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Everything posted by cooperplace

  1. too complicated.... I can't imagine SA motor vehicles coping with flying requirements, or even cooperating with any other body. People I know in SA police say that the motor vehicles dept is a nightmare for them, so imagine what they be would be like for interstate and federal bodies. This would unleash a huge turf war.
  2. Agreed. English beer is fantastic. My favorite is Harveys, from Lewes. But there are lots of great English beers. I live in SA and I never drink the local stuff.
  3. a relative, now deceased, who was a night fighter pilot in WW2, over 100 missions, told me "all beer is good beer". He worked that out from the taste of that first beer after getting back from, say, Germany seen from the air. It's hard to argue with his view that all beer is good. He agreed that some beers are better than others.
  4. storms always wreck them. About a year or two ago, someone in SA built one and tried to tow it to its final site and rough seas wrecked it before it got there. The problem with wave energy is that inevitably a massive storm comes along. A wind turbine's blades can be feathered, but the wave generator is always in the sea.
  5. I worked with a CDC1700 almost 40 years ago. It had 64k of memory. In its favor is that it could have fitted in my living room and it could connect to (if memory is correct) 96 peripherals. Also, it was very reliable.
  6. I'm a university lecturer, and I require my students to write an essay. Most tell me that this is the first time in their life that they've done this.
  7. Hi Rocketing, that's great, thank you. Congrats BTW on the recent first solo
  8. I'm looking for online forum software for a professional body I'm a member of. The functionality seen here in the site would probably be ideal. If anyone has any suggestions for affordable, or free, software, I would be most grateful. Ian, obviously your thoughts would be much welcomed, and those of anyone else with suggestions. Thanks Peter.
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