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  1. Why not.the war on drugs is not going to be won
  2. Is Dazza38 a short guy?seen it before ,just sayin,didn't pass the test?...
  3. F T,just a funny guy ,best not to play with
  4. No not mine but
  5. Now making some sense at last
  6. The do gooders will stuff it up for all sooner or later.once there head is stuck in the sand that's it
  7. Wow we now have 2 never ending story's
  8. No, you have my vote
  9. [quote="Marty_d, post: 404821, member: 7951" Yeah, those damn Catholic schoolkids get taken in their own buses to their own schools too. .so you've seen this to ,needs to stop
  10. When some are picked up on there own bus ,taken to there own schools .learning there own ways,this is not integrating with the rest. The truth is that your with or against that's it,wake up fly .ask the question .i have and have been told this by more than one. Maybe they were only joking ,ha ha funny joke then a!
  11. It's not the bikies you should be afraid of
  12. How about asking anyone wanting to live here ,is this true"your either with us or against us" the do gooders don't seem to see this,you can't all live like a big happy family if some are brought up this way
  13. To much for me tooo much
  14. Anyone tried to google spelling forum yet
  15. There's better ways to have fun ,is it too windy to fly today
  16. So all done complaining about raa,now it's complaining about spelling, some need to fly more and /or just get a life
  17. To much
  18. Oops i must be on wrong forum
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