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Everything posted by Phil Perry
'Rising Star' Nev ? ? ? ? She was bloody useless in her previous Ministry, ie, the Home Secretary position. For Seven Years She was the Invisible Woman. . .promised to reduce unlimited immigraation DOWN to the Tens of Thousands per annum ( to a country half the size of Victoria ? ? ? ) Conservative estimates place current immigration at circa 600,000 per year, although Government figures state 300,000. But with a totally underfunded Border force, no one really knows the true figure. To be brutally truthful, May would have done OK 'ish as a library clerk or very low level civil servant that's all.
Gun control laws here in the UK are very strict. Shotguns and rifles are permitted for two reasons only, 1) Sporting use. 2) Pest control. However, if the applicant for a firearms or shotgun permit has even a whiff of a criminal conviction, they can forget it. Which is the reason that you rarely hear of a legal owner being involved in a shooting incident. The Law is onerous, and the discovery of any Non -licenced gun ALWAYS attracts a custodial sentence and quite rightly too in my view. I will add that those interested in collecting / using old flintlocks and such are included in the 'Sporting' category, Including cap and ball hand guns, as well as old Black powder Pistols. No pistol using centre fire or rim fire expanding ammunition is allowed.
Have to agree there Marty. A relative in Michigan has never owned a gun. He did some military service in the USAF, but never felt the need to buy personal firearms. He says that a couple of baseball bats and a taser in case of intruders is quite sufficient. One of his sons is a keen Skeet shooter, but uses the club shotguns, which are safely locked away at the range after use. I still recall the story of His Mum ( Born in the UK and a cousin of My Mother ) who had her ear lobe shot off in a crowded supermarket by a cop chasing someone. . . and the five year old child who found Mom's gun in her handbag and shot her dead with it. . ( also in a supermarket ) multipy this tragedy by a few thousand accidental and deliberate gun deaths in the US, and it shows an unbelievable number, growing daily. Horrendous Faux wild west attitude. 'Protect our Second Amendment' . . . . . .LOAD OF BOLLOX.
"Glasgow man threatens to ‘burn Chinese takeaway to the ground’ after being served gravy with his chicken fried rice" https://www.thescottishsun....
Did you miss the jokey irony there OK ?. . . . I've BEEN to the CAR. . and it's a lot worse than you point out, even NOW. You have to bribe your way around,. . the white fella is always wealthy ( ! ) so you get targeted even more,. . Bank employees, Airport staff, Hotel managers, Police. .. they're all at it,. . . it's the way the country works. The Bribes are Tiny amounts ( to us ) but it oils the wheels. This is the same in most of the other African states,. . so you get used to it, and carry loads of small change, or it drives you bonkers. I found tht the only'Honest' workers were the Taxi drivers,. . self employed. . and were very fair. You just have to barter with them a bit, ie, when they quote you a fare, you give them 25% of what they wanted and sit in the taxi. If you give them another 25% as a tip,. . they will wait outside your hotel and take you anywhere,. . .but the same rule applies. . .Never give them the asking price ! AND TAKE AS MUCH SAFE BOTTLED WATER WITH YOU AND NEVER EVER BUY IT THERE.. . or you will die in gony of some unspeakble disease. . .and 'Bar Girls' ? ? ? ? No matter how beautiful,. . .Just Don't. Africa is HIV Central.
Brit Politics has gone 'Banana Republic' . . .they're pulling every trick they can to get Theresa May's Surrender Treaty passed in the Commons. Not going to happen. If it was ever ratified, (she signed it already ) the UK is Permanently stuck as a Vassal state in the EU with no legal way of exiting it.
When I came home from work, my wife left a letter on the fridge. The note said,"It's not working. I can't do this anymore. I'm going to my mum's place." I opened the fridge. The light came on. The beer was cold … what the hell was she on about?
I only saw Jellied Eels on the bar n central London Pubs, near to Billingsgte Fish market. . Oh, and Cockles + Mussels too of course. . . .
