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How about your very own Home Grown hero TOMMY EMMANUEL ? ? ? His Brother PHIL was no slouch either. I LOVE his stuff, have nearly everything he ever did on record in my archives. . . funny bugger on stage too.
Marty said: Prince Angus Young Eclectic mix there Marty ! Here's one you may (or may not know ) [ATTACH]49398._xfImport[/ATTACH] In 2010, Jeff Beck named John McLaughlin as 'THE BEST GUITARIST ALIVE' I have seen him a number of times and I am inclined to agree. I was in the audience to see the Mahavishnu Orchestra on two occasions and was gobsmacked. I took up Flying instead,. . .( it's a lot easier than learning to play like that ) If you want to take the trouble to 'Wiki' him, it's 'John McLaughlin ( musician) '
In 1914, a lad chained his bike to a tree to go and fight in the war. He never returned. . .How sad is that. . . [ATTACH]49373._xfImport[/ATTACH] I thought, ahhhh. . . what a load of bollix. . .There's NO way that bike was manufactured in, or around 1914. . . . A short search of the interwebbythigummy revealed a slightly different story. [ATTACH]49374._xfImport[/ATTACH] The bike is in Vashon County, Washington State and is a local legend. Someone wrote a kid's book about a boy going of to war and fiction became fact. The chap who put the bike there is still alive--he did so in 1954 (not 1914) when he was 9. He had been given the bike (a small kid's bike) as a donation when the family home burned down. When the family were back on their feet he dumped the unwanted (and embarassing for a nine year old) bike in the woods.. . . . .Since the twitter notoriety the bike looks like this [ATTACH]49375._xfImport[/ATTACH]
According to the Police, she was five times over the DD Blood/Alcohol limit. Life saved by effective airbag deployment,. . .serious lower leg injuries though.
A couple stand next to a German Parachute mine which dropped in their back garden in Liverpool - 1940. Can you just imagine what the Health and Safety Folks would say about that picture being taken nowadays ? ? How times change. ( YES I know,. . The Germans have not dropped many of late. . .) Being a confirmed coward,. . .I personally wouldn't go within a bloody Mile of that thing. I guess one of you historical Munitions buffs can tell me how much explosive was in it. . . [ATTACH]49360._xfImport[/ATTACH] Just caught a fresh response to the picture above. . . copied verbatim. That looks like a Luftmine B (LMB) 1000kg mine. In the early part of the blitz these were dropped on docks, rivers and harbours and had a pressure trigger for water and impact timer if hitting the ground--the latter didn't work so well and many remained unexploded. The sneaky sods later put photoelectric, vibration and improved delay-impact timers on them.
Do any of you History enthusiasts recall this car ?
Phil Perry replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
Looking at it from other angles, I see that it's NOT a three Wheeler Nev . . my mistake, at first glance, it looked like something an amateur futurist built in the UK in the 60s. . . BUGATTIS. . A businessman friend of mine ( RIP ) owned Five Bugatti models, and was a member of the Bugatti Club of GB, used to tour Europe in them too. Regrettably, He died suddenly at the age of 54, Their title along with the rest of his estate, Including a very impressive collection of very expensive shotguns; passed to his only direct relative, a 29 year old Daughter ( Not a likeable person. . she had worked for several years in sales for his printing company selling contracts using sex as an inducement . .. ) who was addled by cocaine, heroin and other serious drugs. She sold all five cars in a quick cash deal to some 'Dodgy' motor dealer bloke at the first offer, ( allegedly a tenth of what they were worth ) Shame that. She died from drug related heart failure at the tender age of 30 years and four months. . .,( more than likely having long spent the car money by sucking it up her nose thru rolled up £20 notes. . .and mailining the rest into her veins) The world can sometimes produce some sad outcomes. . .( Apologies for the 'Drift' ) -
I Dimly recall being dragged into such an establishment as part of my buck's turn. . .don't recall much else though !
I AGREE entirely,. . .an Echo Chamber achieves nothing.
Do any of you History enthusiasts recall this car ?
Phil Perry replied to Phil Perry's topic in Politics
OOOOH,. . .you ARE a cruel man. . . .don't forget that there were a few vehicles that were very popular in the the thirties up to the fifties, which had three wheels, one of them being at the rear. Must've bin popular with the car-'ologists at the time ?. . .and ( for them ) really futuristic looking. . .I am guessing now, that it MUST have been made in either Germany, or Austria,. . .otherwise Adolf would not have been interested, but None of my friendly car buffs had ever seen it before and are asking me for more info which I do not have. . . .which is why I posted it for my most intelligent and well read 'Expert' Aussie mates. . . . a Historical photographer/ Car enthusiast geek that I know has said that the picture was taken around 1932,. .. but he can't confirm this with some further info. . .and I admit I have not got the time nor energy to hawk the pic around a few dozen car websites to see if there is a geek who KNOWS what it is. . / was. . . . carn't be arsed. . . .other things to do and all that. . . . -
Theresa May's Husband, is on the Board of directors of an Arms sales company,. . .selling weapons to ?. . .yes,. .. you guessed it, Saudi Barbaria. Anyway,. .. I thought that this was a Silly Picture thread ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NO MORE POLITICKING PLEASE. There exists a SPECIFIC thread on here for that.
