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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Wouldn't work. He didn't give any advice or devote any time and advice was not sought.. Nev
  2. We don't refine Yellow cake. Where is that going to happen?. Where does the waste get stored? Near you? It's only for 30,000 years or so. What is the cost of decommissioning a Nuclear power station and how do you "War Proof" IT It's still reliant on a grid . Coal for another 30 years is what they are really at. The only instant power is from a battery. Next best pump hydro and GAS. Nev
  3. Just gets shaken up a bit more. Nev
  4. I have a SHER drill I bought 65 years ago. Nev.
  5. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    aeiou. Nev
  6. Genes tell us more than the religions do. Their Manuscripts are compiled by MAN and then INTERPRETED by more men, More than JUST ANOTHER "Belief" as that notorious anti Science and Suppository of wisdom T aBot famously said. He's one of the best examples of what a science free Education???? can produce. We share Genes with very Basic life forms and this all happens over a period of TIME so great we really have no comprehension of it and we can't contemplate the size of the universe we are a miniscule Part of much of it is violent and hostile to life place.. Way back GODS were Invented to explain things and events in the absence of any better knowledge. Mostly the churches (religions) opposed the "Intrusion" of scientific revelations like the earth is NOT flat and is not the centre of the Universe. Frankly a lot of them are just Cults and I'm amazed so many just accept them as Gospel truth in these days when specialised knowledge is so much a part of the way we live. Conspiracy theorists thrive among us. People like Trump get traction!!!. Nev
  7. He's got BIG shoulderpads. Nev
  8. Two giant EGO's don't WORK. Nev
  9. LEFT should be left and you'll be right. Nev
  10. No turn around likely then. Nev
  11. You have a ringside seat. Why not just watch and WONDER.? Nev
  12. Did a couple of their planes Bounce? Nev
  13. IF Private enterprise won't do it doesn't THAT tell you something? We will give you ALL the details AFTER WE are elected. Yeah right. What could possibly go wrong? Nev
  14. Qld is the only State without an upper House and with a party called the LNP and has the biggest Murdoch influence Jerry. The NEW Gov't promised a 100 day result which may prove a bit of a mistake. He's ANTI Duttons Nuclear answer also. . Dutton and Littleproud say IF they get elected THEY will FORCE ALL the states to comply as well as do it with the Peoples money. ????? .Nev
  15. How long will a Musk-Trump relationship last? Trump will be too busy getting EVEN with anyone who didn't like him. Nev
  16. Maybe others like the idea. It's ahead of the commonwealth games but in the same vein. Athletes spend a lot of time preparing. At least the gov't was going to use existing structure. People expect the gov't to wipe their bums but don't want to pay tax. I would NOT like the job of keeping Queenslanders HAPPY for all the Tea in China. Nev
  17. The Younger Katter is NOT happy with Crisafulli's treatment of KP Party. . Nev
  18. Price rises have more to do with external causes like the Russian and middle east situation The misleading advice from Phillip Rowe (Reserve Bank) didn't help the situation either.. The Federal opposition Dutton and the Greens have blocked legislation that would have helped also. It suits them politically to frustrate Labor and WE lose out as a consequence. Nev.
  19. IF the new QLD govt acts like the NT one has it will help Federal Labor. The Labor base in Qld is big enough to be a base to build from and an opposition that can be vocal. This is probably the best outcome Labor QLD could expect. They've held power for most of the last 25 years. Did a good job with the Covid.. It's a Murdoch saturated media State.. Nev
  20. Optimum time for China to act is 2027. Nev
  21. Probably "soft porn of the time" . Now we are surrounded by scantily clad dollies if that's what rings your bell.. Nev
  22. Actors are cheaper if they have nothing on at the time. Nev
  23. Or 45 Bulgarian weightlifter's or30 Japanese Sumo wrestlers. Nev
  24. facthunter

    Funny videos

    What if you don't "do" Farcebook? Nev
  25. When you control the skies you are ahead. Nev
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