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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Who caused the Great Depression of 1929? Who caused the GFC in Mid 2007.? Who will cause the Depression starting soon.? One Country . The NOW DISUnited States of America. Look at the STATE of AMERICA NOW. Wrecked from within and $#!t inflicted upon the REST of the World once More. and they had no say in it. Nev
  2. The cost of his Golf Obsession to the Taxpayers is OBSCENE. A Flying Block of Flats just to Carry Him and His EGO around? Nev
  3. Lifes too short to look for facts in the Places where they don't value them. Why willingly submit to propaganda.? It's NOT a MATTER of considering EQUALS. Wou;d you believe a used car salesman with a bad record? or the Local village Idiot. Nev
  4. The latest floods will make it worse. Albo was there. It's his fault? Dutton and TATE(Gold Coast Lord Mayor) were away in Sydney Fund raising for the LNP. Nev
  5. No. I just cannot understand your LOGIC. The admirable Journo's work in war zones etc and get off their Bums. The lesser ones sit and grow fat by keeping the OWNERS HAPPY putting out the CRAP we are accustomed to because there is a near monopoly. Qld being by far the worst, in that respect. When there's no news they make it up Nev
  6. How many Australians would wish to move to somewhere else (That exists, Not a made up one). Nev
  7. YOU think that's a REAL situation? A Dictatorship WANTs people to vote? You CAN'T vote in a dictatorship, OR else it's rigged..
  8. I wouldn't follow unreliable left wing sources either. but they don't OWN newspapers. . I don't buy ANY newspapers since 1973, You get VIEWS in the News media. Not much information. Nev
  9. Why quote or obtain information from proven UNRELIABLE sources? Quoting the source is fine. I'm still NOT behoven to read it. I have no idea how you can make that assertion. OME. TRUTH is getting harder by the day to get.. Waste of time referencing it, Be more selective. Nev
  10. OR walk on it. It's an old trick. A rolling stone gathers NO Moss. Nev
  11. HE was voted IN (this time). so you have to recognise that but we aren't ordered to LOVE him, yet. WHY would HE come HERE anyhow.? How would HE play Golf at weekends,? HE flys Airforce ONE and a Big freighter to carry his golf carts AT Million$$ of dollars a time. WHAT about DOGE there? Nev.
  12. Funny how Trumps SMALL Gov't wants to tell us how" everything" Must be done, and IF you don't do it YOU will be DONE. Nev
  13. Your day should be related to the sun's position. 15 degrees of longitude is one hour.. What has our population numbers got to do with it. ? Can't see that relationship. It might help business but that is done all over the world and we cope. Nev
  14. Why refer to the Daily Mail? It's like quoting SKY. Nev
  15. If you believe a lot of stuff that seems unlikely you'll be in more strife than IF you are sceptical but if you sense a feeling that something is not right It's not a lot of trouble to consider it and look a bit harder at what's unfolding .Prime example USA NOW. Nev
  16. I don't think the Don gives a tuppeny stuff about AUS OR has much of an idea where it IS. Nev
  17. I have 2 Multi Meters Nev
  18. You are just repeating yourself. rgmwa. I like to hear what Turnbull thinks about current things At least HE does THINK and is respectful and eloquent. In sharp contrast to the Orange Oaf who can't put a sentence together. Nev
  19. You can't have the advantages of Isolation without the obvious access disadvantages. Nev
  20. Rubbish,. There's plenty worse with BIG mouths. Nev
  21. THAT's often done. My signature is terrible. . NO story there. THAT source is Crap anyhow. Nev
  22. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    ''o'' dear. Nev
  23. He's already explained that. Get a life Grumpy. You're not the ONLY one who's had $#!t HAPPEN. Nev
  24. Even Trump knows there's an opposition in Australia. TURNBULL IS NOW A COMMENTATOR. Nev
  25. Sneaky Plant. Outwits flying copulator, Nev
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