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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Here we are 24 hrs later and my mams heart just keeps going, but her breathing is now very shallow, but now has constant "meds" for the pain relief, I watched on as the carers turned her and she grimaced with the pain, as you say we would,nt let an animal suffer like this
  2. I write this after spending 2 of the worst days of my life sitting by my 89 year old mothers bed in the nursing home ,taking her last breaths,her weight is down to 28kgs she is all skin and bone ,comatose,cannot see, cannot feel,cannot hear,on 2 hourly morphine(which while giving pain relief) also keeping her going,there is no dignity in the way we as a supposidely humane society only indignity,she has been like this for 6 days ,I am waiting for a call from my sisters who are with my mother in Bunderberg to say she has passed,I say this to all the Right to lifers,godbotherers,anti eathenasia greens,liberal/labor leftards HOW dare you treat my mother and all the other aged and sick folks like this YOU ARE ALL VILE CRAVEN COWARDS It is horrible and disgusting the way they are treated in the last days,I have nothing but praise for the nursing and caring staff they do a wonderful job under trying conditions, their hands are tied,my mother(MAM) would not have wanted her children to see her like this. To all you right to lifers, god botherers,leftards politicians a pox on you for being such unfeeling people,and I hope when your time comes you get more Dignity than my Mother
  3. at the school I volunteer at funny that its the Asian kids that are easy talking to us older folk,they even laugh at some of my jokes,its all about talking to them not telling them,one of the other guys that volunteers is grumpy and gives the kids a hard time ,suffice to say that they will usually seek me out to help , I can be grumpy ,but its usually to people who are rude,intollerant, and swear in the wrong places, one of my gripes is that when I take my 3 yr old granddaughter to kindy gym the other mums are on their mobiles and not interacting with the little ones
  4. NO it is not low socio -economic it is in the top 5 schools in Brisbane including the private schools, it is very ethnically diverse and have outstanding students who excel, last year it was Asian,Australian, who were the top students, I find when at Breakfast club the Asian/Chinese students girls and boys are very polite and even smile at some of my grandad jokes, most are 2nd generation and don't have to many problems with fitting in, on the other hand most of the refugee/muslim kids are not aussie born and bring with them the same practices and habits from their own cultures and they DO NOT want to fit in or abide by our rules/politeness/culture we as a country should be teaching these kids how good it is here and to accept/adopt our ways , and still hold on to their own mix of food,culture,religeon , I find that the Aboriginal kids have a huge chip on the shoulder and this is handed down to them by their own parents and feel good leftards, I hesitate to say this but most of the so called indigenous kids are whiter than me but they still want to be victims, its over what happened up to the sixties is history. and the Naplan is a crock
  5. If you work in the school environment Then you could comment, it is blatently racsist in some multi cultural schools against the WHITES, indigenous kids get special treatment, muslims get treated better because pc is mad don't want to upset them we might get called racsist,asians ,well they just work harder, black African(somali,sudanese) are rude and quite offensively smelly(they don't use soap apparently) some white kids are very boganish and this I suspect is their home upbringing, again it is the MINORITY getting more than the majority ask me why I see this, I volunteer at a high school making breakfast for the kids and my wife also works face to face with them full time. 1. muslims = rude,demanding, self importance shines through, 2,Refugees= smelly,rude,demanding,no manners 3.Aboriginal aussie= loud,rude feels entitled 4.aussie= loud,jokie,boganish 5.Asians= mostly quiet and good manners,very smart and courteous My wife deals with the parents , and the muslims are the worst, several times called the police to eject parents who are bullies and threatens violence all because they feel entitled , Aboriginals who are loud and don't want to listen, black African students parents who try to scam, Asian parents always pay but only cash and aussies on welfare who cry poor, we as a society are too pc conscious, its the minorities who are getting the best deal. Personally I don,t care what colour or race you are if you come here to aus fit in ,its a great country, ask the 3rd,4th generation greeks,italians,chinese,and all the other migrants who have fitted in to our lifestyle ,not those who feel entitled and are still using the victim card ,and religion should never be before country we must remain secular. cheers gareth
