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Everything posted by Kununurra

  1. [ATTACH]48370._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. Our polititians have had already way to many pay increases it is time for them to do what they ask all australians and that is to cut back. I have no idea how anyone could be a polititian money and conditions should only be part of the reason you do a job not the be all and end all. Job satisfaction is what lets down all who step up to the block. How could anyone be satisfied in a job where your dammed if you do and dammed if you dont. You can only please some people no matter how hard you try, you are controlled by a minority to stay in power. Send a couple to the can for travel rorts and we may then see a few more honest polititians. They are currently setting a great example. The role conditions and all should be upfront with no grey areas. They dont carry the nick name of fat cats for nothing.
  3. Old Koreelah He saved the state money drove himself around and did heaps for you and you didn't vote for him? Am I dumb or is there something missing here ?
  4. A couple is laying in bed and the husband says I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world. The wife replied ohhhh I will miss you
  5. A woman is standing in front of a mirror and says "does this dress make my bum look big" Hubby replies of course not its the chocolates that do that
  6. A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlour, crawled painfully onto a stool, and ordered a banana split. The waitress asked, "crushed nuts?" No he replied, it's just arthritis.
  7. I think I might change my avatar to a 747 as I don't own one of them either
  8. Dazza take some of your own advice unless that is you know what my plane is and what it is worth. If you are referring to the picture/avatar you are extremely judgemental an no where near reality as when I first come onto this forum I chose to use it. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Time to move on in this forum I think you are at an all time low
  9. Dazza 38 not sure if it is you that is a bit slow mate but you seem to me to be the only person who gives a fark about the spelling so build a bridge mate Whilst on the subject maybe you could get a grammar check going Why would anyone worry about a spell check when we have you to look out for us ? Keep up the great trolling long live the spelling Police
  10. This is not the first and will not be the last time a batsmen is dismissed by a decision that we experts believe should have gone the other way. Dammed if we do and dammed if we don't as the way I see it with out this new (review) Taylor was given out anyway so end result is they lost a wicket which ever way we look at it. Great win Australia
  11. M61A1 legally or not dead is dead injured is injured whilst there has been so much discussion on the who seen who and who did not see anything for whatever excuse can be thought up,the point is riding a motorcycle and a push bike is dangerous and there is an enhanced risk doing so in a public place. It would be great to get a few posts on here that say you know what in future I am going to make more of an effort to look out for motorcylists and push bike riders in the future no matter how dumb I think their actions are. I have been on the receieving end of both types of poor behaviour from motorcycle and push bike riders but I don't wish any of them any harm. I own and ride 2 motorcycles and a push bike (not at the same time)so am well aware of what happens on the road and have been on the receiving end from motorist poor perception and bikers poor attitude. Be biker aware and make no excuses for not seeing because of a bad choice of colours someone has on as the reality is we did not look good enough if we did not see them, it had nothing to do with the colours, that is just an excuse to justify our own mistakes. M61A1 this is not directed at your comments alone but a general observation of this post that has been going for some time with not much said on the good side of things. Happy cycling everyone be rider smart and riders change your attitude for the better
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