So since 9/11 47,000 terrorist attacks in 70 countries around the world ALL committed by islamists(i did not say all Muslims), Hindu religion 0, Buddhist religion 0, Taoist religion 0, and the woke brigade say that islam is a peaceful relgion, no i am not saying that all Muslim people are terrorist, most are peaceful and practice thier religion the way that they interpret it,the IRA did lots of terrorist attacks in the 60s,70,80s, and they have settled down to the political way to get thier greviances heard, not so the islamist, they do not want to be part of democracy, and generally hate all things western, they (some muslim refugees) want to bring thier problems and sharia to western counries around the world, they are not peaceful, and you can see this in the war in palistine, the Israelies will not allow them to massacre innocents, and before you say it ,the people who have died are the result of the WAR strted by hamas and its backers,the Israelies are way to smart and also have the backing of most of the western countries, during WW11 2 million Germans died as a result of bombing,60,000 during the blitz of London, all collateral damage yet we do no condemn the brits or Germans , islam cannot and will not ever coexist with western values. Its time we we had some pollies that have backbone (both sides of the political parties) that tell the islamists NO we dont want you in our country go back home and practice it amongst your own people .