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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Putin has managed to show who cares to know that his forces are in chronic need of revision. Nev
  2. OT I can't agree with your connection. It's NOT common in the US to express such views unless you go back to the" Flower Power) Hippy generation. Australia's well entrenched in the rat race. USA worships MONEY and GREED. Nev
  3. Also Is it the truth or did you read it in the Murdoch Press? Look at SKY, FFS. Nev
  4. All the claims against her have been proven UNTRUE. Nev
  5. There's more that enough BS around already.. A high degree of scepticism should be applied to all thing s including the University of U tube. It's getting nigh on impossible to find the TRUTH today. Too many self interested bodies show no respect for it. Nev
  6. Sugar plus O2 =Rocket fuel. Pure water is the best drink., Adam's ALE. Nev
  7. Rupee is much more despicable. than Goebbels who was doing a job for the Cause. So was Wagner the musician. Albert Spiers was an architect. These people had skills and could speak and articulate.. You wouldn't buy Trump a beer at the RSL if you judged him by his looks and speaking ability. Nev
  8. Trump's mob reckon there will be civil War IF he loses. USA is in the $#!t either way. Nev
  9. Goebbels perfected it. Biggest LIES repeated often. Hitler took a lot of his basic thought from the Ku Klux Clan. Nev
  10. With writing you knew when it "Looked Right". Nev
  11. Totally WRONG design concept. Nev
  12. People steal fuel from ICE cars and it's easy to torch them on the side of the road Power in Powerlines is safer than large tankers rolling along in the traffic on city roads.. People are still running out of fuel and blocking traffic.. If you're only 1/4 full you don't have much range with an ICE car. . By the way the NEW full EV Toyota is actually a SUBARU.. Nev
  13. Quite a few Republicans are aware of what Trump has done to their Party and How whacky many of his plans are. Trump is NOW the Old FOOL but when he Loses there will be war within the USA with a country full of mad people with military Assault weapons who will say WE WAS ROBBED AGAIN. Nev
  14. You're not allowed to call it a WAR. Nev
  15. And there's More.... Free board and lodging at Bluestone College with BUBBA. No charge. Nev
  16. You can't see the trees for the wood..Nev
  17. The more info the average Russian gets the worse it is for Poutain. Nev
  18. Why don't you try being negative? Nev
  19. Make sure you fill in the LOG book. Nev
  20. She's seeing you all the time so it's not quite like a tenant in the normal sense. Nev
  21. Maybe the Fictitious Fortune helped. . She must know him as he really IS, if anyone does.. Nev
  22. Most old widows have a room to spare and like the company. Nev
  23. Turtles PONG when they dry out. Nev
  24. Good trad Jazz never makes anyone cranky. Nev
  25. That should be an easy task for anyone without $#1t for brains. I'll bet his missus Just "LOVES" all this. Nev
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