Unless you know what Tommy is, and what he is and why. . .it's a bit presumptuous to file him under the 'Rebel Rouser' label Marty. You are several years behind the news.
Had it not been for him, we would not have had hundreds of convictions against mainly Pakistani men, for the sexual abuse and trafficking of hundreds of underage girls in Rotherham, and all over the UK. Covered up by social services, and Provably ignored b UK Poilce. Some of the available media reports of this are truly Sickening.
So,. . . before you attack the Man, who is admittedly of a lower order of education than you, perhaps you ought to read all of the available reports on this before taking the stance that you have displayed..
Had in not been for Him, and his efforts over several years,. . .. . .none of this would have ever been covered by the Mainstream media. The bloke is a Hero, which is why the UK PTB want him shut down / Jailed and murdered in prison, as they tried before. . .
Sorry if this evil stuff bothers you up there in your Ivory tower mate. . . .
Sincerely yours,