  6. Religion is a crutch ,and if you look at uneducated countries around the world (3rd world,muslim ) they are the ones with the majority of people that believe the pap they spew out at services, I believe in aliens as much as god or allah who knows , there is no proof of either, religion is money maker for those that start a new one IE hillsong, to be kind and caring towards others is a normal trait in most people, I don't need some gravy stained cleric who fondles young kids to tell me that, or some mad mullah that spews hatred for Jews,gays and non believers , we have not come a long way from the dark ages if you keep believing the sxxt that they spew, oh and by the way have a great Xmas holiday
  7. Jewish peoples were there before islam was thought about by the despotic tribal warlord Mohamed so ergo long before :muslims say it was their land , Jerusalem is their capital all this nonsense about being given their lands to the Jews by brits,yanks is a furphy , I for one are with the Israeli people and the mussies don't really want to mess with them, they all got their arses wiped(muslims) by the Israeli,s in the 6 day war, do you think that they cannot do it again, its only the Yanks,Brits that keep them from smashing the arabs ,hit the Israeli,s and they hit back twice as hard
  8. Watch the Putin interviews with Oliver stone ,it was over 2 years in the making, he is a very astute politician, smart as and gave some very interesting answers to questions on arms,Russian economy, political interference in US elections , above it all he puts Russia first ,as all politicians should do in their respective countries he comes across as very intelligent, and unlike some of the pollies of all persuasions from many countries he is tough, one answer to immigration was : if you come to our country you abide to our laws ,assimilate ,we do not bow to yours
  9. 47 years in this great country(we wont include Tasmania they are a lost cause) and every time the leftards were in down went the economy and My standard of living,rightwards got in my standard of living went up, I employed more staff times were good again.If leftards are in we get a downward spiral again, but all they do is spend spend , I am your average punter and labor in uk and oz are backward thinking I suppose if you live in the apple isle with its woeful employment rates and tendancy to be over the top greeny ,what can I say I am glad the years that I have left I wont see the total demise when both sides of pollies wont see the problems that they are bringing in and espousing
  10. 1 of the many reasons I left the uk 46 years ago, it was blatantly clear then that we were being taken over , remember enoch powell ,his words ring true ,but the stupid labor dicks(who started the all the problems) woudnt listen and didn't listen all these years ,as an observer from afar it is so clear where they went wrong, we are now seeing similar problems here in Oz from the same stupid leftards (on both sides of the political spectrums) and of course the stupid greenies political correctness gone mad as Dick Smith said in his book ,over population of this great country will cost us dearly, ie more working poor ,more welfare recipients, our elderly pension is a farce, but our pollies retire on obscene pensions plus all the extras, Great Britain, not any more overpopulated and crowded welfare system a shambles and PC gone way over the top, my rant Cheers gareth
  11. Hi Phil, The Dubliners sing this song as well , gets me all swelled up when I hear it , we owe so much to all the lost and maimed soldiers of the past and present ,LEST WE FORGET Cheers gareth
  12. Hi Red in was not denigrating the mums and dads share holders , most would not have large amounts invested , I do not have shares in combank, I was in business for twenty years plus and no banks were that helpful, I put my spare cash into industrial property years ago and it has worked for me and I am retired ,my inference was that the big end of town always wins, and us ordinary folk put up with the losses harder also the banks top management are taking us all for a ride snouts in the trough
  13. common and wealth don't go together common ie average Australian will never have wealth, wealth ie means the wealthy will never know what common or normal is ,the commonwealth bank only looks after the wealthy shareholders
  14. we had 1 years ago , 5 forward gears and five reverse gears very over engineered the suspension was a nightmare , in a real war scenario it would fall to bits and mechanics would not be able to fix , the suspension was great but the drive shafts to each wheel were so finite to install splined shafts , and it would still run engine under water if you had snorkel fitted very strong vehicle but very limited
