I have an annoying problem with both eyes. The eyes feel 'Sticky' all the time, and I wake up with them seemingly filled with a gritty substance which can only be removed with a flannel in warm water. I'm still suffering with slightly blurred vision in one eye, fortunately not my dominant one. otherwise I'd ont be able to drive.
It started around 3 weeks back, and I was told that the local GP Surgery ( NHS ) had no appointments available for FOUR weeks. . so I went to see an Optician, after seeing a leaflet at the local surgery which purported to treat 'Minor Eye Problems'
The chap had a look at both eyes and then prescribed some treatments. 1) some goo in a tube to apply under both eyelids. 2) Some drops sealed in tiny plastic ampoules. 3) A box of antiseptic Wipes sealed in individual single use packets. The goo was useless, it made me effectively blind for 8 hours until it was washed away with eyewash from the local supermarket. . The 'Drops' were identified by a neighbour as being standard for those wearing contact lenses, to be used just prior to inserting same. No active ingredient to treat the actual problem. . . The Antiseptic Wipes are OK but I've only got 5 left.
This lot cost £48.00. I don't usually pay for prescriptions as I'm over 65, but apparently this didn't apply at a private Opticians. . .Fair enough but it didn't work.
Rang the surgery for an appointment and got quoted SIX weeks. NOW this is just for a referral to an Eye hospital, as our surgery has NO occulists at all. So it's a 2 minute job to do this . ..
If I front up at the nearest Eye hospital, they won't see me without a referral from my GP surgery unless I have an arrow sticking in my eye. . . .catch 22. .
What a load of Bollox. . .