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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. My Acute depression worsens. Dog, your life is GRIM, space. Nev
  2. Don't apologise. Correcting us is his Raison d etre. Nev
  3. Never seen a cat try to get on a Goanna. Nev
  4. I was JUST testing you. Not necessarily YOU. If you build your Plane as scrupulously it will fly well. may you have substantial Tailwinds (Except when Landing). Nev
  5. Genitalia are better to work with than Gaze at. Nev
  6. My PAPER address book is full of deceased friends. It's NOT easy. Nev
  7. He didn't pre-empt the Court. That process had been exhausted and it was quite evident he would NOT get JUSTICE. Joe no doubt will wear the opprobrium to correct what should NEVER have happened as most people would were they in HIS circumstances.. Nev
  8. Remember how the Speaker Nancy Polosi 's Husband was Beaten with a hammer near to death. The Dems get demonised and blamed for everything bad that happens or is imagined. . That's the situation that exists. They don't even Intermarry. .There's NO Interference with their GUNS allowed. . Anyone can just walk in and buy one ( Except Hunter Biden) and his was only a Pistol. Nev
  9. Wille Might be a good idea IF you get some info from Joe's Lawyers and how Hunter was singled out for "Unusual" treatment re the Pistol matter and the Tax debt was paid back WITH INTEREST added and LAST minute reneging by the Prosecutors Of a Promise. You've only got one side of it mate. Reflect on how their GRAND JURY would have treated ASSANGE Pompeo wanted him murdered. HIS SAFETY could NOT be assured.. WE probably have Better JUSTICE HERE. Nev
  10. THAT might explain a few things. I will try to be more Understanding. IF you want to fascinate Women try looking like Barry Humphries Sir Les Patterson. . Nev
  11. Might make Parking easier. Honda tried that ages ago. BMW means Bavarian Motor Werken. An Inspiring name. When FORD purchased Jaguar, the Company had no forward designs on the books. Nev
  12. Tata are a Big show. They own lots of things. Nev
  13. Ronnie had God and said "WE are in the Last Days" so Climate and maybe debt didn't matter. European Governments said There's no point talking to Bush Jr. He ONLY talks to God. Personally I'd prefer someone who wants to look after the Only Planet we'll ever be suited for and Understands there is a WHOLE world Not Just the USA. and wherever they are fighting at the time. Nev
  14. Republicans will NEVER run a Woman for President. Nev
  15. Ronnie Raygun? He had Demetria. Nancy told him what to do. Nev
  16. I think we have to be careful. I don't know IF He would cope with being happy... I'm more worried about what it's doing to me. I thought I was a survivor. Nev
  17. Nah It's just the MOST mad person running the Mental Home. You might as well enjoy it. It's happening, regardless. Nev
  18. The sky is falling in too, chicken Little. Nev
  19. This has something to do with a Housing shortage? And I've run out of anti depressants, space. Nev
  20. Worse than Bush and Reagan?. Nev
  21. HOW can they? That option expired long ago. Trump NEVER thanked the GOP in his post Election speech. They will now reap what they sowed and deserve no less. Gutless wonders. Now the FUN starts. Nev
  22. Clever tactic but IF Trump wants it, HE should Own it. The (Maybe LAST) Election is over. HE has the Mandate as he promised to do it prior to the election. happening. Nev
  23. Nothing is certain under Trump. Breaching trade agreements with Potentially every body is enormous over reach of Power and Putinesque in manner. Who can ever trust such People? Both MEN?? are Bullies by nature. Isn't your Word your Bond if you have any Honour? Nev
  24. Politician families should be off limits with politically motivated actions. In American Politics I'd do the same for My kid in the same circumstances. People will think what they will. The Media shapes what most know and Democrats cop it from all sides being accused of causing all manner of things . You can be black and white and judgemental that's your choice but there is a context to all this and let those without sin, cast the first stone as the good book says. Nev
  25. Roundabouts intimidate a lot of people. and are not safe for motorcycles with a lot of other cars around. Neither is stopping to make a right turn. Sometimes even stopping at a red light is not safe. Nev
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