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facthunter last won the day on February 21

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About facthunter

  • Birthday 04/01/1940

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  1. IF WAR is the answer, Just WHAT was the Question? WAR is a manifestation of Madness where no one really wins. China is entitled to stooge around in International waters. The unpredictability of Trump and Co would concern any thinking person. Trump seems to want a confrontation with NATO FFS HE didn't even know India and China share a common border OR what Pearl Harbour was all about. Nev
  2. Tell them it's a BAY and a PORT. The Gulf of America is between Trumps EARS. Nev
  3. His current approval rating is Low at +7 . What will it be in another Month? Senators are only voting for him under threats to Life from his "gestapo like" goons. unquote. Nev
  4. The TEALS have Targeted LNP Seats. Menzies introduced a lot of social welfare Legislation, He was an extreme Royalist at a time when that was OK. . He was great with words and quite eloquent. Called MING and PIG IRON BOB. . Nev
  5. Have I got a DEAL for you? Like it or lump it, it's gonna HAPPEN. I AM da KING. Nev
  6. Not a great diversity of potential Employers. Nev
  7. Just clever and pragmatic. Nev
  8. It was going to be for 3 days and the Ukrainians would shower them with ROSES. It's NOT a WAR. Just a "Special" Military Operation, that's gone on for 3 years and shown the World what hopeless fighters the Russians are. POO TIN threatened the West with Nuclear annihilation (Including the USA) Weaponised everything Does dirty tricks to all and NOW he's USA's #1 best mate?? USA is NOW obviously NOT a Country the WEST can TRUST. 4 weeks of Don is all it Takes. Thes blokes KNOWLEDGE of anything is almost Zero. Musk is EXTORTING US businesses to put money into X. The MAFIA have come to Town. America and the World are now gangster's TURF. It's a Coupe, Done and dusted. Nev
  9. The "THREAT" of something creates an effect/response. Nev
  10. Clive Palmer treats his workers like $#!t. He's a Crook. Nev
  11. When Trump ORDERS US to Put TARIFFS on Chinese goods, HOW are We going to respond to THAT? No doubt HE will. This F***er thinks HE rules the World. The US base in Greenland is Part of the NATO agreement so what happens IF HE pulls out of NATO? He's been$#!t canning it for ALL it's worth to suck up to POO Tin. Nev
  12. He tried to buy Pauleen's party for 8 mill but SHE wanted the Be the Lifetime president. Clive is going to mimic Trump. You couldn't make up this stuff.. That's stealing Dutton's thunder Boo Hoo.. Nev
  13. The Irish are reluctant to SHOUT. Nev
  14. Clive is consistently BAT$#!t Crazy. . I hope the fire ants get him.. His adds make Rupee rich.. Nev
  15. I reckon he's gone too far with this one. It's ALL about doing deals with Put IN and $$$s. to be MADE. Zelenski was voted IN at about 75% AND ESTIMATED 57% NOW. TRUMP GOT LESS THAN 51% and has to have tight security when he goes anywhere. I don't think AMERICANS will accept the New BEST FRIEND that easily after years of being Paranoid about their Power. HE couldn't care a fig about the People who successfully held back a sneaky. Un trustable World nuke threatening Superpower INVADER. MILIONS have died needlessly he said. Yeah about 1/3rd as many as the Zionist push in Isreal. Nev
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