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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. I prefer the Offenhauser. Nev
  2. It's when you use Muscle Mass for fuel the problem starts.. It doesn't matter how slow the fat goes. You need a permanent change of lifestyle or it just goes back on again. Exercise is essential to keep muscles and ligaments in good condition, but you can experience strains and worn out joints. Cut out Crap highly Processed food, Transfats and sugary drinks. just drink filtered water and don't add SALT to everything. Nev
  3. "Duck" Donald. Nev
  4. Most of mine belong to a past ERA. Nev
  5. What the Duck. Nev
  6. One KG/Week is too much. You will lose Muscle mass and go into Ketosis. Nev
  7. It relates to Power seeking as a substitute for acceptance in general terms.. Risk management is essential in any situation. OR you are just a Punter. Nev
  8. Be wary of Ambitious men, Little Men and Cripples in business matters. Nev
  9. IF it's done better there will be more of it and nothing will get done. . Nev
  10. You are there to stop the HOLES intersecting OR makes sure they do and have to work in 3 dimensions like when flying.. Kids do colouring in at Kinder. Nev
  11. AAP and Reuters used to be the Ones. Monopolies are there fora reason. Power and Control. Views and LIES. Certainly NOT NEWS. Under the Cloak of FREE speech, they drown out TRUTH. Nev
  12. Elon Hasn't got a CLUE about what the ABC is. It's INVESTIGATIVE to start with. Pravda would NOT last long doing that.. Silvio Berlusconi had both the state TV and all the Private ones under his control. MUSK gets unlimited exposure by BUYING Twitter and moulding it to HIS WISHES. Man-Boy has too many TOYS. Nev
  13. To get it back to "Projects" Marty could continue his with Gay Abandon but I hope he doesn't. Nev
  14. I taught a subject called "Descriptive Geometry and Workshop Drawings" which has Myriad applications. ie Deriving Involute curves ,(Gear Teeth) Archimedean spirals Reflective Mirrors, Parabola's Blueprints for Making EVERYTHING Profiling intersecting solids,(Shapes) Various Projections, Isometric Axonometric Plan and elevations. for houses .Machine drawing Protocol.. From Architects to Engineers and space orbital projections . Mapping, Navigation On and ON. Nothing gets made without it. At the Higher end it gets very Mathematical and Complex. . Nev
  15. Well it didn't mean anything like that with the Laxette advert. It as something to do with NOT being constipated. Nev
  16. Bat Pee ruins Paint and chrome and machined surfaces. Everything in my workshop has to be covered. THEY do consume Shiploads of Insects though. No Mossies. Nev
  17. Some disturbing contributions there. Because it happens a lot doesn't make it right.. IT RUINS peoples lives and it's NOT in any way their fault.. It's rarely addressed appropriately. Nev
  18. Ita did Nothing. Ken Williams has the experience even if he is Ex Murdoch. Nearly everyone in the business works for Murdoch OR has or will. . Nev
  19. They reckon it hurts when you get picked up by the fuzz. Nev
  20. Because the "System" was stacked against you and still is. People just put up with it as they had no option. MOB rule really. Psicko's indulging themselves at other's expense. THAT doesn't make a MAN out of you. It often makes another Psicko. Abusers have been abused themselves. Nev
  21. When Laxettes were available, GAY had a different meaning.. Nev
  22. There were NO obese people in Changi. Rapid weight loss reduces Muscle mass.. Nev
  23. NONE of US are getting out of this alive anyhow. Man's inhumanity to Man is limitless.. Some Ratbag revs them up and away we go.. People easily act against their OWN interests, threatening our survival. Now because of the sheer size of the Population we are interdependent with the delicate balance of order more necessary than it was ever before. China can't afford a WAR. It relies on trade and ORDER as do many of us. Trump and Putin are $#!t for brains bullies and despots who no one should TRUST to do anything for them. Nev
  24. The ones that walk on the ceiling don't. You get them in Cairns. Nev
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