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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. The indigenous peoples get a lot of gov money through the various corporations that are managed by indigenous peoples, i have worked in various places in aus every state,and can sya that most of the local aboriginal in these areas were family people who worked for a living , bringing their kids up with education and good family life , the disadvantage peoples (indigenous and white) who dont have thes advantages have allways been left behind ,pouring money ito it seems to not get the results require, so the voice somehow ,magically will change this ,indigenous people have for me allways been part of Aus nothing will change with this voice , they have representation at Federal and state levels of government, the voice will not change this, i recognize them as my fellow Australians , nothing more or less its a NO for me
  2. Got it easy peasy
  3. My wife worked in education Qld,the school had a number of indigenous pupils who all got up to $2000 per year for their schooling needs,our 2 children who went to the same school got nothing we paid for it , is that not division
  4. My father who served in WW11 in Burma,India,Singapore ,Java told me a story of captured Japanese soldiers that had committed crimes to local villages they were tied to a tree and had mortars fired at them, do we call that a war crime, yes but consider the locals who wanted instant justice ,he also told me that the Japanese were the most cruel of soldiers and as he said "we took no prisoners " during the war ,he was also a hangman at Sentosa war trials for an extra 2 shillings a day , different times but war does change people
  5. Because he was a snake in the grass as well as a alcoholic and a chauvanistic pig
  6. John Nettles and didnt get the email, i just remember actors of my vintage (old that is ) lol
  7. Gene Hackman
  8. Yul Brinner
  9. 1984 on a new Yamaha twin 1000 going across the Nullabour, outside Eucla saw ahead some motorcycles on side of road , 3 bykes all Harleys , 2 were broken down stopped and asked if they needed help ,told me to Fxxk off and words to the effect Jap crap, i got to perth,broome, Darwim and back to Perth and 12 months later back to Sydney, bike still purring , i wonder how far the Harleys Got? LOL
  10. Warren Buffet
  11. No not on facebook , watched a movie with him in recently about a retired sherlock holmes
  12. Sir Ian Mckellan
  13. who is adam lambert?
  14. My November refund was $308 , dec,jan,feb are the lowest refund months , usually about $150, but prices have risen so exspecting less
  15. Al Pacino
  16. My wife loves Ford Mustangs , a very good friend had a perfect 1968 model, i borrowed the car for a wedding anniversary (35th) and we went to a restaraunt about 25ks away , what a bag of Sxxt to drive no power steering, no aircon, guzzled fuel, heavy car to steer , brakes were minimal, steering wheel was huge ,give me a modern car anytime to drive
  17. In 2019 toured Eire for 4 weeks," when in Rome do as the romans do: drank Guinness, only it does make for Black sxxt but so different to Aus Guinness
  18. a small drink of alcohol
  19. Heather Lochear
  20. I have no problem that she has the right to her opinion, but the inference of her aborignal ancestery has no bearing ,the media beat up, and she has no grievance with the monarchy the Queen didnt do anything to her, and no i am not a monarchist ,she was a mother nanna and died ,lets give her respect
  21. she has about as much aboriginal in her as i do
  22. A few years ago I was the workshop manager that fabricated wind turbine towers (only the tower) they cost millions each and the company still lost money on each project, the company that we manufactured them for ,as part of the contract they had a resident engineer from o/s paid for and accomdation by us,also the documentation process was over the top, we had more staff on that side than in the workshop, at any one time I had 20 to 25 tradespeople in the shop, but 30 peeps in the office non producing , the costs were going up all the time , I feel that value for money in building these wind farms will over time get higher they do not have a long service history, and the wind does not blow all the time , great ideas for clean power(forgetting the HUGE enviromental costs to build them) nuclear is the only way forward
  23. Raquel Welch
  24. you got my email all good
  25. Million dollar man Lee majors
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