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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Certainly not my favourite source . Look at the tone of the "other" listed articles. Nev
  2. Dutton doesn't discuss on WATER Matters. Nev
  3. They fail the Supremacy bit. Nev
  4. Aus is NOT America. (YET) and should never be with a bit of luck and effort. Minchen and Bernardi tried to copy the US TEA PARTY. Nev
  5. Trumps WAY is making China look Good (by comparison) At least they plan ahead and use their intelligence. Trump is deranged and unpredictable and It's ALL About HIM.. HE will DAMAGE AMERICA. by allowing the crazies with ALL the MONEY to prevail and SEIZE control. Nev
  6. Holden is no more. It's KAPUT. Nev
  7. BLAME GERRY HARVEY for THAT. HE donates a lot to the LNP and It's a Great Investment (when they are in Power.) Nev
  8. You GET from China, What you want to pay for. Remember when Jap stuff was considered Junk? Nev
  9. Potential for a Profit. Nev
  10. A REAL DOPE using dope as an excuse. The Rotter is a natural BULLY BOY. They wouldn't buy stuff from CANADA IF it wasn't good value. America is a run down Country and hasn't spent enough on infrastructure to keep up with the times. Everyone is too busy lining their OWN pockets to worry about the Whole. Nev
  11. They use an MRI to check mine. . Nev
  12. My Grandad died when I was 3 due to having silicosis from mining coal. Nev
  13. Oh. What an excellent idea. In NORMAL circumstances, Musk wouldn't even get a Security Clearance. Nev
  14. The Person controlling the Gearbox has the best chance of making America GRATE again. It's "Crunch" time now. Nev
  15. Finnish=People who inhabit Finland. Finish, Treatment of some surfaces. FIN END of the program in french. Fin the part of a shark often above the waters surface. When my car stops It's NOT ended unless the vehicle behind it doesn't. . Nev
  16. It's now proven the Americans will vote for any IDIOT, who tells them what they WANT to HEAR and are too lazy or disinterested to LOOK harder. In actual fact the vote was NO landslide and offered NO power of MANDATE to do things that are not within the LAW. The trouble is that NOW, when we are where we are, how do we undo it with the Power Shift that has happened? THOSE people are not going to give up the Power readily, NOW that they HAVE it. People like that NEVER do. Nev
  17. I don't think ANY government encouraged the disgusting way the returnees from Vietnam were treated and as I've said a few times, the way the RSL of the time treated them was completely disgusting and the Media would have had some part in it as well, no doubt. It's far too easy for ANY Govt to declare war. Democracy needs to be more than 50% plus almost nothing. multiplied a number of time s along the way. 1/2 of a 1/2 is a 1/4 so it can rapidly compound to a small number. You need RULES specifying Rights of individuals and due process (legal) and guaranteed access without prejudice and NO ONE being ABOVE the LAW. or able to put pressure on it.. Nev
  18. There are 3 people active in that operation aboard the Heli 2 at the controls AND One actively monitoring and directing. The Mission they were Practicing was unsuitable to be mixed with High density RPT traffic and at night. The Sikorski is difficult to see, Purposely. The Tower was undermanned and staff have been consistently overworked. Whoever allowed it to take place in those circumstances is responsible. Nev,
  19. Conscription is $#!t. Nev
  20. He's BREAKING a lot of agreements HE signed. Promises KEPT? Nev
  21. Not with AI. Nev
  22. It wasn't easy to see. BUT it wasn't RED. Nev
  23. You CAN PLAY with the Kollsman scale adjuster knob.. Get a simulator and fly under the Harbour bridge.. Nev
  24. When it goes Backwards you don't have much time, and you have to allow time for the Mountains. Nev
  25. ALL BLOODY PREDICTABLE by anyone with at least 1/2 a brain.. GOOD old Republican party. Blind at the Wheel. TOO busy snarling at each other to see the Looming threat. Nev
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