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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Not to mention that every time he goes to Mar-a-lager or whatever it is - instead of staying in the white house or Camp David like a normal president - the local police force runs out of funding from all the security work, the Coast guard has to station 2 boats nearby, and he charges the secret service exorbitantly for staying at his resort.
  2. My neighbour went one worse. He dropped his phone into the long drop dunny they have down their paddock. Then he fished it out. And it didn't work.
  3. So the people they fired and rehired will be paid for the period they weren't at work (as they should be). But the fact remains that DOGE took people who were working, made them stop working then paid for no work. Not very efficient Elon. I think DOGE should audit itself and cut the fathead from the top.
  4. Go to America. You can wear a silly red cap, kiss Trump's arse, be all "sovereign citizen" and not participate in democracy at all. Sounds like it'd suit you down to the ground.
  5. As Octave said, do you drive? If so, do you follow the road rules? Do you refrain from pissing in public streets or against shop windows? Do you pay your rates / land tax / rent? When you leave Colesworth with a trolley of groceries, do you pay first? If you follow the rules in all those cases, why do you have a problem with one more?
  6. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

  7. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

  8. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

    But 693 if you want a proper answer.
  9. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

    Well, it's XXX rated, so at least it'll be less boring than the others.
  10. It's more about the stupidity of the Trump administration and the war on everything they consider "woke". Obviously they've tried to use AI to pick up any published picture that has the word "gay" in it and ordered its removal from government sites. Of course, as one of the 26,000 documents they've ordered removed, one is a photo of the plane that dropped the atom bomb - the Enola Gay.
  11. Wise advice. Although possibly confusing to Kiwis.
  12. Hope it's true. His actions need consequences and hitting his hip pocket as much as possible will be what causes him pain. For his role in funding the orange clown, getting him elected then his treasonous activities since with that dog of a DOGE, he should end up penniless.
  13. Sounds like you're well prepared. The ply ceiling is extra bracing as well.
  14. Remarkably apt https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/mar/07/donald-trump-america-mafia-state Should put the frighteners on any thinking person. Of course there will always be the occasional Donald supporter who be like
  15. Nope, he cheats at golf too.
  16. Is that a Kiwi farmer in winter, without ewe?
  17. Pretty sure it's mainly Wolfie for Jerry. Haven't worked out what it is for Spacey... not sure they have a name for it!
  18. Ahhh, Wolfie.
  19. What is "soacksavers"? Some kind of laundry detergent?
  20. Women don't snore. Every one of them is adamant on that point.
  21. No, the Wanker is installed at the point of sale
  22. You're an interesting duck. Let's see if I can get your thinking here. - All politicians are useless, except the crazy ones who only know how to wreck things. - Money shouldn't be spent on foreign aid, immigrants or anyone else in need. Instead, it should all be spent on a "great big beautiful" consumer affairs department because you once had a problem with some lemon of a car. - You're neither Left nor Right aligned, but everyone else on Earth is a raving Lefty. Is that a fair summary?
  23. There's a town in Bavaria called Wank. I don't know if they have a festival.
  24. I hope there's some wiser minds in the intelligence community who work around the blockage in the white house. Perhaps pass the required intelligence through another 5 Eyes partner, or simply keep delivering it through unofficial channels.
  25. I've heard the English like to all come together on occasion.
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