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Phil Perry

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Everything posted by Phil Perry

  1. Someone on another site asked me why I use the word 'WHILST' instead of 'WHILE' . . .it's something I've done since primary school, but it has fallen into disuse nowadays. I still like it though, like a comfortable pair of old slippers. . . Some interesting BTL comments on the site link below. . .like this one ' While and whilst are more or less interchangeable when the meaning is although or whereas. For example: Whilst many people agree that SUVs are hazardous on the roads, little or no effort has been made to limit their use. One could easily substitute "Although..." or "Whereas..." for Whilst and the meaning would be the same. However, whilst also means "when" and is considered more formal and probably even archaic. I do see it in older (including 20th c.) novels, though, and I think this meaning should be known and understood by english speakers. For example: I saw him while I was waiting for a train. OR I saw him whilst I was waiting for a train'. You can remove the words 'I WAS' from that line and the meaning remains unchanged. While Vs Whilst? English is by fr the most complex known language. This is one of the reasons that I NEVER correct someone's blog comment which contains spelling errors. If I understand what the commenter is saying, that's good enough for me. The only social comment I would make on this is that in my own experience, the older a person is, the more accurate the grammar and spelling appears to be. I was beaten with a wet tea towel by my Mother s a raw youth, to correct the above ! ( It didn't hurt though ) We were, also made to learn spelling by rote, and thumped by teacher for errors in written work. Education has become more streamlined nowadays I guess, since every so often, teaching methods change. For better or worse ?. . .the Jury is still out on that.
  2. NO Blood and guts in this vid.
  3. Aaaaaand another one. . . A bloke goes to the local council to apply for a job in the office. The interviewer asks him "Are you allergic to anything?" He replies "Yes, caffeine." "Have you ever worked for the public service before?" "Yes, I was in the army" he says. "I was in Iraq for two tours." The interviewer says "That'll give you 5 extra points toward employment." Then he asks "Are you disabled in any way?" The guy says "Yes. A mine exploded near me when I was over there, and I lost both of my testicles". The interviewer grimaces, and then says "OK. You've got enough points for me to take you on right away. Our normal hours are from 8.00am to 4.00pm, but you can start tomorrow at 10.00am - and carry on starting at 10.00am every day." The bloke is puzzled and asks "If the work hours are from 8.00am to 4.00pm, why don't you want me here until 10.00am? I'm not looking for any special treatment, y'know." "What you have to understand is that this is a council job." the interviewer says: "For the first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our bollox - and from what you've told me, . . . . there's not a lot of point in you coming in for that!"
  4. A Queenslander is drinking in a West Australian Pub when he gets a call on his mobile phone and as he listens to the call he starts grinning from ear to ear, then when he disconnects he shouts to the barman that he wants to buy everyone in the bar a drink. The barman starts serving the drinks and the people start to crowd around keen to know what they are celebrating. "Well," he announces, "My wife's just produced a typical Queensland baby boy weighing 25 pounds". Nobody can believe that any baby can weigh in at 25 pounds, but the Queenslander just shrugs, "That's about average in Queensland . Like I said, my boy is a typical Queensland boy." Congratulations showered him from all around and many exclamations of "STREWTH" and "BLOODY HELL!" were heard. One woman even fainted due to sympathy pains. Two weeks later the Queenslander returns to the same bar. The barman says "You're the father of that typical Queensland baby that weighed 25 pounds at birth aren't you? Everybody's been having bets about how big he'd be in 2 weeks, we were going to call you. So - how much does he weigh now?" The proud father answers: "17 pounds." The bartender is puzzled and concerned. "What happened? He weighed 25 pounds the day he was born!" The Queensland father takes a long s-l-o-w swig from his XXXX Gold beer, wipes his lips on his shirt sleeve, leans onto the bar and proudly says, "We had him circumcised!"
