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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. "Stress" is not conducive to a healthy state. Nev
  2. Aborigines in their original tribal context had many very strong laws, ceremonies and initiations. THAT hasn't been replaced with anything. Nev
  3. Good rust treatment often involves Phosphates. Nev
  4. He'll fleece you if you let him. Everyone who's done anything for him ends up in the POO. Nev
  5. Wild fowl has much more flavour than cage grown stuff and is much leaner. There's literally NO comparison. Nev
  6. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    20 seconds. Nev
  7. Morphine has never worked for me. That's the one they usually rely on ultimately.. Anyhow keep going while you still can. You'll always find plenty worse off. Just to complicate the situation further my wife had a stroke and has had her eyesight affected. . . Nev
  8. 3rd day home. New Knee plenty of pain. Thanks for the welcome. The other was way gone. This is going well they say. Nev
  9. One day Big Clive will find out the value of health as he clutches his chest. Nev
  10. There's no way off the Treadmill. Nev
  11. Or have free and fair elections while we still can, by people who are not fed $#!t in the media. Nev
  12. Merry Syphilis and happy Gonorrhoea. .Beer is better. Nev
  13. One nutcase cancels a thinking person's vote. Nev
  14. IF your immune system is compromised, Pneumonia is often what gets you. Starts as Flu. Nev
  15. So have we all. Try building a house from your own timber on your block or good second hand stuff.. Nev
  16. Bass strait can be a wild bit of water. The waves come from 2 directions and it's only about 200 feet deep on average. Nev
  17. To be effective, they must die before they procreate. Nev
  18. THere's a place called DEVILSPORT on the North Coast. Nev
  19. Be careful IF MANIA is part of the name. I suggested WEGIA would be better but no takers (so far). Nev
  20. It IS WHAT generally happened Now a days it's more extreme. Lows for instance come further south than they used to.. Use the Information you have. August was the time the westerlies blew in Central latitudes of NSW.. Nev
  21. They do have their own problems but it's nature's solution. Nev
  22. If it hurts bugs it will hurt you. Use a "blue" zapper and bats eat their own weight in insects each day. Nev
  23. You are correct. He didn't expect to win but now he likes the Power. Nev
  24. In the USA the aim is to corrupt the system in your favour. Not much thought of unintended consequences. or the fate of Democracy and proper process. Nev
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