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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. The question IS WHY would you believe anything this person says, as clearly many have taken him at his word,. and/or been told by God to vote for HIM.. Trump will FIX Everything. Can He possibly deliver on that promise. Did he ever intend to? I think NOT. He GOT IN. That's all he cares about and HE said he would be a Dicktator. The GOLDEN AGE for America begins One way tickets for MARS over here. Get in early. BIG demand expected. Nev
  2. A bit of adherence to FACTS would go a long way with this debate. It's NOT easy to find FACTS. That's the way the system works Trump NEVER has it right. His followers believe every word he says. Inflation and National debt are facts America must face. Trump himself has said HE doesn't read books. and I don't doubt he's correct BUT .. How's THAT a Good thing? Making a Virtue out of deliberate ignorance and are the C in C of the US Armed Forces. Break deals and that's OK? Not where I come from. Any Country needs the Best that Country can get.. IF this man is the Best. What about the REST? He said "America doesn't HAVE MANY Geniuses.. Well that's a funny admission. Up till now, God hasn't BLESSED America much has he.? Nev
  3. On of the handiest things in my kit as a small battery tester BT 168. Best carbon zinc, Duracell Ultra. Longest lasting. Nev
  4. It will reduce reality and costs. WHO does that help? Nev
  5. I'm TALKING about HERE. The Saturation with MERDE OK,, especially in QLD, Country. Nev
  6. That aspect of the argument is already dealt with. An aside but related. The Competence of a pilot is inversely proportional to the size of his watch.. Nev
  7. I certainly don't need any extra reminding of that. I only look in the mirror to pull out hairs that get in my eyes or see if I've cut myself when shaving now that I never have to check IF my tie is on straight. 99% of my OLDER friends are dead anyhow.. Nev
  8. HA HA but if you don't already know the time you have. NO IDEA when it's correct. IT's completely USELESS. A clock that is not reliable has no real purpose. I'd go for the 24 hour clock anyhow as It's not ambiguous. GMT or Zulu time is 24 hour.. Nev
  9. Something that is based on people dying is inherently depressing. It doesn't do much for ME. SAME as THIS is how they look NOW types of portrayal. Would any of US like to be subject to that?. Nev
  10. WE have a Murdoch monopoly that IF you don't do what IT wants Wipes you out. It's blatantly happening ,right NOW., Nev
  11. The ones I'm speaking of had smaller motors. . Nev
  12. I thing the Grabbing bit works because of his Power and the VICTIM is just thinking "OH Not THIS $#!T, again. Nev
  13. it's too small.. It's petrol isn't it.? Nev
  14. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    Then I don't have a clue? Nev
  15. Yeah Trumps doctor found something wrong with his FEET and he couldn't serve. He calls them all "Suckers and Losers". Maybe his feet are made of clay. I'd love to see him in a real fight. One NOT rigged. . Nev
  16. Allowed it to happen because HE said "I'll only accept the result IF I WIN.". beforehand. IS THAT even slightly ACCEPTABLE. Also I could shoot somebody in broad daylight and get away with it?. HOW SPECIAL can one be? WHAT A Terrible example to set He has his imitators. Bolsonaro in Brazil and maybe Dutton here. There's NO doubt HE wanted Trump in...I'm NOT sure the Majority of the Australian People would though.. Its quite likely he wouldn't want to risk anything to save US despite what we may HOPE. American sites here and use of facilities for training, make us a prime target I wouldn't be backward in REMINDING him of THAT . What IF WE unilaterally broke a Trade DEAL? He'd probably invade and put the Government before the same Kangaroo Court that was going to deal with Julien Assange. He was silly enough to think Trump would care about him. Trump CARES about no one BUT himself. Ask his Neice Mary or read the book. Nev
  17. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    IF you put a boy in a home OR near pile of toys, I'll get that one. I've NEVER heard of the term "Petshop Boys" . Nev
  18. Not a lot of respect. decency and class on show. Like a lot of Hyena's circling an injured animal. Tough only when there's a lot of them.. In the USA WINNING has always been everything. KAMALA put in a good effort in the short time available to her. Gender Race and being a "rotten" Democrat was used against her. The MAJORITY of the Biased Media was against her. ALL very publicly on show to those who are interested enough and concerned about the" Anything goes as long as I win "By Trump. HE ran the "Birther" thing about Obama and eventually admitted it was BS, But SAID. BUT IT WORKED. . . Principles? HE has NONE.( It would just complicate things) HE said "ALL I want from you is YOUR vote. and after this, you won't have to vote again"!!!. What could he have Meant by that? Nev
  19. Shy Cancels are sheltered workshops. They wouldn't work in a tub of Yeast. Some houses actually get BUILT Despite them. I told Ballarat Council THAT once when I was erecting a hangar there. It HAS a historic overlay. The UPSIDE of that is it will probably NOT be turned into more Houses. Nev
  20. I like Boats, but my Missus would get seasick in the Bath if I splashed her. She didn't get Airsick in Citabria or Tiger Moths. Nev
  21. There's less and Less people CLAIMING Anthropomorphic Climate change is NOT happening. One thing that has been proven is plenty of Self interested People wanting to Profit from the denial of it KNEW about it but kept it secret, And/or Propagated LIES, Knowingly to make more profit, which is FRAUD. There might be some BIG payouts regarding this behaviour and some would be $#!t!ng themselves. Nev
  22. So far the Multiverse's existence cannot be proven. Determining the actual Point when you have died is done in various ways. People have been pronounced DEAD when they weren't. You can be "brain dead " but still kept alive. At the moment you die Approximately there has never been a recorded change of Mass when you "give up the ghost". Nev
  23. Too Gutless to PULL anything.. Nev
  24. Dog has his back. and he's working for god now .The best way to ruin a country. Flood if with rapid fire assault weapons .nev
  25. Too many little black flies last time I was there. 80 vehicle GROUP?? Were you touring or "Invading"? Nev
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