These are the Hitleresque persons that Patrick Smith was talking about, and it's no use arguing with them either. . . My mte 'Kipper' yorkshireman born and bred, emigrated to Texas 2 years ago. . . His 63 year old Mother was virtually strip searched when she said the wrong thing to a security person at a Texan airport. . Yorkshire people don't like Bull$hit, and she really Should have been nicey Nicey to the' lady' behind the counter. . . . We and the Americans are divided by the fact that they DO NOT UNDERSTAND OUR SENSE OF HUMOUR. . . .mainly because they Don't have one. . . . they should be sentenced to six months of Monty Python's Flying Circus,. . or 'Porridge' . . .THEN,. . they might have some idea of how we tick. .. ( but I doubt it )
An Afternoon at the Sammy Miller Motorcycle Museum | Going Postal
I think I've already mentioned a story from my Airbus pilot Friend David, who had his personal meal cutlery confiscated when security searched his Flight bag. "They even took the Spoon" he said. . .because the cutlery was metal and someone could use the spoon as a weapon . . .When he told them that Metal cutlery was issued with Flight meals anyway, they still didn't let him have it back. This was a few years ago, and the airlines may well have changed to plastic cutlery . . I don't know. I told him that I had read an identical story by a pilot named Patrick Smith,. . in his book entitled 'Airport Confidential'. . which is an amusing book about the industry in the USA. He used to have a Q & A website called <askthepilot.com> aimed at worried first time passengers. Dunno if that's still up and running. . . he's not very complimentary to U.S. security personnel. . . EDIT . . Yes, ask the pilot is still running. ,. . .the book mentioned above is now called Cockpit Confidential and now on volume 4. . . AskThePilot.com » THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE SITE FOR EVERYONE WHO FLIES
If you can't nick it from the forum, I'll email it to you Squire !
Labor / Labour in the UK, are exactly the same mate. . .Magic Money tree to pay for everything,. . .Let's Nationalize everything. . yeah,. . just like they did in the last Reign of Terror, from 1997 to 2010. . . we now have train drivers ( Automatic Trains ) paid over £50,000 per annum to sit in a cab and monitor the computer. . . and go on strike more than any other manual worker in this country for no reason at all. . .,. . .and always get what they want after paralysing the capital city for weeks. . . . . I would cheerfully stand the twots against a wall and fecking shoot the lot of them.
Oh Thank Heavens for that. . .( ? )
Julian Assagne is an opportunstic TWOT. His Wikileaks crap caused unending chaos to the lives of ordinary people, but of course you wouldn't Know about that. A Friend of mine was a member of the BNP ( British National Party) labelled by the UK media as NAZIS Why ?. . because they began publicizing the industrial rape and trafficking of vulnerable underage white girls mostly in council 'care' Trafficked and shared through Taxi companies between cities where elderly Muslim, mainly Pakistani men PAID to abuse and rape them. This was kept quiet for Years by complicit Labour Councillors and Social workers and the POLICE in many Northern towns in the UK. And it is still going on unabated to this day. Although, thanks to TR, some of the bastards are being convicted. Tommy Robinson (AKA Stephen Yaxley Lennon ) has taken up the cudgel and has been following these traffickers and continues to harass them, and the people who protect them ( The british government and the judiciary ) , which is why he has been harrassed himself by the police and the BBC as a slimeball Racist and trouble maker and locked up ( illegally ) for his trouble. And yet he continues to campaign bout this disgusting practice by (Mainly ) Pakistani Muslims who have undoubtedly Enriched the UK with their customs. My mate was Doxxed by Assange, name, address, Business address, the lot. His 5 bedroom house was torched, and he was under attack for some months until he gave up and left the country putting 19 people out of work. He now lives Off the Grid' in a mobile home, travelling all around Europe. He never Wanted to do this. He is just ONE of many people damaged in this way by trying to do some good. If they Lynch Assange,. . I reckon it's fair, but No doubt Donald Trump will welcome him to the states for all the dirt he uncovered about crooked Hillary and the British intelligence collusion in spying on his campaign to be top dog. . .. . .
Hi Guys. . .Howz the election going ( Me no unnerstand Ozpolitik nowadayz,. . .been away too long. . .)