[ATTACH]49354._xfImport[/ATTACH] It was one of only five ever made. Gifted to a leader, or King ( ? ) named Ghazi,. . . in the Middle East in the 1930s by Adolf Hitler.
I was introduced to a long de-mobbed chap who was a sniper in Afghanistan, in the early days. He was questioned late last year by police and one of the questions was ' Did you issue a warning to the person prior to firing your weapon ? . . ' Issuing a warning before shooting an enemy combatant some 800 yards away is difficult. . .I don't know how that case is going, but the incident was one of several, this is what snipers are trained to do. They are not forewarned before they take on the onerous task, that they may face prosecution under Civilian terms, decades down the line,. .if they didn't fight under Queensberry Rules. I have no problem with those who have been proven without a shadow of a doubt to be 'Murderers' in contravening of the Geneva Conventions, as were some American soldiers in the Abu Graib prison incident in Iraq. . .who delighted in beating, torturing and degrading naked prisoners. This behaviour is, in my view unforgiveable and I don't give a feck what they were supposed to have done. BUT THEN AGAIN . . .I have never been in a war zone subjected to live fire from people who want to kill me. Neither have the lawyers who judge from a standpoint of No Experience of warzone stress whatsoever.
AAAARRRGGGHHH ! There is insufficient MIND BLEACH in the WORLD to make me UN-SEE that Marty. . . . ***Edited to add*** I'd really LOVE to post that on the 'Conservative Woman' site,. . .Just because,. .. but, as I've already mentioned, . . Arm Band.
As was once said; 'Argument is an intellectual process, formulated by a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition' Whether such proposition is aligned with, or at odds with the current narrative can then be rationally discussed by all concerned. ( or shouted down by a convinced majority as the case may be. . .)
Regrettably, we only have around seventeen DECENT, Intelligent members of Parliament at present, Some of them Labour, and some Conservative. . . NONE of the Lib Dumps are worth a light.. . .all have their noses deeply embedded into the EU Bribery / money Trough. The CABINET are equally divided into Remoaner / Leave EU philosophy and the Media are obfuscating everything and making it almost impossible for the average Joe and Joanne, lying on their sofas on Govt. Benefits, to see beyond the next Giro Cheque. . . so long as they can afford their 52" TVs and pizzas / chinky deliveries every night, fed as they are on Soap operas and other escapist TV bollox. . .believing everything that the BBC News says as Gospel. . .I really Fear for my country.
Following on from the disgusting prosecutions of military personnel in the Afghanistan / Iraq wars, they now have opened the door to those who wish to prosecute soldiers working in Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles' . . .where, until the crowning of King Tony Blair in 1997, who stopped all operations against the murderous IRA, when they were all but beaten by our security forces, . . .the lawyers moved in, as they they idi much later in the Blair reign of terror in the uk with prosecutions of British soldiers for 'War Crimes', often on the flimsiest of evidence, later to be proven false, and an entire firm of Lawyers discredited and disbarred from practice. Now it is the turn of those who were involved in Northern Ireland. Some of whom will face prosecution, including members of the SAS, for doing their jobs, under Government guidelines at the time. The British Government are a bunch of disconnected A$$holes in my view, ( and that of many others ) in allowing retired members of the forces to be prosecuted, when Tony Blair gave out around 135 letters to various IRA terrorists, absolving them of any personal blame for all of the bombings and atrocities that they carried out, and giving them a 'Get out of Jail free' clause against future prosecution. . . .you REALLY couldn't make this $hit up !. . . . This is ONE response to the injustice. . . . . [ATTACH]49351._xfImport[/ATTACH] But it will go ahead anyway. . . . this country is FINISHED as a viable place to live. No matter for Whom we vote for,. . they are ALL A$$holes with their noses firmly in the bloody trough.
Described PM Theresa May as a weak minded wankpuffin. ( And was largely supported by several other commenters ! )
BB = Described editor Raheem Kassam's opinion piece including a word which is not permitted on this forum (Nor His ) Speccie = Contravened the Narrative. DF = Posted a sensible response ( Honestly ! )
Ah that's so sweet of you Mate. . . . if the natives weren't so Darned Nice to me,. . I'd post somewhere else, . . OH, Wait on,. . .I'm Banned at the Guardian, Telegraph, Spectator, Daily Fail, New European, Metro, Breitbart, Guido Fawkes, Slugger O'Toole, Left Foot Forward, Labourlist, Conservative Woman, Huffington Post and a few others,. . Also on Pre-Mod at some others. NOT Banned on RT Community Comments, but they just delete everything I post within five minutes. . . . I NEVER post comments on YouTube, because it is filled with Zoo Animals. . . I have certain Standards you see. ( Must stop posting using my real moniker. . . . )
Reminds me about that bloke Dickie Napoleon,. . . . Changed his name to Willie Nelson. . .
Sorry David,. . . I admit that I am sometimes given to floccinaucinilipilification on the odd occasion,. . . . I shall try my hardest to desist.