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About Zibi
- Birthday 21/08/1981
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I never understood the Australian fuel price fluctuations. In Poland where I come from fuel prices change once a month at most and each time it's really big deal. So instead of getting flustered and confused by them I decided to treat them as a continuous game of chicken... Each time I need to fill up I play this little game - do I refuel now or do I wait one more day in hope for lower price. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose and pay the extra 20c per litre...just makes the life more positive and exciting :)
From the video it looks like the truck is about a meter away from the edge of bitumen, so about 70-80cm from the bike (bike seems to be going on the very edge of the road, so it's not like you can complain that he was hogging the road). I'd like to see him pull the same defence speech when caught speeding - officer, it's right I was doing 80 in a 40 zone, but it's just technicality of the law...
hint, hint...you're the cyclist of the sky :P
Or maybe you see a deliberate provocation where they are just trying to stay safe or there's some reason why it's not possible to do otherwise. On topic of riding too far to the right - there's plenty of reasons to do so: - if there is any grave or small debris at the edge of the road (that a car driver wouldn't even pay attention to, but can be deadly on a bike) - if there are cars parked in the bike lane (you either risk dooring, or you need to duck in and out making it way more dangerous) - or just to stop the driver from overtaking you, when there's oncoming traffic and you know that the 3 of you won't fit side by side, but the driver still insist on trying to overtake you as if you were stationary fixed object) Just as you would prefer to be given some extra space in a plane when it's a rough day, and you may not be able to stick to the hemispherical levels, the bike rider may require extra room on a rough or dirty road. Even if for the car driver or RPT pilot the road / air is perfectly fine (or just with small bumps). I won't say that all bike riders are flawless and follow the rules perfectly, but neither are drivers. And I think the comparison between ultralights and bikes is very solid - both are perfectly valid users of their space (either road or airspace), both have some rules not apply to them or some restrictions lifted compared to other and both are very vulnerable next to bigger vehicles sharing the same space.
Well, It's funny how you see everyone else's faults but not your own... I see that nothing I would say about bike riders would change the mind of majority of you, so let me translate that post into language you would understand: I can do the same for any other of your (not just Teckair but all in this topic) complaints.
As far as I know there is no difference between analogue and digital antennas. It's still the same frequencies and it should work fine. There may be problems if your analogue signal was weak, as with analogue transmissions you can still get a picture with weak signal, whereas with digital it's either great quality or nothing at all.
I think I've posted this once in here already, but seems appropriate for this thread:
When I was at school* it was still proper "God be with ye" and non of that goodbye or bye, what are those youngsters doing to this language...just because they can't make the effort to write the whole sentence doesn't mean we should be bastardizing the language... What is this whole letter speak they seem to be using these days... *about 5 lifetimes ago.
I believe Facebook allows you to block search engines from finding your profile and you can limit what is shown for other people based on your relationships with them. I think it will always allow you to search (from within facebook) for someones name and show at least their profile picture. No idea about Flicker as I don't use it. Obviously as with all social applications you should assume that whatever you put in there may become public.
It's possible that they'll make a lot of money, even if their project is completely useless 99% of time (the part that's different from a normal LED light), after all how often would you switch your light colour? How often do you want your lights to behave like disco lights? Controlling lights with mobile phone is about as useful as those hand clapper switches. I'm sure there will be people that will buy it, but I don't expect them to make a fortune on this, on the other hand I've been known to underestimate peoples desire for gimmicky useless stuff and smatphones and tablets are the latest craze and everything that has a mobile phone app is now somehow "better" - next thing you'll have a mobile controlled toilet flush or something (that may be your next project Mark - I won't even charge you for it )
I wouldn't be too optimistic about that idea - they haven't made anything new, there are plenty of LED bulbs (for example http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=2314207011) All they've done is added wifi and mobile phone control to it. Considering they're advertising it as energy saving device, adding useless gimmicks seems counterproductive (at least for me). Also it looks like they're riding on the smartphone / tablet hype, which like all the previous tech related (.com, etc) hypes should pass pretty quickly. I'm not saying Kickstarter is a bad idea, but it will get saturated pretty quickly with thousands of projects, most of which are pretty pointless or have no chance of success.
Other plan can be to make a mobile app that does nothing and sell it to rich people for outrageous amount of money - like this guy: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2008/08/iphone-i-am-ric.html
Unless you want man powered aircraft, I don't see any reason for a seat like that. As for the seat development - I'm not surprised that there was a lot of effort to develop it. You'd think, that at first glance, you'd want something that's wide and soft to seat comfortably, but a seat like that would be actually very uncomfortable - due to the need for your legs to move around and the fact that soft material tends to deform and go into places it wasn't supposed to go. On the other hand if you go too hard you'll end up with sore bum. Then there's the issue of that big hole in the middle - put there to allow blood flow to your important bits. But after all this I'm still not sure what you wanted to tell us - maybe that seat shape looks sort of like it could fly?
I think you have answered yourself there... But to be serious - if you wanted to do that, you'd have to rack up the GST to something like 50-60% You'd also have to put customs on everything you bring into the country, and I mean everything.
It's even better if you tell them that you can't get to their website as you have no internet connection.