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Everything posted by PA.

  1. Who does an Atheist talk to during sex?
  2. The fireman got home from work and his wife asked, How was your day honey? He replied, Oh looking up.
  3. My wife asked me, What are my plans for Easter? I replied, Same as Jesus. Disappear Friday, turn up Monday.
  4. Abraham Lincoln did not die because he was shot. He did because all the doctors kept putting their dirty fingers in his wound so he did due to infection.
  5. Anyone want to join me? [ATTACH]48574._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Life is good for these apes.
  7. The sound of the collection plates on a Sunday morning/ [ATTACH]47851._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. Caution. The attached graphic contains a naughty word and very naughty word. But it does contain humor for non believers. [ATTACH]47849._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. So comfortable, it feels like walking on water. [ATTACH]47846._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  10. Some people should be locked up. Saw this in North Adelaide yesterday. [ATTACH]48528._xfImport[/ATTACH] Just looking at the picture now and seeing the mail slots, maybe I misunderstood the sign?
  11. Q. A. http://bfy.tw/4031
  12. Three elderly ladies walking through the park when a man jumps out from behind a bush and flashes them. Two had a stroke but the third one wasn't quick enough.
  13. A married man's prayer : Dear God, You gave me childhood, You took it away You gave me youth, You took it away. You gave me a wife ... It’s been years now, just reminding You.
  14. [ATTACH]47838._xfImport[/ATTACH] Sorry, but I am on roll.
  15. Only a problem if you only have an online subscription.
  16. [ATTACH]47837._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  17. I found a wrecker who has a complete 1982 WB listed in the Parts Locator magazine. Road Tested Spares 77 Blaxland Road, Campbelltown, NSW 02 4625 0111
  18. Spotted this sign in Japan last November. [ATTACH]48488._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Here is a picture of Ricky Gervais with some words next to it. [ATTACH]47827._xfImport[/ATTACH] If flying was possible in the times of Cleopatra then we would have a God of flying and it would be so much safer. Dam those Egyptians for not thinking ahead.
  20. Can not un-see this. [ATTACH]47807._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. We live in suburbia and we saw this strange bird in a tree recently. [ATTACH]47803._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. I have seen the signs and every time I go around the corner there is never a man opening an umbrella. Looks like there is another one in 100 yards.
  23. No idea whats happens to the 10¢ that's not collected but it's worth it to have the cleanest state in Australia. Now we just need to get a 10¢ deposit on dog turds.
  24. The 10 cent refund works very well here in sunny South Oz. You do not see a can or bottle or flavoured milk carton anywhere except in the bags on bikes and in shopping trolleys being taken to the recycling depots. How else do you think people can afford to fly in the Unemployed State? Been going for years, originally at 5 cents.
  25. Public Service Message. Remember to change your Smoke Alarm Batteries each time Australia changes it's Prime Minister.
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