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  1. Shy Cancels are sheltered workshops. They wouldn't work in a tub of Yeast. Some houses actually get BUILT Despite them. I told Ballarat Council THAT once when I was erecting a hangar there. It HAS a historic overlay. The UPSIDE of that is it will probably NOT be turned into more Houses. Nev
  2. I like Boats, but my Missus would get seasick in the Bath if I splashed her. She didn't get Airsick in Citabria or Tiger Moths. Nev
  3. There's less and Less people CLAIMING Anthropomorphic Climate change is NOT happening. One thing that has been proven is plenty of Self interested People wanting to Profit from the denial of it KNEW about it but kept it secret, And/or Propagated LIES, Knowingly to make more profit, which is FRAUD. There might be some BIG payouts regarding this behaviour and some would be $#!t!ng themselves. Nev
  4. So far the Multiverse's existence cannot be proven. Determining the actual Point when you have died is done in various ways. People have been pronounced DEAD when they weren't. You can be "brain dead " but still kept alive. At the moment you die Approximately there has never been a recorded change of Mass when you "give up the ghost". Nev
  5. Too Gutless to PULL anything.. Nev
  6. Dog has his back. and he's working for god now .The best way to ruin a country. Flood if with rapid fire assault weapons .nev
  7. Too many little black flies last time I was there. 80 vehicle GROUP?? Were you touring or "Invading"? Nev
  8. We are not talking about a bureaucracy. This is a Coup/secret movement. Nev
  9. Pete ,YOU haven't dug deeply enough. It's not just Him but those HE has gathered around him. Murdoch is absolutely Fawning all over him. Bad sign. Nev
  10. The reason you are here now is because you didn't die. Nev
  11. I'll even provide Bridging Finance from tomorrow. with free BEER. Trump is an unmitigated DISASTER for the Entire world.. He's as FAKE as his face colour. USA is NOW a full Kleptocracy. Nev
  12. People on the Pension certainly couldn't afford Scotch by the Bottle. Nev
  13. Is there more than ONE ? I study god stuff. Nev
  14. . Near Denny. Any passing traffic will only stop to ask directions out of there or if you sprinkle TACKS on the road just out of town .There are plenty of better locations with multi storied pubs doing badly except when some club books them out then they become overwhelmed and don't have enough staff' It's a dead easy way to go broke. Too labour Intensive. and season dependant. People stay on Main Highways today to get to their destination as quickly as they can. on a tight time schedule .. Nev
  15. I do not GET that one. Do you go for the "Trump will FIX it" bit? Nev
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