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About Jabiru7252

  • Birthday 23/09/1955

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  1. A lot of stuff is described as 'AI' by naïve journalists etc. I developed a lot of software that would track objects, even against complex background clutter. There was no 'neural network, no machine learning, no training involved, which is common with AI. It was just using what's called template matching and some statistical analysis. I do wonder though, if our mind, our sense of self is just the result of electro-chemical processes in our brain giving rise to self awareness. If this is so, then could the same thing happen in a computer running very complex AI? Imagine being aware that you are 'alive' but happen to be an air-to-air missile with complex imaging and guidance systems based on AI. And being aware your only goal is to die by blowing up an enemy plane. True AI would be able to rewrite its own software to avoid such a situation.
  2. Way back in the late seventies I used to know a well known (Adelaide) journo who once said to me "never spoil a good story with the truth".
  3. Some people commit crimes because they know that being sent to jail is nothing to worry about. They have at least a dozen relatives on the inside (uncles, brothers, cousins etc.) They know they are safe, will have a bed, meals and medicals etc. Jail is no deterrent for these people so they continue to commit crimes. A relative was a prison officer for thirty years and knows what goes on. There was an article about this in the 1970's (Readers Digest) so it's nothing new. Political correctness is one of the greatest causes of on going problems in our society because it stifles debate (among other things). However, as I have said before, I couldn't give a toss, too old to care anymore....
  4. Bruce, ask me about my ATO experience next time we meet....
  5. over population issue again. Less people, less requirement to dam rivers.
  6. About 100 years ago somebody did the maths and suggested to quite an accuracy that about 2 billion is a sustainable population. That is, 2 billion can live without worrying about their pollution because the planet can keep up with repairing the damage 2 billion create or healing itself as some say. Computer modelling suggests much the same even with coal fuels. 2 billion. Some suggest that 50 billion people living in tepees will work, but who wants to live in a tepee? With the over population problem and the rise of Islam (who want to return to Biblical times) I believe that human kind will in fact be living as the primitives did 30 thousand years ago all within the next 100 years. Again, I don't care, I'll be long dead and forgotten. And just to be sure, I am part greenie.
  7. It does not matter what we use for energy, if we continue to over populate the planet we will suffer terribly. These people who bleat about clean energy, climate change, green house effects etc. are fools because all these things become meaningless when 10 billion people are fighting for the last scrap of food and water and land. I personally don't care because I'll be long dead when the sh*t really hits the fan. It's YOUR kids and grand kids that will suffer.
  8. I'm currently reading 'Gravity, Black Holes and the Universe' by Iain Nicolson. I'm finding it easier to understand than a lot of other books on the subject because it's not full of the unnecessary math that some authors think they need to include to 'impress' their readers.
  9. Holy Moly, In my previous post I used 'their' instead of 'there'. How embarrassing. Being immeasurably clever this is totally out of character for me.
  10. When I was in London, 35 years ago it was common to see 10 or 15 people living in the same house. Mainly from India and Pakistan, they were living in England to take advantage of what it has to offer. Often I hear people ask why are their so many Asian and Indian Doctors etc. It's because they come here seeking all the wonderful opportunities while 'we' having become so used to welfare sit on our bums and watch TV and get stoned. Like it or not, 'we' are bludgers unwilling to work or study hard to become successful. (For those of you, like me who have worked hard, studied and tried to better yourselves, consider yourselves excluded from the reference to 'we'). When Australia opens its borders to the rest of the world (it's on the table) then we'll really see strife here. Welfare in Australia was designed in the fifties when we could afford it. Now it's gone over-board and we cannot afford it.
  11. I lived in London 35 years ago and one could see the decay then.
  12. Is my computer faulty or my eyes? I am having an awful time trying to read some of the posts in this thread. Maybe I have had a stroke...
  13. At work, we have been asked to use both sides of the toilet paper as a cost cutting measure.
  14. I go for a walk in the mornings. Once you're into the habit it's quite good. Stick my earbuds in and listen to some marching music, but not too loud. I mapped out a path (clear of the Visigoths and Vandals) and it's about 3 ks which I aim to cover in 30 mins. It has done a great job on the legs with respect to aching feet etc. And, I get to nick lemons etc. hanging over peoples fences! As for food, I'll eat anything and everything. I want to try grasshoppers with rice this year. I might try lifting some weights as the port bottle isn't heavy enough.
  15. Funny how one thing leads to another. I visit the link posted by Robbo, then spent an hour reading up on half a dozen psychology topics. Was relieved to discover a digital detox does not involve rubber gloves or anybody's digits. Thanks to the Great Magnet for the cool change, been awful here in Adelaide.
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