I would have thought the first finger was the strongest one. It's the one you usually use to oppose the thumb which enables US to pick up things and operate scissors, hold brushes pens etc. Nev
A Straight 8 is a horrible configuration no matter whose name is on it. Bugatti made one also.., You won't find any these days. Jabiru made a few 8's which is really fourx2, Discontinued. . It probably sounded good too.. Nev
. When ANY Party, Groups or Individuals do good things I applaud it..Cost blowouts with tunnels are because of the unpredictable and specialised nature of the operation.. Sydney Harbour bridge The Opera House and various tunnel projects and roads in Sydney have similar problems They have ongoing water supply and sewerage issues. as well as COST of living there with inner city Property rebuilding costs Sydney has one of the worlds finest Harbours but I don't see how I could afford to live there I DID Teach and LIVE there once but in the Western Suburbs and never owned property. On a few occasions My only Transport was a Motorbike. and I was as poor as a Church mouse. Not helped by flying clapped out Austers etc from Bankstown to finish off my Commercial. .Nev
Big items Have to be paid for when built but save over the Long term with better efficiency. It's like putting in more modern tooling or pressing on with what you have. Nev
A mob of NUTTERS is being Installed. What else would you expect? That's what will happen when you don't THINK deeply enough.
There's not a situation of RATS leaving a sinking ship. They fear for their lives and welfare from the actions of a revenge seeking Mafia type Psychopath and some of his NUT CASE SUPPORTERS. They are political REFUGEES in REAL danger in their own Country, Nev
Dear Jeff left us a situation we still. suffer from. Growing modern cities need Rail Road Tunnels and water, sewerage drainage works. Labor tends to do more of that when in and it has to be paid for.. Nev
Sikh's are OK. There's plenty worse. We are not an ANGLO country now whether you like it or not. Do you only eat Meat pies, Steak and eggs with chips salt and tomato sauce with Beer? Nev
It was a pre election pledge to do it. Little (to be) Proud (of) poo pooed it instantly then confusion and "IF you DON"T UNDERSTAND IT, don't vote for it usual stuff.. It's easy to put the scarers up in the remote areas. Dutton will be a disaster. In any other place than Queensland HE wouldn't hold his seat. LNP is a PARTY there and a Coalition everywhere else. The agreement between them has secret details as to what the terms are but the deputy will be from the NATS. HE reckoned HIS "BORDER FORCE out ranked everyone including STATE POLICE. He gets inspiration from Trump. He will be a copy cat DICK tator.. Nev
You have to divert the water OFF the road in fairly short sections so the volume doesn't get too high. Grates will block up with twigs and leaves. It really needs sealing with sufficient compaction to support and you'll need gutters on the up slope side.. BIG $$$'s. Nev