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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. YAY ! around 1959, Uncle Cyril ( Our local Milkie in West Bromwich ) allowed me some dual instruction in driving his electric milk float. It had a curved manual Steering Bar, with a Button on the end ( Warning Horn ) and a motorbike style lever which had to be squeezed to let go the brakes and power the wheels.. This assembly protruded from the front of the cart, which also had a rain awning sticking out from the top to keep him dry whilst walking the cart around the streets in the rain. If you tripped and let go the lever,the machine would stop immediately. . .for me as a nine year old, I had to walk fairly Briskly, so I reckon it did around 4 MPH. . . Later I saw a few of these things hauling Bread deliveries, and one mobile Greengrocer. There was the guy selling fizzy Pop too. . . I wasn't sharp enough then to ask how long the batteries would allow the carts to travel, I just assume it was enough. All the operators seemed to be very Fit though, unsurprisingly. In the early sixties these contraptions were replaced with larger EVs, with a driver's cab at the front, and a steering wheel ( Luxury )
  2. Finally got the new shower installed today,. . the Leccy bloke quoted me £200.00 Sod that,. . .did it myself and saved a fortune. . [ATTACH]49994._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. My mate tries hard to get to work early to beat the crowds, he's loving his new job . . . .. with the riot police. Loves to go Clubbing on Weekends too. . ..
  4. [ATTACH]49990._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. [ATTACH]49989._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Phil Perry

    Funny videos

    I'll fool 'em by buying a disabled scooter and ride everywhere mate. . .
  7. Phil Perry

    Funny videos

    The technology is out there. . I have seen videos of miniature autonomous robot aircraft a couple of years back. . ..Gawd Elpus if it gets into the 'Wrong' hands. . . I'm going to be wearing a false Kitchener moustache and cheek pads plus a 'Hoodie' in future. . .so that the Barstards don't get a clear boatrace recognition file. ..
  8. Phil Perry

    Funny videos

    Latest Scary Future Movie. 'SlaughterBots'
  9. Nice that they have kept the retro look whilst adding electronic ingition and fuel injection. . .bet the' re Far more reliable than my old one. . .
  10. You just answered your own statement. . . if both sides are just as wankersaurius. . .what the hell does it matter to us outsiders ? we can have no input on the outcome.
  11. In the words of .John McEnroe. . . YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS . . .
  12. Yep. whoever wins the next election the country will remain just as polarised as the UK.
  13. Lend us some Valium and give us a kiss and I'll tell Ya. . . .
  14. [ATTACH]49965._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  15. Another prescient cartoon lamenting the Anti-British stance taken by the BBC since, oh,.. . around 1975 if I remember correctly. . . Bloody Marxist twots. . . [ATTACH]49963._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  16. Now that the Mueller probe has come up with nothing indictable, you can expect trump to win the next election without breaking into a sweat. . . No serious Democrats on the horizon at the moment. . .?
  17. Fidel Castro's son Justin Castro got in as Canada's President, so Fair do's I say. . .
  18. [ATTACH]49962._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. What about the Russian 'Concordski' crash at a Paris Airshow Nev. .. . OH, wait. . .that was a Midair wasn't it. . .( or something never properly publicized . . .) The two governments ( France and UK ) used the Air France crash as an excuse to dump the programme. . .what annoyed me was that the London to New York, and the London to Bahrain routes were extremely profitable,. . .as were the couple of routes flown by AF. . . Politics again. American Politics of Envy in the case of the Yanks / Boeing. . .Concorde was the ONLY aircraft which guaranteed that JFK was surrounded by hundreds of photographers for every flight. . .such was the popularity of the beast. . . Sad really.
  20. Pub sign ( Sarky Buggers ! ) [ATTACH]49961._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. Alan said it had a Royal Enfield tank badge, but no model number or name. . .looks like a 125 or 175 motor . . .
  22. ME: What's the Wifi password? BARTENDER: You need to buy a drink first. ME: I'll have a coke. BARTENDER: Is Pepsi ok? ME: Sure...how much is that? BARTENDER: £3. ME: Give me one, now what's the Wifi password? BARTENDER: You need to buy a drink first........no spaces and all lowercase.
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