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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. Rob's amateur Astronometrical Pics are legendary,. . .but the Wonkerperson Fizzogbook folk don't realise how good they are. . .
  2. ??? Not with ya mate. . . \?
  3. The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 27 (M27), is a bright, large planetary nebula located in Vulpecula constellation. The nebula lies at a distance of 1,360 light years from Earth. ( Info from wiki ) Pic by Rob Greaves.. ( Cornwall ) Single One hour exposure using 75mm Pentax telescope.
  4. Ah So,. . . you are missing my disgustingly Non-PC humour are you ? ? ? Righty Ho then.
  5. Joe was walking home late at night, through the park, and sees a woman in the shadows. "Twenty dollars," she whispers. He's never been with a hooker before, so he figures, "What the hell, it's only twenty bucks..." So they hide in the bushes and are going at it for a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It's a police officer. "What's going on here people?" asks the officer. "I'm making love to my wife," Joe answers indignantly. "Oh, I'm sorry" says the cop, "I didn't know." "Well," Joe says, "I didn't know either until you flashed that damn light in her face."
  6. These Galaxies, M81 & M82, are approximately 11.8 Million Light Years from Earth,. . BUT,. .. I dunno wehther that means to the centre of the Galaxy,. .. or to their edges. . . Taken in multiple images in RAW, ( Ask Red 750) and processed by my Microlight Pilot Mate Rob Greaves, in Cornwall, England.
  8. I'm told that this message is actually real . . . 'The world loves an optimist'
  9. Busted ( Dammit ! )
  10. That's all my Christmas shopping done, and presents wrapped. . .
  11. KARMA ?
  12. This panic buying is getting silly now. . .
  13. Phil Perry

    Not PC

    Global warming. . .
  14. Concerned supermarket managers call in Bogroll protection officers to enforce the 4-pack per customer limit. . .
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