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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. I would not belueve anything this guy puts out he has been found to be a fraud and not any indigenous in his family line another one who has his snout in the indigenous gravy train,no wvidence just fanciful stories
  2. Will Ferrel?
  3. I changed to "belong" still telstra network and saved 600 dollars per annum
  4. And most of these"builders" and i use the term loosely were not home grown aussies,seems they mostly had names that were middle eastern sounding and they do not have tje same building standards,also private certifiers that have the same background makes it easy to be manipulated, the people who now own these blocks cannot live in them (sydney) the state governments dont care they are reaping more taxes oops sorry levies,rates, in my area there were up till 2 or three years ago mostly acreage 5,10 acres now it is wall to wall cheaply built houses 400m blocks,cars parked on narrow roads no room on the block for them coming your way soon slum suburbs
  5. Burt ward aka robin
  6. His face is familiar but i am stumped
  7. Suzi Qautro
  8. FrankGorshin wae a welk known actor/comedian played mant rolls in movies also played in batman series of the sixties as the riddler also served in US army
  9. Frank gorshin
  10. Every day is a public holiday for me lol
  11. Mike Farrel aka bj
  12. John hurt?
  13. Angelene jollie father is jon voight
  14. Real estate agents =parasites bottom feeders. I recently asked for my house to be appraised for selling the price yhey fave me was 100k lower than the next agent and tjey wanted me to pay for the pics i asked what are you doing for me all they want is a quick sale and upwards of 25 grand for doing very little they are the worst parasites fxxk them i will sell it myself
  15. No dont use that but recently was reading wiki about the series and his name came up
  16. Robett clary
  17. He was the french pow in hogans heroes uh
  18. A very young joe biden
  19. Pete sampras
  20. Try telling tgat to some pensioners they will never have a electric vehicle im self funded and cannot afford one
  21. Bruce Willis.?
  22. Well,she is fat
  23. No has 4 kids plus adopted girl has 7 grandkids and a business to run does not watch tv says its a waste of space last few years has pulled back from work his sones now manage it (15 emloyees)so has more time
  24. My mate who i built the Morgan sierra with is building exactly that he has also built a 10 cylinder cobra car,vw trike,amphibious boat,chev lowrider car(38 i think)caravan,various types of trailers(think oddball)he is always building a project
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