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About Soleair

  • Birthday 05/05/1950

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. After a few old Britbikes (BSA A5; Royal Enfield Bullet; Triumph 3TA) I bought a Honda 550K4. It was a ratbike, to be fair, but it went well. On my way to work there was a straight bit of road that I kept trying to reach the magic ton on, but never quite made it. Then one day, just after the straight, when I'd slowed down to 30 or so approaching a roundabout, there was a bang & the rear wheel locked. I got the clutch in quickly, so stayed on board. Turned out the timing chain had jumped off the sprocket & seized the engine. But if it had happened a minute earlier I would have been hurting. . . So when I returned to biking in my 40's, I bought a Honda VFR 750FV with gear driven cams. Bullet proof V4 engine, superb sound; impeccable handling. Loved that bike. Bruce
  2. Soleair

    Quickies part 2

    I was told my job was in Jeopardy. I said I didn't fancy working there, and they sacked me!! Bruce
  3. More likely the static boundary layer, & slower airstream adjacent to it. Bruce
  4. Soleair

    Republican win

    But Marty is not POTUS, & thus does not have to satisfy the voting public of his honesty, integrity, or public spirited fair-mindedness. Trump coined the puerile moniker "crooked Hilary" for the opposition candidate in the elections. But when asked to publish his tax returns - as every other presidential candidate has done - he stated he would do so 'after they've been audited'. It is now clear he has no intention of publishing his returns. From this, we must conclude that he is not paying his fair share of taxes, indeed, may not be paying ANY taxes. He publicly boasts of his wealth, so it can't be modesty preventing him from declaring his tax. This can only imply dishonesty at best, or crooked criminality at worst. I wish they would just hurry up & either shoot him or impeach him, before he discovers the real codes to operate the big red button.
  5. Wouldn't that cover most religious teachings? Shirley these godbotherers are shooting themselves in the foot?
  6. Soleair

    Republican win

    Give it time, Bex. Give it time.
  7. Soleair

    Republican win

  8. I've just watched the Clinton/Trump debate live. I won't trot out a list of subjective opinions on the content - no doubt this will be done to death by the pro pundits tonight & ad nauseam. Two observations, though. The air time given to Trump appeared way higher than that given to Clinton. This was mainly because Lester Holt (the moderator) was very weak in not imposing discipline & standing up to Trump's bluster. Secondly, although the volume of words issuing from Trump was long, loud, repetitive & rambling, the content could be reduced to a few sentences. And these would mostly be opinions based on the benefit of hindsight. Surely the majority of Americans cannot be so gullible as to be deceived by such an overtly shallow, self serving blowhard. Can they?
  9. Yes, observation would tend to suggest this is indeed the case. I was about to post re Phil's first collection: Now,. . .NO right thinking human being with a brain cell or three could rationally say that any of this coverage was biased in any way, shape or form. . . .could it. . . . . Could be bias. Or it might just be accurate reporting.
  10. I sympathise. But shirley the only Worcestershire sauce to grace your table should Lea & Perrins?
  11. Well I enjoy hoarse meat. . . Always used to head for the Boucherie Chevaline as a first stop when in France. Can't understand why people find eating horse any different from consuming cow, sheep, pig, goat etc. (Sorry, OME. Good pun :)
  12. For sure many of those who voted 'leave ' will now rue their decision. "Vote in haste, regret at leisure" to paraphrase the adage. But in my view, the root cause of the present woeful situation in which the (once)Great Britain finds itself was the misguided decision to hold a referendum in the first place. Yes, I know hindsight is the clearest form of vision. But the whole system of parliamentary democracy is founded on the election of representatives to speak for their constituents. In turn, this concept is predicated upon those representatives having the time, the wit, and the ability to understand fully the implications of any proposed policy, to discuss, debate, and in due course agree (yes, with a majority) to a course of action. That is why they are there. That is what they are paid for. So why, then, when every MAJOR party, and every living British prime minister, agreed that the exUK should stay in the EEC was a referendum called at all? Ok, given that it was, it could be argued that both sides set out their reasons for their views, and that these were freely promulgated throughout all the media. So then the good citizens of Britain take on board all the various arguments, predictions, facts & forecasts and retire to consider quietly and calmly. Then make a reasoned judgement on which course seems to offer the greatest good. Yeah, right. The voting public in (I guess) all parliamentary democracies are sick and tired of the broken promises, distorted statistics, spin and downright lies that is the stock in trade of many politicians. The rosy picture painted of the Nirvana that will surely follow once they are elected is never realised. So nobody should be surprised that the electorate apparently ignored or disbelieved the predictions of a Leave vote, now that they have proved to be broadly accurate. The masses did what masses do - they responded to the best advertising campaign. Spin doctors and ad agencies know exactly which buttons to press to get the result they are paid to produce, and that result need have nothing to do with the greater good. And so while the idle wealthy of London sipped their champagne secure in their ivory castles, the great unwashed of the North reacted to the emotive images of streams of even more unwashed would-be immigrants queuing to invade. They made a stand to 'reclaim' Britain's sovereignty against Johnny Foreigner. The evil despots of Brussels could be repelled by their courageous vote to go it alone and stand proud. Only now is the realisation dawning that it wasn't really like that at all - but alas! too late. And no, you can't have another vote now you've thought about it properly (something else that was spelled out clearly in advance). Oh, and if my view on the general nature of politicians and their promises appears to argue against the idea of leaving them to decide such issues without a referendum, Churchill said it best: " democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." Be careful what you wish for. Bruce
  13. Because that was then. This is now.
  14. I can't help thinking a wrong decision has been made here, and there will be regrets in the cold hard light of dawn down the track. Time will tell - but by then it will be too late. Now if Trump gets the win I'm going to stop taking my medication . . .
  15. Soleair


    Well I watched the rugby, and enjoyed the matches. England's defence was superb in the last game.
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