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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. HE has only ONE option for Power supply also. As I read it. Nev
  2. He's got PTSD. Give him a break. Nev
  3. The POOR have always been oppressed when the rich Get their way. It was EVER thus. Nev
  4. I don't know your personal supply circumstances or what rate you are being charged per Kw/Hr OR what Choice of supplier you have. These off grid systems are really getting better all the time. staying connected costs about $420 /annum. Nev
  5. Like read into it what you choose to, Called "Selective Perception" .Pretty common. There's some $#!t Power companies also. Look around if you have a choice. (not that it will change who repairs your powerlines). If you have running hot water M8 you are in the top 2% of the World . and IF you don't live in a big city, More the better. Nev.
  6. Yeah. IGNORE the experts. Your Butcher will do surgery cheaper.. and you taxi driver will fill you in on other matters. Nev
  8. GON they are not severe outages and "someone" fixed them quite quickly. In sparsely settled areas the cost of getting power to people is high per capita.. Nev
  9. Having facilitated this outcome they are of no further use and will just do as they are told, or else. Nev
  10. The names of those who are not grateful will be noted for future attention. Nev
  11. WA is the one to watch in the next 1 and 1/2 days It's a biggie and will bring moisture to a lot of other places as well. Mostly SE of it's present position. Nev
  12. Sailors relied on the Barometer.( I read mine all the time) and the wind direction strength and an idea of the MSL Isobars. Swells on the surface tell a lot also . Nev
  13. Cabbage, Beans BrainFARTS? Nev
  14. Italy has had an active MAFIA for a long time. This MOB look like a more extreme version. Nev
  15. I think with agriculture it's SOW. Nev
  16. Certainly plenty of wind in that area.. Nev
  17. The Plebs won't be Enamoured with that. Musks Taste funny and the Tesla "T" looks like fallopian tubes. Musk has a lot of Kids. Nev
  18. I guess in 24 years some progress would have been made in design and materials. Nev
  19. As you sew so shall you reap. Nev
  20. A lot of time is wasted on this one. . Usually by people who just want to confuse. I don't include you in that group. Nev
  21. IF you want to make it so. It seems clear to me. Nev
  22. The stopped clock may show the correct time twice a day but how do you know WHEN it's correct? I wouldn't shop where everything is ending in 99 cents. It's an indication of them assuming you are a bit thick. Nev
  23. Bit like saying Aircraft accidents occur in 3's. Occurrences are weather events but if the Sahara and the amazon switched their rain patterns it WOULD be a change of geography resulting from the Climate Change. IF weather events become more severe and more frequent we have a NEW "Normal" which would be a change as far as I can see. Nev
  24. Causal factors are so variable I wouldn't give a lot of credence to the fixed time cycle unless you can pin down a very specific event like sunspot activity. A saturated countryside helps more rain to be likely Highs tend to persist over land masses. Things like rising ground help clouds to form Most humidity is from Tropical Maritime sources. Polar air is very dry. You won't get floods from there but a cold front cools and slides under hot air and if THAT air is moist you get high lapse rates and convective clouds, storms and HAIL. Nev
  25. It will just recognise your face as you walk through.. and bill you. Nev
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