  5. [ATTACH]49321._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Funny you should mention that Nev, after the session, he seemed disoriented, face drained of colour, and he walked away muttering something. . .must have been my less than superb handling of the 'Recovery from unusual attitudes under the hood' excercise ? ?
  7. Perhaps we should all adapt to ONE system of measurement. The feet / metres thing caused a British Mars Lander to burn up in the Martian atmosphere simply because of a mix up between the release velocity being planned as XFeet per second, whereas it was released at XMetres per second and the result was. . . no result. . . and that poor British scientist, Colin Pillinger behind the project died without seeing is dream come to be. . .
  8. [ATTACH]49319._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. They say a man is judged by the company he keeps,. . . .Most of my friends watch subscription channels, sport / movies very cheaply, using a one off purchase Amazon Firestick, then naughtily altered, or the ubiquitous KODI box, again a one off purchase, re-coded every few months for around a fiver. Can't do this without a broadband connection though.
  10. Here's another attempt David. . . [ATTACH]49318._xfImport[/ATTACH] I've never worn a Tie whilst fishing, but I went for some instrument training at YMMB one day, wearing a TUX. I'd slipped and fallen into a wet ditch helping a Lady with flat tyre problems enroute to the airfield. . .got my keks soaked. I had the Tux hanging in the back of the Transit camper, so I got changed and went flying in that, complete with crisp white shirt and collar. . . Minus the dickie bow . . . . Instructor thought it was hilarious.
  11. I didn't suggest anything actually, if anyone really DID shoot at the inspoection team, it is my contention that it would have been rebels, as they were the only people which could gain from this. iN ANY EVENT, if this CW attack really DID happen, are you suggesting that the OPCW with all their technical instrumentation could not find a trace of chemical weapon agents ? To be quite honest I have lost interest in the whole affair. IF there is a propaganda narrative, widely supported by anti-Assad factions in the West, then they will make sure that the appropriate conclusion is reached and the whole thing will rumble on until the next time. Here is a 7 minute video of Bashar Al Assad driving himself around Damascus in a small car. He does not appear to be very concerned for all the people who hate him so much for dropping chemical bombs on them regularly over the last seven years. The whole thing feels wrong to me. Shane Keshken ( American 'Journalist' ) Assad Drives himself along with a sole reporter. No huge convoys. No Armoured Cars. No Closed roads. Obeys traffic rules. Stops at TRAFFIC lights. Unheard of by any leader. Especially in a country that is at war for past 7 years. Does this look like someone that kills his Own people? There is extra effort on the part of intelligence agencies to wage propaganda and information war in Syria like they have done before. I have sifted through loads of various reports on this subject and I think further speculation is pointless. I doubt if anyone will ever get the actual truth.
  12. Did you notice the Hairstyles on the Ladies ? ? ? Jeez,. . .did people really look like that in the sixties ? . .I don't recall, as I was too busy drinking Watneys Draught Red Barrel / Newcastle Brown and smoking the occasional joint in rock bands ( I think )
  13. Oh I dunno Marty,. . .a mate of mine used to have one of those Mini Cooped Up 'S' thingies. . .( but it didn't have a towbar. . .)
  14. I didn't mean it in that way Spacey,. .. What I meant was that I tend to use the PC for downloading what I want. We don't have a landline into this property, so No Broadband. I don't download any movies as that would use my monthly mobile phone data allowance very quickly. I use the phone as a hotspot and tether my laptop to it. 4 + 5G would be wonderful, but I only get 3G here, even though my samsung phone is 4G capable. There just isn't the available bandwidth. I have trouble using skype and lose the video regularly ! Both Daughters don't use landline phones either, but they have Fibre Optic broadband the pair of Rich Gits ( ! ) That's great when you have two healthy salaries coming into one home ! SWMBO and I don't work so have to budget a bit tighter on pensions !
