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Everything posted by Mark11

  1. LOL... Bankers are all to keen to throw more doe his way hoping to ride a new wave... His best strength isvgettingnothersvto believe in him! I wonder what they will say when I ask!!
  2. I love the app idea... I used to be a computer geek programming machine language on my C64 when in primary school... Should of stayed with it instead of sound civil engineering
  3. Alan bond is pretty good at making something from nothing!!!
  4. Love all the suggestions.. I haven't written a proper business plan (nor do I know fully how to ... But I did download a template ) When I tried filling out the expected sales etc, its All guesswork! What I need is someone (in business) to review it and let me know if I should rip it up Problem is, I have 4 or 5 business ideas... And not sure which one is the winner !
  5. Greg, I'm glad you had the guts and opportunity! I've had a crack before - didn't lose money, but didn't make any either. First job was $135k with $60k first payment.... Good ol $2 company!!
  6. Yikes!! I'm not planning on financing anything - anything I supply will need to be fully paid... Only risk is my time.
  7. The video is funny and rather accurate! If our wives don't already have a gay man friend (I think she does) that business idea might have legs.... After all, everyone's got a PT nowdays!
  8. That's the best thing, a bit of freedom!
  9. Funny that - those couple of friends who seem to be doing ok are import /export trade!
  10. I'm never sick as it is!!!!
  11. I reckon people who say "Good luck with your business" are really being condescending - so instead I'll say, " enjoy working for yourself!".
  12. I have looked into building accommodation on my land as well as my retirement house http://www.hao.com.au/projects/single/pic/Rabone-Residence.pdf I'll build the house first!
  13. Sounds like you have it sorted... My annoyance is that I have been slogging it out for 21 years! There is no break in sight unless I leave Sydney, rent what I have here and live in a shed on my land in tas... I could earn less working for someone or I could earn less working for myself... I'm hoping the latter!
  14. Starting and running your own business may well be hard work and long hours.... But so is working in construction! The difference is that you can sell a business when you are done, but all you get is another line in your résumé when you change jobs
  15. Bit like flying wild Alaska .... Not many options if you live there and need something !
  16. Sounds great, lets give it a try!
  17. Kyle, Thanks for response. I certainly agree that picking something that you are passionate about is key - rather than going to work as a way of getting cash! Interesting point regarding working with the wife.... I think I'll be safe, because she isn't interested in anything I do ... (Not in a mean way)
  18. I tend to agree.... We are educated to go work for someone else- and therein lies the problem! I say to all, learn business studies !
  19. This would probably be better as survey... But don't think I can do that... Aircraft ownership is certainly a privilege Although I earn a good wage, my wife doesn't So, it seems we never have a lot if spare change! However, many of our friends have their own businesses and are all rolling in it! So, it seems university has failed me! I'm seriously trying to start my own business - but can't quite figure out which of my ideas I will try... Anyway, just wanted to know how many lucky individuals on here have achieved nirvana and work for themselves?? Green with envy Mark
  20. http://www.canstar.com.au/interest-rate-comparison/compare-home-loan-rates.html I didn't need to do my own comparison... Macquarie Bank looking good
  21. Who cares!!! Sorry but I'm so over ford versus Holden. This sport will only be worth watching when some more manufacturers are allowed to join... Nissan would flog both of them, as would Audi, Mercedes, BMW, VW.
  22. Best thing about Aussie rules is that the rules are not strict and rely on the umpires judgement. For example, you can run for about 15m before you have to either bounce, touch the ball on the ground, handball or kick Also, its a great game because you can do anything except throw a ball. Apart from above, you can punch, head, knee, chest a ball without penalty! It's fun as when you are in the pack scrambling to get the ball and trying to get the ball out somehow / anyhow... Pure chaos...
  23. Clearly, the banks are in no hurry to pass in the rate cuts... Greedy b.....
  24. Just read reviews for UBank... 5.62% variable or fixed However, sounds like service is lacking and the application process long and painful Currently, CommBank is 5.9% variable and 5.59% fixed 3years or 5.99% fixed 5years This is per any rate cut... I think I'll do comparison spreadsheet and see what I can find
  25. Thanks Howard. Ill do some research and see what's the best deal I can find Regards Mark
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