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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. I'd have flown him/her for half!
  2. not touching that with a 10 ft pole
  3. but! but!..... gays might marry!!
  4. OK, you're up next then.
  5. Not fair, you finished typing out your story.
  6. ////////////CARRIER LOST///////////////////
  7. good one! Love Billy Connolly too... his routine on getting a colonoscopy is quite possibly the funniest thing ever. Next??
  8. ding ding a winner. OK your turn!
  9. yes, but what's my quote from?
  10. Just for a bit of fun, kinda like the name that plane or airfield threads - I'll start us off with a quote (should be easy). Preferably without using google, put in your best guess as to the character and movie/book it came from, then you can add your own. So: "Here I am... Brain the size of a planet..."
  11. mind you, would have been good to hire out for air displays for Chinese New Year festivals during year of the rooster!
  12. imagine going through all that effort to end up with a chicken painted on your plane. If it were me I'd want a falcon or hawk or something. To each his own.
  14. Faulty coil, back in business!
  15. [ATTACH]47621._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  16. true.... but, needs must when the devil drives.. or in this case parks... too far to get the charger to the car. And wouldn't you know it, I didn't have a spare 850 CCA battery laying around! :-)
  17. I'll have a look at it for half.
  18. Thanks guys! so far it hasn't regained consciousness, so its off to the shop on monday morning, for hopefully just a reset :-/
  19. ... besides, if it lasts 3 weeks, if you waste that time that is YOUR fault!
  20. Yes, but how do you really feel about it Phil??
  21. Phil Perry said: old man emu said: ↑ I love malapropisms! I would too. . . .if I knew what one was. . . . . . . Dunno but if it lasts longer than 4 hours, see a doctor!
  22. Thanks Nev - don't have one, but I suppose that is the next logical step. I vastly prefer my Land Rover. The ride is ok if you like that sort of thing, very hard to keep slow enough wtihout constantly having to back off.
  23. Forgive me I am a Land Rover guy but borrowing an X5 which naturally decided to start playing up on me. What I know is it is a 2007 X5 3.0 si. Low Km, maybe 60,000 or so? Up till recently it ran fine, however there was a week or 2 where I didn't drive it. The battery died so I removed it and put it on the charger overnight and it is fully charged. Also took it to the auto parts store and they put the tester on it, no faults. So I have put the battery back in, no dramas. However, now it runs VERY roughly - idles only about 500 RPM, and runs like someone pulled out half the spark plugs. I had a glance in the engine bay, don't see any oil in the area, and nothing loose that I can see. here is what I have been able to find on this and other forums: - possible leak at MAF tubing? checked it, seems solid. - oil in spark plug holes? haven't checked yet, not even sure yet where the spark plugs are on this thing... hoping to find out if there is a simpler, common issue before learning this thing for a one time event. - transmission in safe mode? no indication of this, no message. Also the rough running is evident in neutral or park as well as through all of the manual gears, so don't think its a transmission thing. - fuel cap? checked to make sure it was tight, but can't rule it out. Hard to put cause/effect on that since the only thing done was the battery. -water in gas? This is what it "feels" like to me, but not sure how to check - is there a drain point in the fuel system on these? All of the info system messages seem OK (other than front brake pads, which should be irrelevant). Has anyone had this happen before in conjunction with a failing battery? Its almost like it lost its mind! Another possibility... i put 87 Octane in, wasn't paying attention since I normally use diesel in my Landrover. Would that make it run like someone stole half the sparkplugs? thanks in advance for any help!!
  24. yes we are, and it makes me sad... that's one of the (many, complicated) reasons I left
  25. ... and those of us who aren't happy with being as you say end up moving here!
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