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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. There would be many girls THAT would not go down well with..Nev.
  2. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    22. Nev
  3. I can't quote the date, but wives had to resign certain Jobs like teaching IF they married. . IF anyone came to the door about anything as they often did in those days, they would ask the woman if they could speak to the person in charge, Please. . Nev
  4. Dutton will adopt Trumps style. Minchen and Bernardi copied the TEA Party methods and THAT was a big FLOP. Australia IS NOT AMERICA and may it stay that way. Dutton is a NO man,. a Stirrer, Puller of Stunts and a Pretend Tough Image Guy. The Party HE belongs to ONLY exists in Queensland. His Deputy (SUSSan LEY) is only in the Parliament because HE over ruled her Electorate which wanted someone else.. What level of control does that give Him over Her. She's regularly banned from question time in Parliament for unruly behaviour. She'll NEVER be the deputy PM either . That is allocated to the Nationals under an agreement that no one is allowed to know the details of. Nev
  5. It's the occupants that you protect. Nev
  6. You'll hear "another promise Kept " often. He also said "you'll NEVER HAVE to vote Again". HE DID WARN YOU. The Brave LIZ CHANEY will have to seek asylum somewhere else. Joe still has about 50 days in office as president. Nev
  7. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    The old Ram next door died of a suspected Heart attack when He heard the song "There'll Never be another You." Nev
  8. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    Two numb fingers makes my typing needing constant correction. I actually use TWO hands which is rather funny. I also know this is as good as it's going to get. Nev
  9. My sentiments entirely, embodied in the term I used,"End Game" Nations would appear to be an expansion of tribes. That IS a quantum leap. Does "First Peoples" entitle them to control. If so WHAT do they have control of?. What lifestyle do they want and how would it coexists or be viable. Would they want the "Best of Both worlds". Sure the conditions they experienced in many ( even most) cases were unacceptable and should be examined but in the context of the times they occurred in not to excuse them in any way either.. Remember white women only got the Vote in my lifetime. Context is important and we are not in the ideal situation yet for all of us. Nev
  10. There May never again be a normal election. It will probably resemble Russia where Poutain gets in with about 98% of the vote and any contenders have a short life expectancy. Was it Churchill who said "Democracy is the worst system, except for all the others"? Yes it's a pity that a $#!t for brains person's vote equals that of a thinking person but there you go. Nothings perfect. You HAVE to be able to get the CROOKS who are there for the "Spoils of Office" only, OUT. Nev
  11. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    Oooer. You're game pmc. Nev
  12. Do you know about Positive, Comparative and Superlative.? Nev
  13. Mussolini got the trains running on time. Show Trump HOW HE ended up being treated. Trump told them what they wanted to hear.AND they BELIEVE him. Now for the reality.. MUSK is going to MARS That will be a one way Trip. The earth won't be a place you can live in. Trump SAYS America doesn't have many geniuses??? FUNNY thing to say actually. Nice Freudian slip? Trump regards HIMSELF as a GENIUS but would HE really Know? Nev
  14. It's about Sovereignty isn't it. ? Nev
  15. It's part of his sticking it UP China. USA must be Chief Pooh Ba. Infrastructure in the USA is run down. Middle class America is in a parlous state. Republicans WANT slave/ cheap Labour to keep the profits for the well off. It's in their DNA. Trump doesn't care about workers once he has their votes. Nev
  16. Imposing large Tariffs on imports he will add to inflation.. He SOLD is as a job keeper. Nev
  17. The final result is a few % apart. Nearly 1/2 of all voting Americans don't want Trump. Many Republicans don't want a Government of any kind. Many who didn't vote for him wonder IF they will ever be able to vote someone like HIM OUT. to restore someone who will abide by the rules and established principles in the future.. Nev
  18. What is the final "end game " of such actions? . Nev
  19. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    50. Nev
  20. Travel Insurance will keep you covered. Nev
  21. My Old Flame . I can't even remember Her Name............. Nev
  22. Interest is profit. Why would it be exempt? Nev
  23. 3M does not make a wealthy man. Capital gain without reducing the amount by the inflation rate over the period is ROBBERY. Your money isn't worth any thing like it was even 10 years ago.. Inflation does make paying a debt off easier, but generally it's a really bad thing. Nev
  24. Pmc Trump is an isolationist. He doesn't need Allies. HE is the great Deal maker who likes to deal with Dictators like himself. Less scrutiny.. Trump wouldn't lift a finger to save US unless there was a quid in it.. He couldn't care less IF Eastern Europe went back to the Soviet Union style of life.. World Health Organisation or UN or orderly free trade . is not for him. He'll make AMERICA GRATE again. Musk talks to Putin all the time.. How does that work?. Nev
  25. Don't bother them with facts. They stop listening after a few sentences. The attention Span is just for the moment. Shouldn't we strive for a more educated and thinking policies and facts based Approach? WE are NOT America and shouldn't take out cues from there. HOW THEY do things is NOT what WE want.. It's NOT a great Example by any measure to go by if you believe in Democracy . Trump doesn't believe in THAT by the way. HE hasn't mentioned REPUBLICAN PARTY Once. Nev
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