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About damkia

  • Birthday 29/10/1961

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I used to laugh at the possible concept of a toothbrush with a hinge, until they invented a toothbrush with a "flexible head". Now, a toothbrush with Bluetooth??? We really don't have much more we can milk out of optimistic marketing, surely? Put that with the new electric kettle that messages you when it's boiled......
  2. Thank you for 93 pages of "Aviation Laughter" . Is it time to put this to bed yet, and simply agree to disagree? Perhaps theological debates should be conducted offline, or simply do not look at threads that have offended you in the past to see if they have offended you even more now. Maybe this is one thread for the scrapheap.
  3. Freo and Rottnest Is. in Perth. Margaret River wineries if you have a car and don't mind driving. Sydney - usual stuff (Bridge/Circ Quay/ Opera House), DEFINITELY Manly ferry, for the views (take camera). Bondi beach (bucket list), Blue Mountains if you have a car.
  4. A small footnote on the Federal position at the moment... http://www.sbs.com.au/comedy/article/2015/02/04/julia-gillard-rushed-hospital-after-overdosing-schadenfreude
  5. ATTACK OF THE KILLER "CANS" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-31/toilet-hacking/4926956
  6. Ahem, that would be "Google" rather than "google"....
  7. Tassie IS the pond across the dirt..
  8. Diploma of nail care? ("Nail Technician") Cert IV cosmetics (DJ's/Myer counter sales for cosmetics...) Yep we are wasting money hand over fist in the TAFE area
  9. Ditto with "Also".
  10. East to west of Australia in less than 20 seconds....in an RAA reg aircraft Last time I went Gold Coast to Perth then on to Laverton WA it took 17.5 hrs on an RPT flight.
  11. Aviation based: "Add lightness and simplicate"
  12. Gotta love those typogrophical errors:wink: "People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones"
  13. The funny thing about that is that if you try to learn a language like Chinese, one symbol (sound) when spoken has different meanings too, yet most people nominate this aspect as the most difficult to come to terms with when learning the language...
  14. Always backup TWICE and store in different locations if it is uber critical
  15. German ones are usually spread across three pages and fold out two pages deep along the bottom to accommodate their concatenation of words. Italian ones??? How can you incorporate hand gestures in a crossword? Ever seen Italians "speak"? Italian without hand gestures is like words without vowels and consonants. I think crosswords would be an impossibility for the Chinese/Japanese/Koreans
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