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About Downunder

  • Birthday 09/09/1968

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Russians were there on April 10......
  2. Me too!. Paying 4 bucks (or should I say dollars in this thread...) for a 20 cent biscuit is MORE of an outrage! I guess the poor cafe owners have to pay the extortionate lease somehow. What's the bet the landowners are foreign and $2 of that biscuit/cookie goes overseas? More outrage!
  3. Them bloody yanks are war mongers!
  4. That's what is so extraordinary about it! They are calling it (the gas attack) a lie .....
  5. Try contacting a few ebay sellers of old parts panels...... the may know something. Quite a few do it professionally or semi-professionally.
  6. No money to fix the hangars.... it's all been spent on "safety".... Hope the rabbits have their vests on..... and a "dig" permit. [ATTACH]47831._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. Yes, lots of places now require the switch to turn off as soon as you let it go. This makes it difficult at times to angle the device and still keep your finger or thumb on the switch. Your finger gets sore after a while and you can't hold it in a more secure manner relative to the angle of use, which in the end is counterproductive. Yes, turning off automatically is good if you drop it but a good grip/grasp with your finger off the switch, reduces the chance of dropping it. Thinking of angle grinders here.....
  8. I'm not missing Kermit. Kermit is missing me!
  9. Yes litespeed, tell them OME you are "onto it". You will soon have facebook, linkedin, google+, and all the rest. The time taken to do this will ofcouse not be free and your hourly rate will increase 50%. If they book you now before it all goes live, they can save a substantial amount!!!
  10. I remember something about the "DuPont system". I think they had to close their own US (?) plants as they couldn't work to their own (strict) safety system. I got the impression it was just an excuse to move operations to a 3rd world country........not sure......
  11. I don't believe I have a medical issue at all. As SDQDI said. The new lights are a very fast flashing intense multicolour strobes. LED? Put a couple of cop cars, an ambulance and yellow light flashing tow trucks on the side of the road at night and someone standing in front of them to direct traffic becomes a blur.....
  12. [ATTACH]47814._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  13. Whenever I pass emergency service vehicles at night, at the scene of an accident, there are so many fast flashing lights I'm actually blinded.........
  14. Probably not many fans here....... but anyway.......Lemmy passed away at 70 yrs old 28/12/2015
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