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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Sorry Space. "The smell of the 1972 Grange Hermitage filled the room". Is that clearer? Having said that my mate was pretty bad on the arse trumpet.
  2. There's a whole lot of begatting. Not to mention Lot's incestuous behaviour, and the Song of Solomon is basically Pornhub for BCE. But seriously OME, unless you're looking for contradiction, nonsense and downright insanity, reading it is unprophetable.
  3. We need a new financial model. Let's face it, if cars have the ability to be autonomous, why leave it parked in your garage all day? People who do own them could hook up to ride-sharing apps where their car is used in a local area as an on-demand Uber type thing. That way, anyone wanting to get from A to B can do so for a smaller cost than taxi or Uber (as there's no human driver involved). Plus that bonus of not having to make awkward conversation with the driver.
  4. 130km/h doesn't seem very fast for an anti-aircraft drone, when compared to the hypersonic speeds of air to air missiles. Looks like they need to put out an appeal for European aeromodellers to build and donate model jets.
  5. Well, they wanted more "tread"...
  6. I have a 1972, born the same year as me. No idea if it's ambrosia or vinegar. Mate bought 3 at auction about 25 years ago, we cracked one and drank it from coffee cups. It was magnificent, the smell of it filled the room.
  7. A quarter of all numbers are divisible by 4. Correlation <> causation.
  8. 5 years? I have trouble cellaring a red for more than 2 weeks.
  9. Not unless he gets one hell of an ear infection, unfortunately.
  10. Worst possible outcome. An innocent person gets killed and the orange clown is already claiming that god saved him from the bullet. Nothing good is going to come from this.
  11. Symptom of a healthy society. Bet there aren't many tattoos in North Korea or China. End of the day, if it doesn't hurt anyone else, everyone should be allowed to have their lifestyle choices.
  12. Why shouldn't they move around? That's the market. When unemployment is high and competition is high for jobs, employers reap the benefits of getting the best people for lower cost. In periods of low unemployment, a little power goes back to the employee. I don't see that as a negative.
  13. End of the day, they're individuals with their own motivations and pressures. It's probably nothing you've done. If pay and / or conditions are better somewhere else, or they're changing their lifestyle, or Mum who lives in QLD suddenly needs care - there are many factors in staff switching employers.
  14. In the end, although we're all inhabitants of planet Earth (which would be worse off under a Trump US presidency), at least we're not IN the US. So I see this whole situation as a wake-up call for democracies all over the world. We need more involvement of the populace in government, not less. Better education in civics, ethics and law.
  15. What proportion are searching it up because they agree with it though?
  16. Yeah, but the meals never looked that tasty!
  17. He's sometimes a bit offbeat, so he might have meant syncopated.
  18. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    Here you go OME. 1 cup plain flour 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp sodium bicarb 3 tbsp sugar pinch salt Stir the dry ingredients together, then add 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 tsp vanilla essence. Mix in a mixer or beat the hell out of it with a whisk if you want the exercise. Into a hot pan with a wipe of butter first. I made these every week for the kids for about 10 years, no complaints. (Why I know the recipe off by heart!)
  19. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    It's the melting plastic wrapping which smells the worst.
  20. Yes, Ireland was similar, either hedges or drystone walls. You couldn't go too fast anyway because half the time there was a tractor in front of you.
  21. It's not just wiring, one chewed the top of the radiator overflow bottle in our last car.
  22. My 16yo son eats a bag of "Krackle" (yep, pork crackling in a chip bag) each day. Not because he's fat - the opposite! He's skinny as a rail but super fit as he hits the gym 4x a week. He's trying to bulk up a bit so goes for foods high in protein.
  23. The only thing missing off that aisle is "MAGA caps"
  24. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

    Four and Five
  25. Looks like my screen setup for Work from Home. Is that the next evolution - Work from Car?
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