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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. Marty. there is a good career to be made from overhearing such conversations and using them to write comedy. If you turn this into a million dollar deal then I want a glass of red in payment.
  2. Good onyer OME . You are 100% right .
  3. We might just be figments of your imagination Cosmic. Or we might all be figments of a computer program like in the movie. That idea actually is about 1000 years old, when it was surmised that we might all be figments of a demon's dream. Gosh do you mind if this figment has a beer to come to grips with the idea?
  4. Here's a free kick for the creationists.... See that model? the Dixielander ? Well it proves heaven exists on account of having been there. One day, me and the dog were watching it climb in a thermal and then it suddenly disappeared! Obviously it was taken into heaven, there is nowhere else possible. It was a windless blue day. We tried for about 15 mins to find it in the sky, but it had gone for sure. Then a week later we found it in a neighbour's paddock. It must have been chucked out after admission. [ATTACH]49239._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. Yep Nev, that's in the 1000 year old Omar Khayam poem... " The grape, which can with logic absolute The two and seventy jarring sects confute" How come the likes of us and old Omar notice this but the religious people ignore it? They all think ( they say ) that they have the one true one.
  6. The only religious people I know make their living from it. They could well be atheists deep down, you would never know. Well there is one exception; there is an elderly neighbor who goes to church and gives them money. But he hasn't got so much money since he fell for a scam and sent $20,000 to a Hong Kong PO box number. Maybe religion is a scam too huh?
  7. Bugger, there are no monarchists here willing to argue their ridiculous points. And no creationists either. Who scared them off, or don't they really exist?
  8. I've got 6 panels on my roof thanks to the SA govt years ago. I reckon they could be increased to 9 panels without paying for more electronic stuff, so I'm looking for 3 panels which fell off the back of a truck.
  9. Space, do you live off the grid? I was once off the grid at my hangar, and had a setup similar to, but not nearly as good as yours. The limited life of lead-acid batteries made it quite expensive per kWh, but it worked to give me light and 12V power tools.
  10. Nope Nev it doesn't. Humans are the only animals to have thugs ( knights ) to assist them in their fight to retain dominance, and we are certainly the only ones where the dominant animal can pass on their authority to their (possibly weak) offspring. And the concept of "noble blood" is ridiculous. The nobles were taller because they ate better.
  11. The Catholics got there first, and they had a fairly good argument that they shouldn't have to pay tax for state schools and then pay to run their own system. I actually like the idea of discretionary tax, there is a long list of things I don't want to support. The monarchy is just one of the things on that list. But the system could not operate if we could do this, so you have to reject the notion.
  12. The institution of the monarchy is bizarre to say the least. You can imagine a dominant animal being like the king for awhile, but to dominate the other animals so completely that your mantle gets passed down to your offspring in perpetuity has only ever happened in our particular species of apes.
  13. It's using taxpayers money to fund religious schools that I find obscene. If they study the Koran at a religious school, a small percentage will take it all seriously and need to get out there and kill infidels. This is how the probabilities of a population work, and their parents may well be nice and moderate people. That this indoctrination is done with government support makes me angry.
  14. Specialists have a closed shop and a monopoly protected by the government. So they are on millions a year... isn't that wonderful for them?
  15. Bruce

    USA gun protests

    Yes red, it will be lots of fun with guys like him. He needs to be goaded into shooting some kid protesting at his local gun shop.
  16. If scale reduces costs, how come my water supply at the farm costs much less than it does in Adelaide? The answer is that in Adelaide I am the mug who pays for big profits and obscene executive salaries by way of my water bill, AND they are growing the population insanely and present consumers need to pay for the expansion. Gosh I dislike what the government does these days. At the farm the only executive salary is mine and luckily I work for nothing.
  17. Maybe the kids protesting are going to achieve something here. In case any of them subscribe to this forum, here is some advice... 1. Up the ante: hold stone-throwing protests outside gun shops and invite the media to be there and compare how the police protect gun shops better than schools. 2. Accuse congressmen of having far better security than the schools . Call them cowards for not scaling their security to match what schools have. 3. The same goes for Trump, only more so. He has about a thousand secret service I guess and schools have maybe one or two old guys. 4. Recycle an old anti vietnam-war chant, slightly modified... " hey hey NRA, how many kids did you kill today?" 5. Make the police take sides by having protests at congressmen who accepted money from the NRA. Gosh I wish I was over there and young enough to join in.
  18. People Nev. In Alice Springs, it is a sad sight to see aboriginal families squatting in their yard surrounded by heaps of rubbish. But how could you expect desert aborigines to have any culture about picking up litter? Or washing, for that matter, and yes the lack of washing sometimes kills them. I blame a dreadful ( but unwitting on the part of the bleeding hearts ) coalition of bleeding hearts and nasty racists for the fact that financial coercion is not used to help aborigines learn new and better ways. And that is the same with deposits, it is a gentle form of coercion for a good cause.
  19. The mess left after events just shows what we pay for the lack of deposit laws. As I said, too little deposit and not on enough things.
  20. Yes Jerry, that negligent minority are why we need deposits. It was that minority who paid for the pickup woman's trip to Europe, and I completely approve. Everybody got their own way and the streets got cleaned up, at least for the deposit things. But as you imply, the packaging billionaires have corrupted most places and prevented deposits against the wishes of the majority.
  21. I know a woman in Alice Springs who paid for a trip to Europe by collecting litter first thing in the morning from the streets. OME, that Woollies stuff was just puffery. Competition is all that makes them curb prices at all. I'm proud of SA for being the only state with any deposits for years. But its too little and not on enough things. Fast food packaging is the worst litter. I bet that if deposits were put to a fair referendum they would get voted in easily.
  22. Well it could have been a lot worse OME. Like a broken hip. Getting old is not so good huh.... but the working hours are ok. My wife has arthritis and sometimes this makes her grumpy and guess who is in the firing line when that happens.
  23. So what is the cost of pumped storage hydro nomad? The cost of electricity in SA is so high now it might be viable.
  24. Last time I bought a new battery for the car, it was over $100. The guy said that this was because of the world price of lead. When I replied that there was just as much lead in the old battery, so that should be worth a lot too, he looked at me incredulously and said no way. To dispose of it, I went to the recycling place to find that there was a half-hour queue and the amount would be $2. So I gave the battery to the guy in the car behind me and came home sadder but wiser. That was the last lead-acid I have bought... they are about $160 now for the old Falcon. This time it was some chemicals and capacitors.
  25. Yes, the 2 reactors in Melbourne were on a visiting US carrier. ( They need "shore leave" every 6 weeks or the sailors start answering the officers back. Gosh they need a gender balance on those things ) Why did the greens not protest? At the nuclear reactors I mean.
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