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Marty_d last won the day on February 20

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  1. Nope, he cheats at golf too.
  2. Is that a Kiwi farmer in winter, without ewe?
  3. Pretty sure it's mainly Wolfie for Jerry. Haven't worked out what it is for Spacey... not sure they have a name for it!
  4. Ahhh, Wolfie.
  5. What is "soacksavers"? Some kind of laundry detergent?
  6. Women don't snore. Every one of them is adamant on that point.
  7. No, the Wanker is installed at the point of sale
  8. You're an interesting duck. Let's see if I can get your thinking here. - All politicians are useless, except the crazy ones who only know how to wreck things. - Money shouldn't be spent on foreign aid, immigrants or anyone else in need. Instead, it should all be spent on a "great big beautiful" consumer affairs department because you once had a problem with some lemon of a car. - You're neither Left nor Right aligned, but everyone else on Earth is a raving Lefty. Is that a fair summary?
  9. There's a town in Bavaria called Wank. I don't know if they have a festival.
  10. I hope there's some wiser minds in the intelligence community who work around the blockage in the white house. Perhaps pass the required intelligence through another 5 Eyes partner, or simply keep delivering it through unofficial channels.
  11. I've heard the English like to all come together on occasion.
  12. I don't know, OME. You're a bright spark.
  13. I think Kevin Bloody Wilson wrote the words to her song. "I remember her now, stepping out of her jeans, She was dishing out frangers like a vending machine, But someone copped a brumby, 'cos she's having a foal, I knew the bride when she used to be a moll..."
  14. Depends how far you go back. Guess you can say that 200 years ago all the land was snapped up by foreign investors, and they didn't even pay.
  15. It seems that in countries whose PM's are dealing firmly with Trump - eg Canada and to a lesser extent UK - the governments are enjoying a rise in public support. In Canada especially, Trudeau's liberal government was trailing in the polls by 10? points - but since their quick reactions to Trumps "dumb" tariffs they are now leading by 2 points. Perhaps Albo can take that lesson on board. Trump cannot be kowtowed to or approached as a supplicant. Firm, assertive but not aggressive behaviour is needed (as for any volatile bully). I think that that particular lesson from other countries would apply to the voters here too.
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