We have a lefty media frenzy here, with regard to a 15 yer old girl who travelled to Syria and 'Married' an ISIS fighter ( From Holland ! ). Now that ISIS have been all but destroyed, she's in a Kurdish Prison cmp with her new baby, and is begging forgiveness and wants to return to live in the UK with her parents,. . her Dad, is a well known Jihadi extremost who has nbeen photographed at demonstrations against the UK Govt.. . . The Lefty BBC s championing her corner, saying that she is BrItish, and HAS to be brought back to the hated UK.
Give him his due, our muslim Home Secretary Sajid Javid, has removed her British Citizenship and refused to allow her to return with her Jihadi spawn. . . but the UK media are going apecrap about it. . .as one would expect. The Dutch are saying that if Hubby comes back to Europe, he will be jailed as a Jihadi immediately, so it looks like SOME justice may actually be taking place, although we still have up to 30,00 people on the Jihadi 'Watch List'. . .what ever that means. . . Those cynics mongst us are expecting that both of them will be secreted back into the country anyhow. . .such is the progress of the great population replacement programme. . . I don't thing that this will end well. . .