  15. Go into many areas where there are a lot of muslims(I jhave) and most do not speak or understand English, they may not have citizenship but they have permanent residency.FACT we are a English speaking country ,all immigrants (that includes Kiwis LOL ) must understand and speak English,at the Centrelink office where I recently had to go all the muslim women(to tell them apart they wear long flowing clothes and hide their heads and faces) had to have an interpreter , at what cost is this to tax payers , I watched elderly Australians (of all ethnicities) wait much longer than they should have ,mostly muslims and their tribes of kids were taking up most of the staffs time certain areas in Aus are overrun with muslims ,most that I have worked with do not want to integrate, I came here 49 years ago and worked with the Greeks,Italians,Yugoslavians,Germans,Maltese and many others from different countries, all tried to learn English and adapt into Aus, one of the reasons of migrating to Australia I could see that in the Midland the muslims were taking over then, it has now got so bad in UK it is not safe in certain areas for a non muslim to enter .the pollies are never going to upset the minority , it seems that the minorities get more done for them than the majority , its getting a "them and us"scenario , I volunteer in a multi ethnic school and the muslims are by far the most arrogant and rudest people I have met and they are only children ,this comes from their upbringing at home ,bleeding hearts blame us the ordinary Australians, but they look through rose tinted glasses, muslims do not put Australia first , but blame everyone as racist , they are the most racist of all .I will welcome anyone who wants to migrate here, but not at the cost of Aus losing out,they must integrate not us adapt to their levels
  16. and what about shorten and his mob ,rudd ,Gillard , they were the worst in my opinion, in all the years that I have been in aus only under a lib government did I do well soon as labour got in aus went down the tubes , got to give it to libs , they helped me get where I am today , labour has the worst record ever ,look at uk completely fxxked by them ,glad I left in 70
  17. No I did not, what I was saying is that the world slots them into " he was a mentally unbalanced lone wolf" ie he was really a racist nut job , same as they don't say "he was a muslim terrorist "just sick of the leftist politically correct way that the world has turned to, say it as it is (once they know for sure) he was a racist pig, or he was a muslim terrorist, this country is stifling free debate ,cannot say that it will hurt his/her feelings, islamists use these stupid laws against us so that we cannot say what we all know there is a problem with islam,i see that the other brands of religion don't run off to the courts everytime someone (supposedly) racially slurs their religion wtf islam is just that a religion lets get back to good old common sense and responsibility
  18. He was "mentally unbalanced and a lone wolf" as were all the other muslim terrorists, same rhetoric different muse, facts, all the terrorist acts were by muslims, the world must admit this and get the muslims to admit it then we might get somewhere
  19. Religion in all its forms is a crutch for all people who don,t have logical thinking
  20. But they do not want to kill you for disagreeing
  21. I say that's wrong only the islamists want to dominate the world, no Siehks, or Buddists, or any other religion at this time want that and only muslim terrorist commit these acts of wanton evil, all muslims are not terrorists but all the terrorists are muslim, this :lone wolf meme : is a copout by the liberal loonies in most western countries canada has just passed a law against islamophobia , is there any such thing,seems that you can insult a muslim by having a dog walk by with you, easter traditions, Christian crosses and more , yet we cannot out of pc say a thing, the 18c debate ,I feel insulted by these islamists but I could not bring a case , they are a minority, minorities should not get more just because of this they MUST obey the country they are in Laws,if they cannot ,leave ,you will not fit in
  22. So? what has that got to do with UK migration, and that supposed $40b isnt going into our dismal aged pension
  23. FT you are a Fxxwit ,the migration policies started in the 60s when i lived there and it has got worse ,i left because the town i lived in was overun with cheap labour ie immigrants from pakistan and india and i just out of my apprenticship could not get a job, i paid National insurance till 1970 when i left for Aus, are you going to deny me my uk pension (extra tax hat i paid for my retirement) Labor Uk started the rot and now UK is a basket case Labor again , Phil come over to Aus pension isnt great (I am self funded and not a drain on the system here . FT one day you will be a senile old git in a nursing home and some person will be wiping your arse .
  24. Bill shorten and his union thugs are all corrupt,he will kill all incentive in this country if he gets in power ,when will people wake up , labor is not good for the country and has dragged us down so many times hawke,keating,crudd,julia , what a mess they got us into, ,pollies are just that,but at least libs have a track record of getting us out of the labor induced shxxt cheers gareth
  25. I am a conservative , and i love women ! now all labour has to do is get rid of scum like shorten and they may have a better chance someday(tongue in cheek) cheers gareth
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