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Posts posted by daza

  1. Dunno if I am pushing water up hill, but here is my "project":

    NAS drives.


    Turning them on is not difficult, but turning them off can be.


    Some have a web page you can go to and click buttons to turn them off.


    Ok, but is there a "cheat" where I can make a "script" so all I do it click an icon and it sends the commands to turn off the box.




    It is beyond me.

    I expect that it's possible, but would probably be specific to the model of NAS box.


    If you login to the web page of the NAS and find the shutdown button, you could copy that link and use it to make a shortcut.


    Wether or not you could also pass the username and password to the NAS in that link is make/model specific, you'd have to trial and error it.


    Does that help?





  2. I don't have one of these displays to test, and I'm no expert...


    But give this a try - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4q2yqq3pxmvr0vc/AAAWd3eWNc_gODwGMo0BF-WEa


    The Library gives a function to call with Pixel number and Colour,


    So basically it's just dividing the Pitch and Roll values by 15Deg to get a 0 -11 range for the 15Deg steps,


    Then if they fall between Pixels (an odd number) then light the Pixel either side at reduced brightness


    If the Pitch and Roll give an even number then just light that one Pixel at full brightness on each side.


    You'll have to add your code to get the Pitch and Roll values. (this sketch assumes degrees output, change for radians)


    This should be easy to change for different colours, or to vary the colour, or to change the step size.


    Have fun!





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