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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. Must have been a good bloke, his son was an axxhole
  2. AS a ex squaddie in the brit forces i have used firearms as req of the type available at the time (early sixties) ,i believe that NO one other than trained personnel should have firearms, when i was a lad the local bobby was respected, he would give us young uns a clip on the ear and send us packing now it seems that the police are there to enforce more and more outlandish rules(covid as example), guns are made to KILL .in wartime yes soldiers and forces should have guns , but today do we need so many exotic types of guns that anyone seems to be able to get, there are more guns in Aus than when Howard had the national gun buy back, for me , the local beat police should not have a gun if he carries tazer,pepper spray, batton, on;ly specialized police with the right training should have access to guns , as you say we seem to be following the us , criminals will always get guns so yes the deterrent of being shot dead by armed police may work, as for DV more people should speak up about that, my rant over
  3. I am welsh by birth, lived there till i was 15, my son who loves all things welsh wants to learn welsh, i said its only good if you live in certain parts of Wales, useless outside of Wales
  4. In the Uk in the sixties i lived in a village called Gornal, in upper Gornal they spoke a different dialect, only 5 miles away and lower Gornal was the same
  5. My heritage can be traced to the 13th century french,irish, english,welsh, what a 57 varieties are our family, but do the younger gen rally care, my son(of my second marriage ) is really into his Welsh background ,but my daughter (they are twins) has no interest, my son of previous marriage has no ties whatsoever he was born in Aus, go figure.
  6. But dont call him"shirley" LOL
  7. Many years ago in Brisbane my wife was riding her bike along designated bike path ,said path had ruts big enough to trap a wheel and she came off smashing and breaking bones in 2 fingers (at the time was a word processor operator ) so needed finger to type , informed council and put in a claim for 2 weeks pay, they denied liability , she went to her boss (she worked for one of the biggest solicitors/lawyers in Brisbane , took action against council still denied liability, FOi found that council engineers 18 months prior warned about possible accidents on said bikeway, arrived on footsteps on court day promptly offered a settlement her brief said no and wnt to court, we paid our morgage off with the settlement,and no fees were paid to her solicitors, fringe benifits ,the could have paid about 1000$ but were greedy, ended up getting 60k, moral of story go for the jugular
  8. 571
  9. Same here OME clean water equals clean hair, used to use dandruff shampoo, still had dandruff, no longer have dandruff
  10. I remember in the 70s hunting with the Sydney Hunt Club along the Razorback and having a drink at the tree , memories
  11. Over the years since my childhood we had dogs, my Grandad and Dad trained cocker spaniels(not for showing) as gun dogs, were great pets as well most were sold on, as an adult i loved sheppards always had one till i came to Aus,after settling here (Sydney) had a bloodhound,great dane,golden retriever, blue cattle dogs, sydney silky(used to travel on my motorcycle between my wife and I), and the last dog was a sheppard named Lucy, I had to get her euthenised ,cancer of the hind legs was dragging around at the last, so since 2009 we have had no animals except for looking after kids dogs and cats , as you say we get attached and they dont live long lives and it is heartbraking to have them go ,i find that as i get older i dont NEED animals ,but still like them
  12. We could live on the full pension , our all up cost which include groceries,car rego(x2) insurance ,phones ,rates,,repairs ,internet,and sundries comes to $18,700 per annum so doable on the couples pension , not much left over for anything else and flying would be impossible as well as owning n aircraft
  13. I get a part pension, a whopping 127.80 per fortnight, being a self funded retiree and my wife cannot get pension till 67 and then will be meagre , but i think that if i relied on pension as my sole income i could not do much at all , just survive , i take my hat off to people who do ,it must be very stressful
  14. To put a twist into this how much sxxt(faeces) do 8 billion people produce daily, annually ,a quick calc is .5 kilo per person( i am being liberal with the amount could be more) times 365 x 1 million is 18.5 thousand tonnes per year( the math for 8 billion is over my head)not just human waste but all the food, trash, used up goods so a lot of sxxt going where? that tells me that we have to many people on the planet, the amount of waste per person is staggering, there will be a time when there are too many people on this planet, i will not see it my grandkids wont see it but 100 years from now there will have to be drastic measures taken to reduce the population on this planet, that may come from a virus that wipes out most of humans, or destruction from global wars over water and food, it is not sustainable the way we are going,and i am not a total believer in climate disasters but more on the side of reducing population.
