gareth lacey
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Everything posted by gareth lacey
Bex , looking a bit like Eric Clapton there !
Responsibity! those who take drugs ,when their health,financial,family all break down want everyone else to share their problem,at our cost, i have raised four children , and the possibility is that 2 have tried drugs the ,my daughter is now a mother and i have a gorgeous grandaughter , my son (they are twins) has a good job and is about to get married ,owns his home . so you as parents can only show them that drugs in any form are bad , it all comes back to choices , i am sick of the bleeding hearts telling us that these people had a bad life or upbringing, CHOICES and responsability are yours and no one else is to blame , I grew up in a large family(8) kids and we did it tough, barely enough food, Dad injured in a mining accident,did not work for 2 years after that, we could of all gone off the rails, CHOICES and responsibily ,dont blame others for your mistakes cheers gareth
I think people have lost the real reason they were executed , they broke the law of a SOVERIEGN country as much as the western world abhors state sanctioned execution (USA,Russia still do it) they broke their laws ,and most of what Geoff13 says i agree with cheers gareth
Erich Von Daniken was right , we came from aliens( as easy to believe as all the other god stuff)
if you have a vehicle rego no ,for a small fee you can get the address from rta, say it was involved in a bingle cheers gareth
this state against state game is just that a GAME lets not read into too much ,it will not change the way the world runs , or feed starving people , or stop wars,stop terrorists(in the way my asic card does) its just a GAME ,its for fun (flying is more fun) state of origin who really cares
Matty i agree , to date where i work as workshop manager , we have spent (12 months) $12000 on leads and equipment test and tag , most if not all did not require to be tested , its a whos system gone mad , this is getting out of hand , i am all for safety , but who dreams these systems up ? we are wrapping ourselves up in cotton wool, i spend 20% of my time dealing with "so called safety issues" meetings on safety , i now am more liable than for safety i am the one who will be sued , general safety issues i agree with , but the silliest one is step ladders , unless you have 2 hands on (how are you supposed to work ala sparky, plumbers, installers ) you cannot work more than 2 steps /rungs up it goes on , cost to businesses is way to much, I must accompany any injured person to the doctors /hospital for the slightest injury safety is in the workers hands it is becomeing a huge impost on small business to comply if i were self employed again i would never employ people insurance is a rip off , i never made a claim in 25 years but the cost went up every year why should i pay for all the other unsafe people. My rant for the day cheers Gareth
Hi Windsor no , we are fabrication shop lots of diversified work, some mining yes but a small part of the business, i am not being subsidided by anyone , they pay the same workshop rates as Brisbane, they cannot attract supervisors, project managers, engineers, and workshop managers on the same money as Brisbane , hence the salary is much better than there. my son who is a leading hand boilermaker is in the gas /oil /mining industry and yes they get great dollar , but as a percentive of the workforce overall they are a quite small part of the workforce, to attract workers to work 21 days ,10 to 12 hrs a day in the 5o degree heat 7 days R&R (not paid) they get good incentives and they pay 45% in tax , so who is subsidising who?Do i see an element of jealosy creeping in here ,the guy who cuts the grass and cleans up is on 150k per year, so the jobs are there for older people ,mindset problems,lifestyle changes do take adjusting to ,if you are fit and healthy is there any reason not to keep on working , a plane is a toy , like boats , caravans etc costs money , but hey we can all go on the rock n roll, stagnate , watch tv all day and still blame the government , thats my take on it , like it or not you cannot always have your cake and eat it. cheers gareth
Oh forgot to mention , i work in Dalby ,west of Brisbane 2.5 to 3 hrs and they could not get anyone to take the jobs on offer , sometimes you have to change your life style to reap the benifits cherrs Gareth
FT, I work 4.5 days a week , i am home every friday, have a great weekend every week, And earn 150 k per year plus super and company vehicle , whats not to like , an the unions have no influence with our company Go the LNP cheers gareth
So, heres my story , came to oz in 1969, could work 24 /7 if i could stay awake, by 1974 labour were giving money away and wanted to print more , i then had to go to north west oz to work , worked in the mining industry (the money was not that good and the conditions were rubbish) , the labour party got dumped and hey presto work started to flow back, started the first of many businesses making good money contracting , labour got back in and what do you , work started to dry up again another round of labour give aways, libs in again , lots of good years , then the imbecile,s hawk and keating that really gave oz a caning then libs again all good to 2009/2010 labour in again , here we go again, this time i gave up , retired at 62, got into this flying and hey i needed more money, at 65 started a new career , age is no barrier ,there are many industries that need older,more experienced people , where i work i have a few 60 year olds and 1 guy who drives road trains and is 74, i work a minimum of 60 hrs and i love it, and the pay is great ,to recap 45 years in this Great Country, 4 times it was almost ruined by labour , they just cannot handle the economy , the libs can , you dont have to like a lib pollie but this lot can manage money (a 45 year australian) cheers gareth
Hear hear!
Bullies need to be faced down , they are usually cowards when faced with this ,we do not tolerate bullying in any form at my workplace if your managers are not doing anything about this you need to talk to the GM or owners perhaps, or hire a bikie LOL, seriously , dont tolerate this put it in writing, record it on your mobile phone ,i think legally only thing is a AVO ,i am not sure if this can be done keep safe and dont let the Baxxstards get you down cheers gareth
Yeah ,that happened to me last week ,was bidding on a Gopro an my beloved said dont buy anything electronic on ebay , my son was on R&R from Roma site and had a Birthday and dads day present for me ,guess, A GOPRO 3 now i have 2 ah well one in the cockpit and 1 on the ? LOL cheers gareth
goodness wins out
darwin award for these bright sparks
Hi Flyerme i went in to uninstall and got rid of some programmes and it worked no ads now cheers gareth
THanks Guys /Gals finally got rid of them cheers gareth
WTF i asked a simple question and gat a reply that i can use ,the other stuff about JXX is Bxxx stay on track guys and to the few who enlightend me Thank You cheers gareth
ther seems to be in many posts highlighted words that if you click on instantly becomes an ad ,is this advertising othat is paid for or are they spamming? this site cheers gareth
Try standbyrelocations.com cheers gareth
OOPS link is standbyrelocs.com cheers gareth note : they also relocate cars ,vans etc
Hi Flying Dog last august i was in Darwin for work meetings and my wife and i relocated a 4 berth motorhome from Darwin to Melboune via Adelaide (to catch up with my son ) it cost $5 per day for the vehicle plus the fuel ,they re embursed $465 for fuel in Melbourne,they give you 8 days to get there lots of driving,some parts are boring ,Alice is a great place to visit ,at one place in the bush the road widened and no trees posts etc BUT the Piano lines in the road ,must be the RFDS emergency landing spot ,we have also relocated from Brisbane to Melbourne.the link is
Who cares??