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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. Anyone know anything about drones? I Bought this off some bloke and I cannot get it started. [ATTACH]49595._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. Gypsy Memorial, or Quirky artwork ? [ATTACH]49594._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. CAA Headquarters, in an undisclosed African Country. [ATTACH]49593._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. In Islam they say that the testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man. In the US Senate SCOTUS committee meeting they say that the testimony of a man is worth half that of a woman.
  5. [ATTACH]49590._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Climate Change. Some good news for the Cedar Waxwings and Robins of Minnesota. Apparently the warmer weather has prompted them to stay put instead of flying South to warmer climes.. In turn they have taken to eating withering crab apples, which, because of the sugar content ferments in their stomachs. The result being that a lot of birds have become intoxiacted and are staggering around towns and flying into windows and buildings.
  7. [ATTACH]49589._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. Lesser known quotes by famous people. . . . "I aimed for the stars,. . . but sometimes hit London" ( Werner von Braun )
  9. Phil Perry


    That is another Oxymoron, ie, Turks in a Kurdish area 'Peacekeeping' . . .Erdogan has vowed to wipe out every last Kurd on the planet and would fight any attempt to allow them their own bit of land. . . .curiouser and curiouser ( said Alice )
  10. I fell in some stinging nettles last week and have been feeling down ever since. I think it might be post-nettle depression.
  11. Phil Perry


    U.S. Ambassador Bolt said ( At a WH Press briefing ) that a 'Lot' of US 'Advisers' AND troops will be sent to Syria. Why I wonder ? this conflict is all but done. Assad has most of his country back, courtesy of the Russians and a disparate number of Iranian backed militias. What the feck is trump up to now. . .( Rhetorical )
  12. Patient : "Doctor, I keep getting stabbing pains, . . .What can I do ?" Doctor : " Move as far as you can away from London"
  13. [ATTACH]49587._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. [ATTACH]49586._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  15. on the subject of Tommy Robinson Marty,. you and I will just have to calmly agree to disagree. The man is incredibly brave, and he Is suffering for it. He has massive support in the UK, but not if you get your information from the biased UK Media A$$holes. They twist his every word. Because he tells the truth and they have to divert this into something else,. . .so they Cheat. They HAVE to close him down, as he is buggering up their PRO Muslim narrative. . . . they will probably put him in prison again when they have some other bloody made up charges that they an lay on him. I will be outside the court if they do this. I may get my head bashed again by the pro muslim constabulary who want him murdered in jail. The Media are doing their Lying Best to nail him. .
  16. The Mrs and I were trying to clear out the loft recently,. . and we were both Gobsmacked at the stuff we had bought for our two Daughters over the years. . . The girls were born in 1982 and 1985 respectively. . .and their toys were serially rammed into the loft when unwanted. Does anyone want a Huge Yamaha Keyboard with 1000 voices and automatic accompaniment ?. . . Or a seven pad Yamaha Electronic Drum Machine, complete with four sets of Drumsticks ? These thnigs will end up down at the tip,,. . .I can't be arsed trying to sell them on Ebay,. . . as there's too much competition from other parents with the same problems. . . I found VHS Video camera, which I bought for the kids many years back and it still works. . . C type VHS, ie, small cartridges. . .they Loved it at the time,. . but that Pre-dated Mobile Phones . . .OMG. . . How many of those bloody things have we bought over the years . . . .They just HAD. . .to have the latest model didn't they. . . or be Looked Down upon as Dorks at SCHOOL. . .with parents who didn't care. . .
  17. The police need to investigate all crime no matter how big or small. Did you hear about the guy who pretended he was going to steal a jumper from a clothes shop? Rubbish. . . .He was just trying it on.
  18. [ATTACH]49585._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Imagine the scene--a run down slum estate in the old East End of London. A bunch of filthy urchins, snot on their faces, old pullovers with holes and scuffed-up Clarkes sandals are sitting on the kerb playing in the gutter--suddenly a chauffeur-driven Rolls pulls up and a fabulous blonde emerges--full-length mink coat, Laboutin shoes, radiating glamour--she spies one of the urchins, rushes forward and plants him with kisses. She claps her hands and the chauffeur removes several gift-wrapped parcels from the boot of the Rolls and sets them down on the kerb. The blonde thrusts a big wedge of cash into the kid's hands and then, like a flash she is back in the Roller and they have gone. The other urchins have eyes like saucers and one says "Bleedin' 'ell, Fred. Who the 'eck, was that, a Princess or summink? A film star?" "Nah" says Fred" That's just me big sister wot went up the West End and got 'erself ruined".
  20. FREE and fair press . . Oh my God.. . . . Save us. . .please Lord. . .
  21. NO Neil. . . .they Don't I dunno if the Australian media hide the Industrial Rape and trafficking of underage White girls, as well as they do in the UK,. . . but it is Endemic in heavily Muslim areas in the UK. . . it is really Bad in major cities, and towns and the local Authorities Turn a blind eye to it. to preserve 'community cohesion'. . .IE, not to upset the bloody Muslims who are doing it. .
  22. Unless you know what Tommy is, and what he is and why. . .it's a bit presumptuous to file him under the 'Rebel Rouser' label Marty. You are several years behind the news. Had it not been for him, we would not have had hundreds of convictions against mainly Pakistani men, for the sexual abuse and trafficking of hundreds of underage girls in Rotherham, and all over the UK. Covered up by social services, and Provably ignored b UK Poilce. Some of the available media reports of this are truly Sickening. So,. . . before you attack the Man, who is admittedly of a lower order of education than you, perhaps you ought to read all of the available reports on this before taking the stance that you have displayed.. Had in not been for Him, and his efforts over several years,. . .. . .none of this would have ever been covered by the Mainstream media. The bloke is a Hero, which is why the UK PTB want him shut down / Jailed and murdered in prison, as they tried before. . . Sorry if this evil stuff bothers you up there in your Ivory tower mate. . . . Sincerely yours, Phil.
  23. I steal so many funnnnnnnnies,. . that I forget were they're all from. . . .
  24. [ATTACH]49581._xfImport[/ATTACH] I can't even. . . . . .
  25. Woman customer at pharmacy : Does Viagra work? Pharmacist: Yes Woman: Can you get it over the counter? Pharmacist: Only if I take two. .
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