  15. Welcome back Mark , we all missed you
  16. Our family tree is back to the 13th century, a noble (Henry De Lace) Normandy was out of favour and scooted off to Eire ,married a local chieftens daughter and built a castle in Trim ,somewhere in that mix were some Vikings ,the De Lace family angicised the name to Lacey(still a lot of them in Eire) again went out of favour and scooted to Doncaster in UK, then on to Wales where my side of the family resided, most of our family emigrated to Aus in the sixties, my son who has had the genetic testing(primarily for medical reasons) then had it done for ancestry, wow that turned up some hidden genes , now we have Spanish, Celt from the Steppe, french,,danish,Irish,Anglo,welsh,Italian, some of these traces are from my present wife,s ancestry, so we are all i think a mixed bunch.As an aside my mothers father didnt return from WW1 untill 4 years later, surprise on his deathbed started talking fluent french and since then have found out we have some cousins there .
  17. Had mine yesterday, no ill effects at all , worked all day on my build, but my wife was sick for a day or 2,go figure
  18. After finishing my build i reckon about 7 or 8 years flying(im 73) till i hang the headset up
  19. The so called black economy has to run, it all goes back into the cash flow of the countries,Im with you Dax, if they wont accept cash i will go elsewhere, the banks are taking the atms out in most small shopping areas, they cannot scam money if there is no charge, I still do the odd supervision project for a couple of companies and they pay me in cash, guess what i spend that on, aircraft supplies and parts for my build so it goes back into circulation, stop cash ,it will never happen in the remaining years i have left, and no i am not on a pension i am self funded.
  20. So, decrease the hrs worked to say 4 per day, also decrese the wages to suit the hrs ,this will never happen but the employer is expected to pick up the tab? sorry work 38 hrs get paid for same hrs yes not the other way around( i had my own business for years and the increasing costs associated with employees gets higher and higher but the profits gets lower
  21. My wife at 66 is stillnthe young woman i met in my thirties,vibrant,funny,fitter than me(tennis golf trekking)great work ethic only 3 months ago retired gives me space to do what i like keeps me on my toes 38 years married we still like our time away together great cook and i still have pic of her in my wallet taken in kings park perth in 1983 to me she is gorgeous
  22. gareth lacey


    Dont worry about the Israelis, they have one of the best armies in the world lots of motivation to never let it happen again by anyone(the holocaust)they are backed by US so will get the best gear,also they are very technically advanced in avionics and weapons,with hundreds of millions of Muslims trying to massacre them, all the muslims have to do is say that they have a right as a sovereign nation to exist then they could then start to be friendly to each other but religeon always gets in the way of reality
  23. last time i was in USA my wife needed to go to doctors for acute stomach pain ( gastro) cost us $84 plus script ,so not to bad, i have a yearly medical with my doc not claimable on medicare cost $220, so comparible with the us
  24. Sorry your wrong, class division was alive and thriving post war years up until mid sixties, Teaches,doctors,bankers,managers,treated most working class(miners et al) in wales with disdain ,and if you came from a large family this made it worse, if you wanted a job you had to be part of a "class" either religious or non working class ,if you had inherited wealth this made them obnoxious, my fist job as an apprentice welder in wolverhampton saw the snobbery of the so called upper class ,they were mostly in the power positions,management,i remember the manager a former Captain in the army, what an asshole called everyone by their last name as in ,HEY lacey, my father saw red and said back hey asshole(dont remember his name) my name is Bill or Mr Lacey ,that shut him up, so thank heavens we all came to this great country where we are all (almost) equal
  25. All the males in our Clan(family) have the name William as middle name , going back to the 1700s, its a tradition except my father who was William Joseph (his dad was Joseph william. There are now 4 generations alive with that name (our side of the Lacey clan)
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