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gareth lacey

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gareth lacey last won the day on May 2 2020

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  1. not that many
  2. I have Muslim friends albiet not practicing Muslims, they however agree that we are (in the west ) allowing the narrative to be used against us, why can we not state facts about islam,or any religion that are harmful, the terrorists islamist hurts thier own kind far more than western ,but if we raise concerns we are called out for "islamaphobia" so stifling free debate, i personally dislike any religion, but if others want to follow go for it, but committing disgusting acts of violence against the west or other muslims should be eradicated.
  3. If i went on about the catholic religion and what they have dne in the past no one would tell me to shut it down, if we cannot state the obvious then the woke brigade have won, my Father and the best of that era fought and died to uphold freedom , the islamists want us to shut down , if Ian thinks this will harm him , then get rid of it.
  4. The savage terrorists of oct 7 wete not freedom fighters or soldiers just pure evil savages,burning babies in thier cots mutalating women and old folk and taking prisonets to use as bargaining and hostages is a crime against humanity shame on anyone who condones that , the Israelies should use any and all means to eradicate hamas they are a scourge of the palistinians and the world
  5. I did say not all muslims are terrorists,we should hunt terrorists diwn and exterinate them the world is better off without them and as for you not serving that was to remind you that those of us who served in hostile enviroments have a better understanding tabout conflict we had 1 arm tied behind because of the craven cowards who sent us out (pollies) brits in my case the Israelies dont seem to suffer this problem unless its blatent illegal, so yes bad stuff by has happened historically but in these last years it is only the islamists who commit all the illegal acts
  6. Yes ,but we are not talking about historical times its NOW that the islamists terrorisng the world,I am with the Israelies , never back down keep killimg the terorists Facthunter have you faced hostiles did you serve , if not well
  7. Yes you are right , a handfull against 47,000
  8. So since 9/11 47,000 terrorist attacks in 70 countries around the world ALL committed by islamists(i did not say all Muslims), Hindu religion 0, Buddhist religion 0, Taoist religion 0, and the woke brigade say that islam is a peaceful relgion, no i am not saying that all Muslim people are terrorist, most are peaceful and practice thier religion the way that they interpret it,the IRA did lots of terrorist attacks in the 60s,70,80s, and they have settled down to the political way to get thier greviances heard, not so the islamist, they do not want to be part of democracy, and generally hate all things western, they (some muslim refugees) want to bring thier problems and sharia to western counries around the world, they are not peaceful, and you can see this in the war in palistine, the Israelies will not allow them to massacre innocents, and before you say it ,the people who have died are the result of the WAR strted by hamas and its backers,the Israelies are way to smart and also have the backing of most of the western countries, during WW11 2 million Germans died as a result of bombing,60,000 during the blitz of London, all collateral damage yet we do no condemn the brits or Germans , islam cannot and will not ever coexist with western values. Its time we we had some pollies that have backbone (both sides of the political parties) that tell the islamists NO we dont want you in our country go back home and practice it amongst your own people .
  9. There is no genocide .
  10. Peter of Peter ,Paul,and Mary?
  11. Mick Fleetwood AKA Fleetwood Mac ?
  12. because a lot of US people are sick of so called celebs saying that they are right and everyone (see anyone who does not agree with them) are redneck,idiots, garbage(thier words) ,but they are the privilaged who want open borders ,and all the wokeness nonsense , but would not spend a cent of thier own money to keep a refugee or illegal person , mostly narcacistic and only think of themselves , there are a few celebs that dont ascribe to the nonsense wokeness, come to this country as a immigrant and follow the rules ,dont bring your archaic ideas with you and you will be welcomed , i remember the influx of Italians,Greeks ,Yugoslavians, Vietnamese ,Chinese, Indians ,and they have mostly adapted very well, in my street we have Sikhs,Chinese,Romanians,Kiwis, all get on ,the Muslim family wont have anything to do with the neighbours ,go figure.
  13. We are full, we dont want these these idiot woke eeps
  14. Bob geldof of the boomtown rats
  15. She is a sxxt stirrer nothing less,as for championing the aboriginal cause she is divisive,she has very little heritage as an aboriginal,another snout in the trough,there are other aboriginal spokespeople that are far more articulate than her,she is a typical bogan loudmouth,her own father had given up on her,she shoots herself in the foot everytime she opens her mouth
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