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Everything posted by lark

  1. I think just about everyone about agrees with you on the vouchers ft!
  2. Judging by some of their pay rates no wonder they are all fans of big government!
  3. yAs Ewes all neede to be lerned beterr at skool!!!!!!
  4. Wasn't surfing available as a HSC subject at a school in NSW a few years ago? Not that I have any problems with surfing, a great pastime no doubt. Hard to imagine how it would help in a job interview though.
  5. isn't it "aide" if we really want to get picky. Gosh don't think ill be game to post anymore in case I make more mistakes now!
  6. Perhaps pointless was the incorrect word. I was thinking of all the things that were once the responsibility of the parent, which now seem to be taking up valuable time in schools. It almost seems parents want the education system to do everything for them.
  7. Too much time is taken up in schools with pointless courses rather than teaching the core subjects.
  8. I hate hearing "do the math" or "math class" it was always maths when I was at school. Maybe we all become grumpy nit pickers as we get older!
  9. They say its just like riding a bike!
  10. Have you watched the movie "Idiocracy" ? Not a great movie, but it has some interesing observations about reproduction and society in general. Made me laugh, but not too loud or long. Although a comedy its pretty spot on in parts with the way society is going!
  11. A mate of mine told me when airbags first became commonplace he had to attend "training"to be able to safely work on these cars. They were told when removing a steering wheel to always place the steering wheel on the ground airbag facing up. A demonstration of the power involved was shown by setting one off, airbag down. Apparentyly the steering wheel hit the roof! Had ayone been leaning over it at the time he reckons it would have been nasty to say the least!
  12. no doubt people will still buy it though! Interesting that the authors biggest worry is he cant charge the phone on steering wheel!!
  13. looks great! always feels good to complete a project!
  14. Basically big Kev knew he either didnt have the numbers. Or it was only going to be a slim win if he took Creans vote and gave him deputy PM. Which he didnt want! If he had challenged and won with a slim majority he would be back to square one and constantly watching his back. Meanwhile its the public that suffers. While the huge egos posture in canberra, business is losing or lost confidence, and no one seems to be running the country! Regardless of which brand of politics you subscribe to the only way we can possibly move forward is with a general election. Sooner rather than later! (At least then we might have some fresh faces and probably new scandals to complain about!)
  15. Bring on an election ASAP!
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