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  1. In northern NSW just out of Lismore there is a small blink and you will miss it town called Goolmangah (spelling). There used to be this sign that proudly printed on it I would say by the local council "Goolmangah where the cows come first" it's diary farming territory so that explains their fondness for cattle but I think they are going to extremes keeping the bovine happy. M
  2. Call a company called match master give them your location and they will let you know what you need. Those guys manufacture tv antennas. They have helped me out once or twice.
  3. Just read it Maj. You will get it .. Or if you don't watch the movie if only for Zooey deschnells legs. I saw the movie first. I would recomend doing that so you won't be one of thos people that whinge that the books better (it is ) Marc
  4. I bought the leather bound book with the whole hitchhikers series in the one book. Love that series
  5. So is there a new book or not ??
  6. Is it called the Salmon of doubt ? or something close to that ?
  7. MarcK

    Words of wisdom

    When I was in my teens my grand mother told me that if I wanted to be wealthy I had to stay away form cars boats aeroplanes women and the drink. Now at the time I figured that she must of hated me and wanted me to go,through life miserable. Now I wish that I had of listened. Well not really .
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