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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. I have an annoying problem with both eyes. The eyes feel 'Sticky' all the time, and I wake up with them seemingly filled with a gritty substance which can only be removed with a flannel in warm water. I'm still suffering with slightly blurred vision in one eye, fortunately not my dominant one. otherwise I'd ont be able to drive. It started around 3 weeks back, and I was told that the local GP Surgery ( NHS ) had no appointments available for FOUR weeks. . so I went to see an Optician, after seeing a leaflet at the local surgery which purported to treat 'Minor Eye Problems' The chap had a look at both eyes and then prescribed some treatments. 1) some goo in a tube to apply under both eyelids. 2) Some drops sealed in tiny plastic ampoules. 3) A box of antiseptic Wipes sealed in individual single use packets. The goo was useless, it made me effectively blind for 8 hours until it was washed away with eyewash from the local supermarket. . The 'Drops' were identified by a neighbour as being standard for those wearing contact lenses, to be used just prior to inserting same. No active ingredient to treat the actual problem. . . The Antiseptic Wipes are OK but I've only got 5 left. This lot cost £48.00. I don't usually pay for prescriptions as I'm over 65, but apparently this didn't apply at a private Opticians. . .Fair enough but it didn't work. Rang the surgery for an appointment and got quoted SIX weeks. NOW this is just for a referral to an Eye hospital, as our surgery has NO occulists at all. So it's a 2 minute job to do this . .. If I front up at the nearest Eye hospital, they won't see me without a referral from my GP surgery unless I have an arrow sticking in my eye. . . .catch 22. . What a load of Bollox. . .
  2. There IS a way to fix this problem, if only the PTB would take it up. . this is to take out all the ambulance chasing Law firms, and shoot all the bosses. Simple.
  3. Extreme I know. . . [ATTACH]49918._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. [ATTACH]49917._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  5. [ATTACH]49916._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Dear Mr. Octave, I saw this post and was surprised that a couple of aussies were arguing a different view, us knowing that the scIence is definitely settled. Indeed it was only the fact that the proponents were Australian that piqued my interest,. . I KNEW what the response would be before I posted it. Bast of luck with the settled science bit by the way,. .. this has a habit of being unsettled as more data becomes generally available. ( That which is allowed to be published that is ) The Earth actually orbits the sun. . . . and I believe this to be a cogent argument until a better one is P R OV E N beyond any absolute doubt. In the meantime, anthropomorphic climate change, causing rising sea levels is still in the discussion stage Let us keep it that way, until a definitive, Provable answer is found..
  7. Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans
  8. Currently inventing a "smart drawer" that gets your clothes out for you. Will keep you posted as things unfold. . . .
  9. [ATTACH]49905._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  10. An Indian builder has fallen through the roof at a Lionel Richie concert ! A spokesman said "The last thing I saw was Dan Singh on the ceiling"
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  12. [ATTACH]49902._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  13. [ATTACH]49901._xfImport[/ATTACH] Some weird minds out there I reckon. . . . ( The Great Eggscape ? )
  14. Heinz share value falls 27% ! ( according to reliable industry sauce )
  15. I see what you did there ( See ? I'm not s daft as you know I really waz )
  16. Nah. . .that's a Pair of Crows. . .need more for a Group mate. . .
  17. This chap talks a lot of sense to Muslims,. . .which is possibly why he appears to be wearing a bulletproof waistcoat. . . [ATTACH]49887._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. As a great man once said. . . . "I'm not going through another divorce . . . I'm just going to find a woman I hate and buy her a house"
  19. MEEEEEEEEEEEEE I wanna live back in Australia. Why ?. . Because I Loved nearly Everything about the place when I lived there, and the weather was nice and never really nasty ( Well,. . not where I lived anyhow ) And I was never callled a Pommie Barstard. . ( Well, I was once but that was cuz I shot more Wild pigs than he did. . .)
  20. OH I WiSH the same thing in the UK mate. . .this Jihadi woman who wants the UK to rescue her and her ISIS baby from a Syrian POW camp is being used by the Media to divert attention from the upcoming treachery over the Brexit business. This will NOT end well. I won't go on about it here because it makes me so bloody angry.
  21. [ATTACH]49877._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. Electric Bikes are good. . I borrowed one last year whilst it's owner was away on his Jollies. . .but it couldn't handle the really steep hills, without me pedalling furiously. . .this was against my religion so I stuffed it back in the garage. Electric cars are a complete waste of funds here, as there are not near enough charging stations. And there are not likely to be more unless the Government provides funds to do this. ( not LIKELY ) we are already 'On the edge' with power demand almost exceeding capacity on any cold evening ( Edited for typoes)
  23. For my holidays last year, I threw a dart at a map of the world and decided to go to wherever it landed. I had a fantastic two weeks sat next to the skirting board in the lounge room. . . ..
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  25. Given that this is an Actual Sign. . .In an actual Council run Kids play area,. . .I question the mentality of the planner and indeed the signmaker who produced this . . . .Gotta be even more warped than wot I am. . .
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