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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Cleverly Deliberately AMBIGUOUS. A perfectly tailored answer in THE circumstances. NO GUTS and COWARDLY? You could NOT be More WRONG....Nev
  2. I thought it was a VERY ASTUTE answer as well as accurate. . One thing about Wong is "She IS NOT stupid" and she is Experienced in this field. Trump would see it as a compliment. I think you are seeing what YOU WANT top SEE. Selective Perception. Don't worry, Plenty of people do it. Nev .
  3. Yes I recall THAT one .Looking after "white man" stuff doesn't rate high On First Nations peoples list of priorities. That statement is NOT racist. It's JUST the fact apart from the deliberate act of Property theft, which any thinking person should understand could not be considered acceptable. unless it's food and you are starving etc. Nev
  4. It's ABSOLUTELY LIKELY that people don't wish to be bothered by reporters at such times.. Nev
  5. Sensation and FEAR. That's all they try to do so you will listen what happened Later. They certainly do some stories to death. How they do the story IS the News, It's all "views". Nev
  6. They will have to return from MARS to do that, nev
  7. This Bloke is devoid of empathy. I actually think he's STARK RAVING MAD. as More time passes.. Nev
  8. WHO did the Killing? Isn't that the crime? Was it in self defence? Mitigating circumstances surely. Entering someone's home other than being invited must be a criminal act? These are general comments not necessarily relevant to this incident. Nev
  9. Not for ME . I'd rather die. Bloody Treadmill. Spend most of your life paying for a potential Hell on Earth situation. There HAS to be more meaning to life than that. I used to live in Sydney's West. Nev
  10. That is NOT true I really do not want to stir you up. One terrorist is someone else's freedom fighter often The lines get Blurred. I was transiting Frankfurt-main frequently when the Baader- Meinhof gang were active Left wing west German terrorist organisation. Had In flight bomb scares as crew out of Port Moresby. Had machine gun Pointing whatever's come aboard in Karachi. Flying into Christmas Island knowing a diversion to Indonesia would be Gaol time of an unknow length. The entire Place was an ADIZ Our relations with Indonesia were not good at that time. I lost a lot of my hearing with teaching people to fire the Vickers machine guns and Mortars at Singleton Spent time in parts of France which was under Vichy control during the war (where they still say "the walls have EARS). Several of my mates were hijacked. There was a lot of that going on. Look I'm not sure this FORUM is a proper place to run this discussion, particularly with How sensitive the Israeli thing is.in Australia. Nev
  11. No ,you are Just "Invisibled" The reward for getting old is elusive. My equivalent of the men's shed was on today There's a vast and varied Aviation input which does seem to be never ending. In the end it's about PEOPLE. Nev
  12. How do you KNOW when the NEXT election be called? OME
  13. Great Global Citizen Eh Red. Nev
  14. Aw, C'mon. Don't tell me I can't comment unless I've served. Thats a bit rough. YOU can't lump ALL Muslims together, either. Do some people's lives not count.? Women and children are the Majority of the casualties in GAZA. Lots of Journo's and medical people too. Russia and Trump are NOT Muslim, Neither is China OR North Korea . The massacre of Muslims in New Zealand was done by an Australian. Are you OK with That? Nev
  15. I have a "clothes " line. Are they called a washing line in the penal colony of NSW. We do Peg the clothes on the line . Haven't you cycled for a while?. Nev
  16. Yeah we are JUST great. The GOOD guys who never do bad things. Take your blinkers off. Every Colonising country did bad things and exploited the Locals The yanks had permanent troops stationed in Saudia Consider the Vietnam war. he French had enough brains to get out.. the Korean war. the war against IRAQ and Afghanistan. What was done in India and China. Division of the Middle East. The Early British navy consisted of Pirates THE Crusades for Plunder. A lot of British settlements were no more than Penal Colonies. Mexico was completely over run and pillaged by the Spanish African colonisation and exploitation for it's resources with no benefit to the Locals Nigeria, Rhodesia Plenty more. Muslims are just one of the 3 Abrahamic Religions and Muslim's are further divided into Wahabi ,Sunny and Shi ite. Christians have killed Plenty of each other too. Hitler was a Catholic. nev
  17. The Victors control the History He's a TOP Historian . Spins everything his way. TRUTH Social?? More IRONY than US steel.. The WORD is out there. LOVE ME with all thine heart and all your money and things will go well for you. Do the opposite and you might as well LEAVE now while you can. .READ my LIPS. Fear of reprisal is part of this. First THEY came for (abc), and that didn't matter. Then they came for(def) and I started to wonder and then they came FOR (me). Nev
  18. You can't make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's ear. With TRUMP It's ALL about HIM . Have you READ Mary Trumps BOOK? SHE tells you what he is like and why he is like that... . Nev
  19. It's still in Use for AVIATORS. Nev
  20. The question IS WHY would you believe anything this person says, as clearly many have taken him at his word,. and/or been told by God to vote for HIM.. Trump will FIX Everything. Can He possibly deliver on that promise. Did he ever intend to? I think NOT. He GOT IN. That's all he cares about and HE said he would be a Dicktator. The GOLDEN AGE for America begins One way tickets for MARS over here. Get in early. BIG demand expected. Nev
  21. A bit of adherence to FACTS would go a long way with this debate. It's NOT easy to find FACTS. That's the way the system works Trump NEVER has it right. His followers believe every word he says. Inflation and National debt are facts America must face. Trump himself has said HE doesn't read books. and I don't doubt he's correct BUT .. How's THAT a Good thing? Making a Virtue out of deliberate ignorance and are the C in C of the US Armed Forces. Break deals and that's OK? Not where I come from. Any Country needs the Best that Country can get.. IF this man is the Best. What about the REST? He said "America doesn't HAVE MANY Geniuses.. Well that's a funny admission. Up till now, God hasn't BLESSED America much has he.? Nev
  22. On of the handiest things in my kit as a small battery tester BT 168. Best carbon zinc, Duracell Ultra. Longest lasting. Nev
  23. It will reduce reality and costs. WHO does that help? Nev
  24. I'm TALKING about HERE. The Saturation with MERDE OK,, especially in QLD, Country. Nev
  25. That aspect of the argument is already dealt with. An aside but related. The Competence of a pilot is inversely proportional to the size of his watch.. Nev
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