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facthunter last won the day on March 6

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About facthunter

  • Birthday 04/01/1940

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  1. They don't FART either. ( I always apologise when one near me does unless she's........ annoying in other ways). Nev
  2. You will see that Here. . Nev
  3. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    I'm not one to skite and say it took 3 seconds. Where you look first has a bit to.do with it. I've also had a lot of practice. Nev
  4. It's half VW exhaust on the rocks. . Called Toongabbie Dew. Shaken (not stirred). Nev
  5. Parts costs are outrageous unless aftermarket and that's enthusiast stuff. Nev
  6. Mildly pessimistic? Nev
  7. Maybe Putin has "SOMETHING" sleezy on Trump? The Russians are good at finding that kind of stuff. Nev
  8. Lots of Plastic in the ducts in the dash and it goes brittle. The rest "as you say" Nev
  9. Best personalised Numberplate yet. Nev
  10. You NEED an arsehole. We don't NEED Trump. Nev
  11. Dickson is right in it?.Thhe MEMBER Dutton's done a runner. You will read the details in the Murdock papers? Like HELL you will. Nev
  12. Just OW did they manage to be there to view such close shaves? Nev
  13. The MARKET decides. Nev
  14. I often say "can't be that Healthy around here"? Nev
  15. Methuselah lived 900Years, (it is said in de Bible) Nev
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