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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Halloween is a USA thing. The Christ thing has been commercialised. . Nev
  2. It's LABOR in AUSTRALIA. Nev
  3. You're JOKING I Hope. Nev
  4. Down through ALL history there has always been intolerance of Gender diverse People and women being regarded as possessions and inferior. About time we progressed a bit. We are now going backwards at a great rate. Do we go back to burning witches? Nev.
  5. The good ones who are forced out of Trumps AMERICA and would like a Civilized society with RULES might come here. Most YANKS I know don't want to pay taxes. . Nev
  6. Frosts clean out a lot of insects and a few nuisance grasses. Late frosts do the damage. Nev
  7. SERIOUS People don't negotiate Publicly. That's just for POSERS and Stuntmen. Nev
  8. Don't think I'll read the article. Nev
  9. The Victorian Liberal party is split right down the middle. It's possible Pallas had a good personal rating that the new candidate didn't match... Respectfully, you could do with a better local knowledge. when you deal with the complexity of Victorian Politics. Greens have also been ruffling a few feathers. Nev
  10. Trump will find ways of making you LOVE him, ie Obliterate you IF you don't., "Put In" gets voted in by 98% of the People. These things can be arranged. USA is now a Cronyist Dictatorship. Nev
  11. Citrus. You are CONFUSING weather with climate. IF the average temp goes up by that amount we ARE all IN DEEP TROUBLE. Nev
  12. Seeing They are bringing about the end of the world. That's reasonable. Non?
  13. Left hand circuits are used unless there's a good reason not to. . Better vision in turns. Airliners don't have the biggest windows being all pressurised. and heated. Nev
  14. Does anyone tell them what causes it? Nev
  15. Everyone growing up together? Nev
  16. They" peter out" when they cease to get moist air. They will never go far in desert,. Nev
  17. T Rump is not the one who will do that. Nev
  18. I think you are telling "Porkers.". Where did the eggs come from? Nev
  19. When either gets corrupted the Ordinary man get screwed. Capitalism user the existence of COMPETITION to provide good services them allows monopolies to form and produce Billionaires. who want SLAVES. Nev
  20. Trump is ALL about .................................. ....................................... ...................................................................................TRUMP..
  21. Someone let him know his Pilot sits on the left side of his plane and It needs a LEFT WING.. Nev
  22. Grandma's don't have to be that old these days. Nev
  23. FFS..... Fat Finger Syndrome. Ex chalkies always notice mistakes and circle them, when they are Marking papers or assignments. Nev
  24. CONflict of Interest? Thats what we are all about. See it. Like it TAKE it. . Nev
  25. Enjoy the experience. You have NO choice. Be good. Nev
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