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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. that and getting in over one's head in credit.
  2. who's perfumed bush was he talking about?
  3. you've "heard"... riiiiggghhhhttt....
  4. I've got a nice Pale Ale in secondary fermentation now, can't wait to see how it turns out!
  5. Think the group noun for pr1cks is "sausage party"?
  6. I think the other categories are good IF they are something that can be reported on. For example I might want to search for "tips on slow flight" and sort by most number of "helpful" or "informative" ratings. if they don't provide any utility along those lines, then I don't see any other real use for them other than to let the world know that you found something to your liking or you agreed with it or found it friendly, so on.
  7. I have nothing to add, but can I get a free Like?
  8. ayavner

    Words of wisdom

    words of wisdom: "never fart BEFORE you sit down"
  9. I wonder if it is a linear progression with increasing mileage - ie 14 miles on a motorbike brings it to 1:500,000 and so on? Or the other way round? Interesting (if true)!
  10. Absolutely, and you likewise! OK sorry folks back to topic lol!
  11. I'm half/half - the larger part of my family is actually here and true blue Aussie.. i've been back and forth but most time spent in the US. We decided to move here a few years ago, but realistically will have to get far, far away from Sydney to actually make it work. Not that that is much loss, its hard to fly around here anyway haha. We really love Tassie, and could probably afford to make a go of it down there. But... one step at a time.... we are more or less debt free at the moment, but of course the rent is a huge portion of our expenses.
  12. agreed... well, we don't have a mortgage because we are renting. Moving from the US to Sydney, while we find the pricing of comparable housing to be 4-6x greater, oddly enough our salaries aren't... And I just can't see getting ourselves in THAT level of debt. Come to think of it, I see all of these planes for sale for 75-100K, and I wonder what is it that everyone does for a living that they can afford that just for recreational purposes. So not sure what the best way to go about my goal is, we have various ideas for businesses we can enjoy running, and with my wife's MBA and my .... erm... nevermind...lol hopefully we can make a go of it and if not get rich, at least not feel like we are stuck in a cycle of doing nothing that matters to anyone (other than the Man)
  13. Aviation-wise: make meaningful progress towards my cert/pax/xc. I no longer set time goals on this, i mean i thought i'd solo by the end of 2011.. .nope... and surely sometime within 2012... nope (ain't gonna happen today). Life-wise: make meaningful progress towards unlatching from the Great Teat of corporate thralldom before I am too old to want any better for myself. will it happen??? watch this space!!!
  14. yeah, but bet I'm the only one here that doesn't have Facebook!
  15. "i'm good enough, i'm smart enough.. and gosh darnit, people LIKE me!" +1 :-D
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