reputation is that Dutchy,,lol the mad right wing raa hating quicksilver {re rag and tube ]driver one or the angry peasant one lol
  4. fair enough ,and yes is the mighty quicksilver,, what do you fly for fun Octave,by your profile you look like you might have some nice toys?
  5. Not once have I claimed that Melbourne was under SIEGE OR that the crime rate was out of CONTROL or higher than anywhere else,,,these are your words put in by you too substanciate your lefty argument If you will scroll back through my posts on this thread and find where I had used any of these words in my postings I,ll apologise ,,,BUT as that is not the case you once again have proven that as do the left media and you,,, that you will use your own words and blatently state that someone who isn't agreeing with you SAID..those words as you just did......................................THESE ARE FACTS about what you just wrote.............And to say untrue Quotes to justify your argument is lying and precursor to libel and I await your apology Octave,,,,,,
  6. OH Octave you poor left leaning sole,your reply using the bikie fear .scary attacks at every corner shootings says it all, FACT when ''bikies ''as you call them fight it is usually between two opposing gangs and they only want to really shoot each other.ok...yes sometimes some innocents get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time...THE difference between the big scary ""bikie ''attacks and the muslim /afrikan immigrant issue is muslims want to kill /harm slay the infidel and anyone else who does,nt believe in the pedophile mahamed,and we have over 800000 of them in Australia,and a total of no more then 35000 ""bikie'' members in Australia,,,NOW as you know I,m not the smartest piece of cheese on the cutting board, but I seem to see a problem with you using the big scary bikie thing to cover up immigration/muslim crime in Australia......can anyone else????Also do you realise that a large proportion of patched gangs in Australia now are primarily muslim members HMMMM
  7. I know Marty,so was I lol
  8. Pretty scary ah marty,,gunna go for a walk through melton tonight ?
  9. Australia: Hundreds of African Muslims riot through Melbourne with baseball bats and machetes over Christmas
  10. Or Melton Lol
  11. Drive through Melton with a nice car with the windows down, lol,,No seriously I have been a silly boy with my fear of islam , but I really hate snakess and spiders,,,as to the snake theory that someone put up ,we are having a bit of a problem up here at the moment,,in The Mackay area alone in the last 30 days we have had 63 people admitted to hospital for snake bite [one death],So the general rule is if walking around at night ALWAYS carry a torch and preferably a shovel and if in long grass carry some sort of weapon and make heaps of noise.. The crafty buggers get into peoples houses up her especially the dunny for some reason 15 of those people where bitten in the home,,so it pays to be prepared Ah .......be it snakes or muslims ................
  12. Do some research marty and check out the court cases of busted imam,s that have been PRACTISING sharia here
  13. Yes You did as we have had several cases already of A sharia court operating here and Islamic reprisentatives pushing for more.........
  14. A notoriously violent group of africkan youth gangs terrorising local residents in Melbourne with violent car jackings and robberies and murders.....And they concist of illegal boat arrived immigrants totally
  15. Ok Even if educated and fluent in multi languages , we should still all be living by the ONE set of Laws,Australian Law,,not SHARIA LAW ah Marty
  16. Same to you marty, tell that to the poor residents of Melbourne living with the apex scrouge
  17. Tell that to the poor Melbourne residents having to live with the apex gang
  18. OK that's sounds fine Marty lets do the same to the mass of uneducated violent criminal immigrants that are being allowed into our country,,,say respect OUR culture and LAWS ,NO SHARIA as it is not our laws , and the violence we are seeing in Melbourne from the somali/Nigerian s etc how about they try to behave like us if they want to come here ??? ,,,,,now don't shoot me , I was just repeating what you said but in reverse...........
  19. Cause like all nowadays I really don't care about me, or our current state of affairs concerning muslim/isis leftys etc and will leave it up to fine thinking folks like yourself to secure a future for our children and grandchildren in the place we call home Australia.
  20. I tend to look at it like this....Talk to any Australian (or most people around the world for that matter) about snakes. Now, realistically, most snakes pose no harm to humans, a lot aren't even venomous, and most of those that are, won't really do much, yet most will tell you that the only good snake, is a dead snake. For some reason the left will only allow this ideology to be allowed to apply to guns, snakes, climate change deniers and the "white patriarchy". Statistically speaking, we've never really had a problem with firearms (and were never likely to), but you get a few deaths and people are screaming that something must be done. We've had a few deaths, and now people want something done about it. Take into consideration that extremists have made it clear that they want to take over western countries by through immigration. Even if it's not ISIS or ISIL, places like Pakistan for instance, where one of the recent news items is about a woman who is on death row for sipping out of a cup intended for muslims. We give these pricks foreign aid FFS. Where are the feminists now? They are still supporting the very crew that would have them put to death. When questioned about what islam teaches about homosexuality, Walled Aly wouldn't even answer the question, yet the lgbti support islam. Everywhere in the world where there is islam, there is a sh1tfight, that's what people see. Thanks Marty
  21. My maths is wrong but the reality is right, but don't listen to one of those quakos like me ,don't shoot the messenger......................
  22. Yeah Dutch ya got me ,Support for ISIS in the Muslim World - Perceptions vs Reality - Metrocosm
  23. read it
  24. And to address this one , the number of muslims in the world numbers over 1.7 billion people in the world, and the latest research into extremist numbers among them is 63 million isis supporters world wide,,,,thats just under 3 times the whole population of Australia ,now Australia is supposed to have an estimated population of 23.13 million now the muslim population in that number is supposed to be 2.6 % of that number ok. {still with me?]comes roughly to 8896153.8462 muslims in Australia ,now the estimated amount of isis supporters in western countries is between 14% and 37% Now I don't know about you ,but I certainly do not feel comfortable with at the lowest estimate of 14% from 8896153muslims of over'' 63000'' isis supporters living here do you??????ps, this is a really conservative estimate as well as the muslim population is estimated between 2,6 million and 3.6 million the government do,s not really know as so many do not vote as it is against the Koran........hense not on electoral rolls..........
  25. No I haven't swallowed the hanson bs ,as you put it Marty. I was AWAREand trying to do something about the Islamic issue in Australia well before the last election and the so called hanson bs. I was one of the original founders of RECLAIM AUSTRALIA and have been campaigning against ISLAM/MUSLIMS for over 5 years,,I started the Esperance reclaim page back in 2011 and have done extensive research into islam/muslims and the problems that the Koran can cause for non muslims ie infidels or western religion or no religion believers. Your quote about not all muslims are terrorist is quite correct,,but as of the last 5 years or so nearly all terrorist attacks have been muslims , so if you have a pack of dogs come into your yard, your not going to know which one is going to bite you do you?ok so what do you do ,go around the yard to all of them going here boy good boy , and hope you don't get bitten ,,,,or chase the lot out of your yard ||||||
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