  15. This has just GOT to be a /sarc parody. . . . unless the gradute 'Graduted' in applied aerodynamics expressed as Interpretive Dance or something like that ? ( For a minute Peter. . .I thought this was one of yours ) [ATTACH]49316._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  16. Jeez Jeez mate,. . .I hope yer life insurance covers electrifying moments like that. .. ! I got hit once when I lived in Wantirna South. . .had 45 ft lattice tower behind the house. It happened whilst we were out. DIdn't notice it until the next morning, it had burned three lengths of thick coax cable and there were burn marks along the side of the weatherboard where the coax was routed out to the mast. . . .lucky it was raining that hard that the house didn't burn too. Knackered my FT 101 and a VHF radio. . . always unplug stuff nowadays if there are any storms forecast, although I've not seen a storm here like the ones we used to get in Vic. . in.Brissy they were a lot worse !
  17. [ATTACH]49314._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. Latest planned classification of illegal implements for concealed carry. . . [ATTACH]49313._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Northern France and Southern UK getting clobbered at the moment, Heavy storms moving NNE. . . World Lightning strikes. . . http://en.blitzortung.org/l... https://www.lightningmaps.o...
  20. I don't. My Daughter does though and she passed on this post via email. Might be rubbish, might be something in it. An IT colleague has advised that a video comes out tomorrow from WhatsApp called martinelli - do not open it , it hacks your phone and nothing will fix it. Spread the word. If you receive a message to update the Whatsapp to Whatsapp Gold, do not click !!!!! Now mentioned on the news - this virus is difficult and severe Message ends. Have to say that SNOPES reckon that this is crap. I wouldn't know as I don't download stuff on my phone. Use it for calling people and as a WIFI hotspot.
  21. Thanks Nev, the text says his bike cost nearly £48.00 But didn't say if it was new at the time. I have messaged a friend who lives not far away from there to see if he can dig any info on it. He's just retired, so he's got plenty of time ( ! )
  22. Ban on films lifted in Saudi. Saudi turning in to a fun place. Not like that hideous dictatorship in Syria or their evil allies in Iran. Thank heavens we’re on the Saudi side in the forthcoming nuclear conflagration to bring about an end to all life on Earth. ( I wonder if they'll also stop having public beheadings and other executions, flogging and stoning to death females for getting raped, etc. . . in the main square in Riyadh on Friday afternoons, now that they have got some Movie entertainment. . . .) http://www.bbc.com/news/av/...
  23. Ban on films lifted in Saudi. Saudi turning in to a fun place. Not like that hideous dictatorship in Syria or their evil allies in Iran. Thank heavens we’re on the Saudi side in the forthcoming nuclear conflagration to bring about an end to all life on Earth. http://www.bbc.com/news/av/...
  24. Anyone recognize this Bike ? [ATTACH]49303._xfImport[/ATTACH] The Motorbike of a Man With the Stomach for a Fight James Hewitson was a Coniston man who was wounded four times in the First World War and who returned to the fray four times. This young man had the stomach for the fight. On the 26th of April 1918 at Givenchy Lance Corporal Hewitson was leading his troop against a squad of German soldiers operating out of bomb craters. He and his men cleared out their main objective, Hewitson personally killing six men who refused to surrender. Before he had time for a breather he recognised that a machine gun post was being set up to bear down on his squad. He flanked the machine gun crew, personally killing four of the enemy and capturing another. On the same day he routed a German bombing team that was attacking his Lewis gun position, killing a further six German soldiers. James was awarded the Victoria Cross for his outstanding bravery. James Hewitson lived his whole life in Coniston until he died in 1963, during this time he had long spells in hospital due to shrapnel embedded in his back; he was buried with military honours at St Andrews Church Coniston. His fully restored motorbike, which cost him £47/17/6, is part of the exhibition. Here is a testament to a very brave and humble man. This bike is an a small museum in Coniston town. Donald Campbell's Bluebird, removed from the water in 2000, and now fully restored, will be displayed nearby. Coniston Water was chosen fro Cambell's attempt at the world speed record, it is 8.9 Kilometres long giving a fairly straight run. The Chap I got the details from forgot to identify the Bike !
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